
来源:互联网 发布:项韧带钙化 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 11:23

对于WinCE下读取Ini配置文件的时候,没有类似于XP桌面系统上的API函数 GetPrivateProfileString 等函数。要想对于INI配置文件的读写就要自己来实现这个函数。其实这个函数在WinCE系统开放出来的源码中已经有实现。自己已经稍稍的进行了改动,可以直接在工程中导入下来2个文件就使用这2个函数了。

在配置文件中 =( 等号) 两侧都不能有空格。 



//// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.////// Use of this sample source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft// license agreement under which you licensed this sample source code. If// you did not accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not// authorized to use this sample source code. For the terms of the license,// please see the license agreement between you and Microsoft or, if applicable,// see the LICENSE.RTF on your install media or the root of your tools installation.// THE SAMPLE SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTIES.//#define lengthof(x) ( (sizeof((x))) / (sizeof(*(x))) )BOOL ReadIni(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszValue, size_t cchValue, LPCWSTR pwszIniFile);BOOL WriteIni(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszValue, size_t cchValue, LPCWSTR pwszIniFile);





//// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.////// Use of this sample source code is subject to the terms of the Microsoft// license agreement under which you licensed this sample source code. If// you did not accept the terms of the license agreement, you are not// authorized to use this sample source code. For the terms of the license,// please see the license agreement between you and Microsoft or, if applicable,// see the LICENSE.RTF on your install media or the root of your tools installation.// THE SAMPLE SOURCE CODE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITH NO WARRANTIES.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "iniutil.h"BOOL ReadIni(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszValue, size_t cchValue, LPCWSTR pwszIniFile){   // GetPrivateProfileString is unavailable on CE   BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;   FILE * fin;   WCHAR wszLine[256];   LPWSTR pwsz = NULL;   if (!pwszIniFile ||      !pwszSection ||      !pwszKey ||      !pwszValue ||      !cchValue)   {      goto leave;   }   fin = _wfopen(pwszIniFile, L"r");   if (fin)   {      while (fgetws(wszLine, lengthof(wszLine), fin))      {         if (!wcsstr(wszLine, pwszSection)) // Section         {            continue;         }         while (fgetws(wszLine, lengthof(wszLine), fin)) // Key & Value         {            pwsz = wcschr(wszLine, L'=');            if (!pwsz)            {               continue;            }            *pwsz = L'\0'; // Erase the '='            if (0 != _wcsicmp(wszLine, pwszKey)) // Key            {               continue;            }            pwsz++; // Point to the value            bSuccess = SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyEx(                                    pwszValue,                                    cchValue,                                    pwsz,                                    &pwsz,                                    NULL,                                    0                                    ));            if (bSuccess)            {               if (*--pwsz == L'\n')               {                  *pwsz = L'\0';               }            }         }      }      fclose(fin);   }leave:   return bSuccess;}BOOL WriteIni(LPCWSTR pwszSection, LPCWSTR pwszKey, LPWSTR pwszValue, size_t cchValue, LPCWSTR pwszIniFile){   // WritePrivateProfileString is unavailable on CE   BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;   BOOL bReplace;   FILE * fin;   fpos_t posSrc;   fpos_t posDest;   size_t cchLine;   size_t cchNewLine;   WCHAR wszLine[256];   WCHAR wszNewLine[256];   LPWSTR pwsz = NULL;   DWORD dwAttrib;   if (!pwszIniFile ||      !pwszSection ||      !pwszKey ||      (!pwszValue && cchValue) ||      (cchValue >= lengthof(wszLine)))   {      goto leave;   }   dwAttrib = GetFileAttributes(pwszIniFile);   if (dwAttrib == -1)   {      goto leave;   }   SetFileAttributes(pwszIniFile, dwAttrib & ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY);   fin = _wfopen(pwszIniFile, L"r+");   if (fin)   {      bReplace = FALSE;      cchNewLine = 0;      while (fgetws(wszLine, lengthof(wszLine), fin))      {         if (!wcsstr(wszLine, pwszSection)) // Section            continue;         if (fgetpos(fin, &posSrc) || fgetpos(fin, &posDest))         {            goto closeFile;         }         while (fgetws(wszLine, lengthof(wszLine), fin)) // Key & Value         {            cchLine = wcslen(wszLine);            pwsz = wcschr(wszLine, L'=');            if (!pwsz)            {               goto nextLine;            }            *pwsz = L'\0'; // Erase the '='            if (0 != _wcsicmp(wszLine, pwszKey)) // Key            {               *pwsz = L'='; // Add the '=' back               goto nextLine;            }            *pwsz = L'='; // Add the '=' back            pwsz++; // Point to the value            // Clear Key & Value on NULL or empty string             if (!pwszValue || !cchValue)            {               bReplace = TRUE;               cchLine = 0;               goto nextLine;            }            // Do not overwritte more than the number of read characters.            size_t cchKey = (pwsz - wszLine);            if (SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyNEx(                                    wszNewLine,                                    lengthof(wszNewLine),                                    wszLine,                                    cchKey,                                    &pwsz,                                    &cchNewLine,                                    0                                    )) &&               SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyNEx(                                    pwsz,                                    cchNewLine,                                    pwszValue,                                    min((cchLine - cchKey), cchValue),                                    &pwsz,                                    &cchNewLine,                                    STRSAFE_IGNORE_NULLS                                    )))            {               bReplace = TRUE;               BOOL bAppendNewLine = FALSE;               if (wszLine[cchLine-1] == L'\n')               {                  cchLine--;                  bAppendNewLine = TRUE;               }               // See if there are remaining characters to copy               if (cchValue > (cchLine - cchKey))               {                  if (bAppendNewLine)                  {                     cchLine++;                  }                  pwszValue += (cchLine - cchKey);                  if (FAILED(StringCchCopyNEx(                                       wszLine,                                       lengthof(wszLine),                                       pwszValue,                                       (cchValue - (cchLine - cchKey)),                                       &pwsz,                                       &cchLine,                                       0                                       )) ||                     (bAppendNewLine &&                     FAILED(StringCchCopy(pwsz, cchLine, L"\n"))) ||                     FAILED(StringCchLength(wszLine, lengthof(wszLine), &cchLine)))                  {                     bReplace = FALSE;                  }               }               else               {                  if (bAppendNewLine &&                     FAILED(StringCchCopy(pwsz, cchNewLine, L"\n")))                  {                    bReplace = FALSE;                  }                  cchLine = 0;               }               if (FAILED(StringCchLength(wszNewLine, lengthof(wszNewLine), &cchNewLine)))               {                  bReplace = FALSE;               }            }nextLine:            if (bReplace)            {               BOOL bEOF = (BOOL)feof(fin);               // Save read offset, then restore write offset               if (fgetpos(fin, &posSrc) || fsetpos(fin, &posDest))               {                  goto closeFile;               }               if (cchNewLine)               {                  bSuccess = (WEOF != fputws(wszNewLine, fin));                  if (cchLine &&                     SUCCEEDED(StringCchCopyN(                                          wszNewLine,                                          lengthof(wszLine),                                          wszLine,                                          cchLine                                          )))                  {                     cchNewLine = cchLine;                  }                  else                  {                     cchNewLine = 0;                  }               }               else if (cchLine)               {                  bSuccess = (WEOF != fputws(wszLine, fin));                  cchLine = 0;               }               // Save write offset, then restore read offset               if (fgetpos(fin, &posDest) ||                  bEOF ||                  fsetpos(fin, &posSrc))               {                  goto closeFile;               }            }            else            {               // Just update read and write offsets               if (fgetpos(fin, &posSrc) || fgetpos(fin, &posDest))               {                  goto closeFile;               }            }         }      }closeFile:      if (bReplace && !fsetpos(fin, &posDest))      {         if (cchNewLine)         {            bSuccess = (WEOF != fputws(wszNewLine, fin));         }         SetEndOfFile(_fileno(fin));      }      fclose(fin);   }   SetFileAttributes(pwszIniFile, dwAttrib);leave:   return bSuccess;}


