
来源:互联网 发布:anaconda python 2.7 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 09:38

created byJorrit Wiersma script typeutility descriptionThis script uses the expr fold-method to create folds for python source code. 

Folds are created for: 
- Class definitions 
- def function definitions 
- Blocks between {{{, }}} markers (but not yet {{{n, etc.) 

The fold level for each fold is equal to the indentation divided by the value of the 'shiftwidth' option, so make sure that 'shiftwidth' is set to the right value for your code. 

Class and function folds show a count of the number of lines in the fold and the documentation string when closed (contributed by Max Ischenko). 

- The docstring is not shown when it is enclosed in single quotes (like '''comment'''); use double quotes instead (like """comment""") 
- Newest version relies on a blank line following class or function definition if the next bit of code is not a new class or function definition.  If this doesn't suit your programming style, use the _nonblank version 2.2 (nb).  That version is buggier, however.  Do not install both files. 

- It occasionally inserts a bogus fold at complicated structures like conditionals that are followed by a blank line.  A work-around is to remove the blank line or to replace it with a line containing a comment (a single '#' will do) 

install details

Choose either python_fold.vim or python_fold_nonblank.vim (do not use both at the same time!). 
Either save it in a file and source that file whenever you want to use the folding, or save it in your ftplugin directory (for example, ~/.vim/ftplugin) and it should load every time you edit python code.在vim编辑器里面编写如下代码:(test.c)

//function()  {{{

int function() {





这个函数体内容会被折叠起来 显示为:

23-30 lines: function() +--------------------------------------------------------+

把光标停留在该显示行上 在非编辑模式下敲击:

zo 展开
zc 收起
zn 全部展开
zN 全部折叠

