【动态规划】【集合】False Mirrors

来源:互联网 发布:农业税 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 18:52

1152. False Mirrors

Time Limit: 2.0 second
Memory Limit: 16 MB


We wandered in the labyrinth for twenty minutes before finally entering the large hall. The walls were covered by mirrors here as well. Under the ceiling hung small balconies where monsters stood. I had never seen this kind before. They had big bulging eyes, long hands firmly holding riffles and scaly, human-like bodies. The guards fired at me from the balconies, I shot back using my BFG-9000. The shot shattered three mirrors filling the room with silvery smoke. Bullets drummed against my body-armor knocking me down to the floor. Falling down I let go a shot, and got up as fast as I fell down by rotating on my back, like I did in my youth while break dancing, all this while shooting three more times. Three mirrors, three mirrors, three mirrors…

Sergey Lukjanenko, “The Labyrinth of Reflections”


BFG-9000 destroys three adjacent balconies per one shoot. (N-th balcony is adjacent to the first one). After the shoot the survival monsters inflict damage to Leonid (main hero of the novel) — one unit per monster. Further follows new shoot and so on until all monsters will perish. It is required to define the minimum amount of damage, which can take Leonid.


The first line contains integer N, аmount of balconies, on which monsters have taken a circular defense. 3 ≤N ≤ 20. The second line contains N integers, amount of monsters on each balcony (not less than 1 and no more than 100 on each).


Output minimum amount of damage.




73 4 2 2 1 4 1







#include <cstdio>#include <string>struct node{long id;long s;node* nxt;};const long hmod = 1000000;node sto[1000000];long sta[2][1000000];long f[2][1000000];long Sum[2][1000000];long sum = 0; node* head[1000000];long ths = 0;long pre = 1;long cnt[2];long num[30];long getint(){char tmp;long rs=0;bool sgn=1;do tmp=getchar();while (!isdigit(tmp)&&tmp-'-');if (tmp=='-'){tmp=getchar();sgn=0;}do rs=(rs<<3)+(rs<<1)+tmp-'0';while (isdigit(tmp=getchar()));return sgn?rs:-rs;}long getid(long s){long h = s % hmod;node* u = head[h];while (u){if (u->s == s){return u->id;}u = u->nxt;}cnt[ths] ++;sto[cnt[ths]].id = cnt[ths];sto[cnt[ths]].s = s;f[ths][cnt[ths]] = 0;Sum[ths][cnt[ths]] = 0;sta[ths][cnt[ths]] = s;sto[cnt[ths]].nxt = head[h];head[h] = &sto[cnt[ths]];return cnt[ths];}void clear(){cnt[ths] = 0;memset(head,0,sizeof head);}void updata(long &a,long &b,long c,long d,long e){if (a > c+sum-d-e || a == 0){a = c+sum-d-e;b = d + e;}}int main(){freopen("tfm.in","r",stdin);freopen("tfm.out","w",stdout);long n = getint();for (long i=0;i<n;i++)sum += num[i] = getint();f[ths][getid(0)] = 0;long ans = 0x7f7f7f7f;while (cnt[ths]){pre^=1;ths^=1;clear();for (long s=1;s<cnt[pre]+1;s++){long last = sta[pre][s];if (last == (1<<n)-1){ans = ans<f[pre][s]?ans:f[pre][s];continue;}for (long d1=0;d1<n;d1++){if (!(last & (1<<d1))) {long delta = num[d1];long ss = last | (1<<d1);if (!(last & (1<<((d1+1)%n)))){delta += num[(d1+1)%n];ss |= (1<<((d1+1)%n)); }if (!(last & (1<<((d1+2)%n)))){delta += num[(d1+2)%n];ss |= (1<<((d1+2)%n));}long id = getid(ss);updata(f[ths][id],Sum[ths][id],f[pre][s],Sum[pre][s],delta);}}}}printf("%ld",ans);return 0;}

