JWasm 跨平台汇编开发

来源:互联网 发布:2016开淘宝店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:00

工具组合:JWasm + JWlink+ masm32 + WinInc

    1. About JWasm

    JWasm is intended to be a free Masm-compatible assembler. It supports
    16-, 32- and 64-bit code generation and instructions up to AVX.

    Various output formats are supported:

    format     option     comment
    OMF        -omf       (default) object format, 16- and 32-bit supported
    BIN        -bin       plain binary format (boot sector, BIOS, DOS COM)
    COFF       -coff      MS Win32 object format
    WIN64      -win64     MS Win64 object format
    MZ         -mz        DOS native binary format (.EXE)
    ELF32      -elf       Linux 32-bit object format
    ELF64      -elf64     Linux 64-bit object format
    DJGPP      -djgpp     Djgpp's 32-bit COFF variant (optional).

    JWasm is distributed in several packages. Besides the source package
    there are some which contain precompiled binaries for Windows, DOS and
    Linux. Other OSes like OS/2 and FreeBSD are also supported, but no binary
    is supplied, it must be created from the sources.

    JWasm has its roots in Open Watcom's Wasm. The source is released under
    the Sybase Open Watcom Public License (see license.txt for details).

    2. Requirements

    - JWASM.EXE, a precompiled Win32 binary, should run on any 32- or 64-bit

    - JWASMD.EXE, a precompiled DOS binary, runs in DOS 32bit protected-mode.
      It requires a 80386 cpu and needs a MS-DOS v5 compatible DOS to run
      (FreeDOS v1 will do). Long filenames (LFN) are supported. JWASMD.EXE
      won't run on 64-bit Windows.

    - JWASMR.EXE is a DOS real-mode program which runs on any x86 cpu.
      Similar to JWASMD.EXE it needs a MS-DOS v5 compatible DOS. Restrictions
      of this version are:
      - doesn't support long filenames
      - doesn't support Open Watcom fastcall register convention
      - supports OMF, BIN and MZ output formats only
      - no support for 64-bit, SSE4 and AVX.
      - no support for OPTION DLLIMPORT.

    Memory requirements depend on the source which is assembled. The source
    itself is not kept in memory, but the symbol table is, and this table
    can easily grow to several MBs if huge amounts of equates are defined.
    That's why JWASMR.EXE might be unable to assemble large sources.

    3. Documentation

    JWasm's documentation consists of

    - Readme.txt (this file)
    - a Manual, which describes the differences to Masm. It may be in
      HTML (Manual.html), Windows HTMLHelp (JWasm.ch*) or ASCII text
      (Manual.txt) format.
    - History.txt, which describes bugfixes and changes of all JWasm versions.
    - License.txt, which is a copy of the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.

    4. Samples

    The binary packages contain samples in subdirectory SAMPLES.

    For output formats other than BIN or MZ, JWasm's output has to be
    linked to create an executable binary. Select one of the following

    Format  Linker    Comment
    OMF     Wlink     contained in Open Watcom, free, open source
    OMF     ALink     by A. Williams, free
    OMF     ValX      by David Lindauer (Ladsoft), free
    OMF     OptLink   from Digital Mars, free
    OMF     Link16    the old OMF linker (v5.60) from Microsoft
    OMF     TLink     from Borland
    COFF    Wlink     this linker accepts OMF and COFF modules
    COFF    MS Link   will also accept OMF modules
    COFF    PoLink    supplied with PellesC, free
    WIN64   MS Link   must be version 7.10 or newer
    WIN64   Polink    must be version 5 or newer
    WIN64   JWlink    fork of OW Wlink
    ELF32   LD        the GNU linker
    ELF64   LD        the GNU linker
    ELF64   JWlink    fork of OW Wlink

    Note that the name of the MS OMF linker binary is LINK.EXE, identical
    to the MS COFF linker name.

    5. How to Create the JWasm Binaries

     JWasm is written in C. The following Makefiles are supplied
    in the source package:

    name         tool chain used               creates binary for
    Makefile     OW v1.7a-v1.9                 Win32, DOS (32-bit)
    OWDOS16.MAK  OW v1.7a-v1.9                 DOS (16-bit)
    OWOS2.MAK    OW v1.7a-v1.9                 OS/2 (32-bit)
    OWLinux.MAK  OW v1.7a-v1.9                 Linux
    MSVC.MAK     VC++ TK 2003/VC++ 2005 EE     Win32 [, DOS (32-bit)]
    PCC.MAK      PCC                           Win32
    PellesC.MAK  Pelles C v5                   Win32 [, DOS (32-bit)]
    BCC.MAK      Borland C++ Cmdline Tools     Win32
    GccWin.MAK   GCC, MinGW/Cygwin             Win32
    GccDos.MAK   GCC, DGPJJ                    DOS (32-bit)
    GccUnix.MAK  GCC, FreeBSD/Linux            FreeBSD [, Linux]
    TCC.MAK      Tiny C                        Win32
    OC.MAK       Orange C                      Win32
    OWWinDll.MAK OW v1.7a-v1.9                 Win32 (JWasm.dll)
    MsvcDll.MAK  VC++ TK 2003                  Win32 (JWasm.dll)

     The makefiles which use the OW tool chain are supposed to be run
    with Open Watcom's WMake, MSVC.MAK should be run with MS NMAKE,
    PellesC.MAK expects POMAKE and for Gcc*.MAK GNU make is to be used.

    More detailed information may be found in the makefiles themselves!

     The default settings in Makefile will create both the Win32 and
    32bit-DOS binaries of JWasm.

    6. Using JWasm with Visual Studio

    a) VS 2005/2008

    To integrate JWasm into VS, copy file jwasm.rules to directory
    <vc_dir>\VC\VCProjectDefaults. After this is done, JWasm can be
    selected as assembler inside the VS IDE.

    b) VS 2010

    - Unzip file VS2010CustomBuildRule.zip. The result a 3 files with
      extensions .props, .targets and .xml.
    - Copy those files to MSBUILD's build customization directory, which
      usually is found at

      C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\BuildCustomizations

    7. Contributors

    These people contributed to JWasm ( additions, bugfixes, bug reports):

    agner, BlackVortex, drizz, Paul Edwards, filofel, Peter Flass,
    James C. Fuller, gfalen, Japheth, Jimg, jj2007, Khusraw, Alex Kozlov,
    Peter Kuznetsov, misca, Michal Necasek, H. Nidudsson, Jose Pascoa,
    Terry Philips, qWord, RotateRight, Ito Toshimitsu, Vortex.


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