
来源:互联网 发布:立体画图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 18:23


Animation topAnimation = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, 0, -heightOfTopTrans);topAnimation.setDuration(durationMillis);//topAnimation.setInterpolator(this, anim.accelerate_interpolator);topAnimation.setFillAfter(true);mTopLayout.startAnimation(topAnimation);mGridView.startAnimation(topAnimation);





Won't this cause them to be out of sync (not essential here), especially the ones that are started later? – Matthew Feb 9 at 19:58
Not really. Basically what happens is when you use startAnimation on a view, it starts invalidating itself until it's reached the desired location. When you call it on all the views at once, they'll all call invalidate() on themselves, then on the next drawing pass each view will be drawn in their next frame. Since you're calling all this on the UI thread anyway, none of the animations will start until you've returned from that method. NOTE: Using the pre-Honeycomb animation framework merely moves the visual portion of the view. The user won't be able to click on it. – DeeV Feb 9 at 20:10

目前 还没有找到相关的解决的方法抓狂,如果有高人知道,求指点。
