关于 App store 里的截图 在不同分辨率手机的sotre里与 pc的itunes store 里不一致的问题

来源:互联网 发布:java反射获得属性值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 23:58

不同分辨率的Device中 打开 app store里看到同一app的截图不一致的问题:

截图的分辨率,建议用960x640 (高分) 否则会看到不同的截图。

itunes store里与真机的sotre里截图显示不一致问题:

方向 引起的

引用 Apple 的回复 :

Missing Screenshots on iPhone Store

“The reason you are only seeing two screenshots on the mobile App Store is because, currently, the mobile App Store will only show one orientation of screenshots. If your first screenshot is a vertically oriented, the only other screenshots that will show for your application are the vertical screenshots. On the other hand, if the first screenshot is horizontally oriented, the only other screenshots that will show for your application are the horizontal screenshots.”

截止目前是这样的,以后 app store 会不会改变,不得而知。
