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race [reis]                       n.      1.(速度上的)比赛 2.人种,种族

vi.      1.全速行进 2.(使)比速度

pace [peis]                             v.       1.踱步 2.用步测量

n.       1.步子 2.步速3.节奏

lace [leis]                                       n.       1.带子 2.花边

v.       系带子,束紧

necklace [5neklIs]                         n.     项链


Home schoolers oppose the system becausethey have strong convictions that their approach to education——whether fueledby religious enthusiasm or the individual child’s interests and naturalpace——isbest. (CET-6, 1998.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 5)






wedge [wedV]                         vt.       楔入,挤进    n.           楔,楔形物

edge [edV]                           n.      1.边,棱 2.刀口,刃                

                                              v.        侧身移动,挤进




promise [5prCmis]                    v.       1.允许,答应 2.有……的可能,有希望

n.       1.诺言,承诺 2.希望

promising [5prCmisiN]                        a.        有前途的,有希望的

compromise [5kCmprEmaiz]           v.        妥协,折衷




dismiss [dis5mis]                      vt.      1.解散 2.解雇,开除

miss [mis]                          v.       1.发现丢失 2.惦念3.错过,没碰上4.逃脱

permit [pE(:)5mit]                   v.        许可,允许           n.    许可证,执照

emit [i5mit]                           vt.       散发,发射(光,热等)

omit [Eu5mit]                          vt.      1.省略,删去 2.疏忽,遗漏

submit [sEb5mit]                      v.       1.呈报,提交 2.(使)服从,屈服

transmit [trAnz5mit]                vt.      1.传送,传递 2.传播,传染

admit [Ed5mit]                         v.        承认

commit [kE5mit]                     v.       1.把……交托给,提交 2. 犯(罪),干(怪事)

committee [kE5miti]                      n.        委员会

commitment [kE5mitmEnt]                  n.     1. 承诺;约定;约束 2. 责任;承担义务

1. Whatever product you use shouldemit only visible light, because ultraviolet light damages theeyes. (CET-6, 2005.6,Passage 4, Paragraph 6)



2. This makes it easier to dismissall scientific pronouncements, but especially those made by thescientists who present themselves as “experts”. (CET-6, 2006.1, Passage 4, Paragraph 3)



3. Unlike other lawbreakers, who must leavethe country, commit suicide, or go to jail, computercriminals sometimes escape punishment, demanding not only that they not becharged but that they be given good recommendations and perhaps other benefits.(CET-6, 1997.1, Passage 1, Paragraph 5)





dismission [dis5miFEn]                    n.        免职,解雇,不予考虑

mission [5miFEn]                            n.       1.使命,任务 2.代表团,使团

permission [pE(:)5miFEn]             n.             允许,同意

emission [i5miFEn]                                     n.   (光,热等的)散发,发射

omission [Eu5miFEn]                 n.            省略,删除

submission [sEb5miFEn]              n.             1.屈从,降服,顺从 2.提议,建议

transmission [trAnz5miFEn]           n.   1.传送 2.发射

mansion [5mAnFEn]                        n.        大厦, 官邸

admission [Ed5miFEn]              n.       1.承认 2.允许进入

commission [kE5miFEn]                 n.       1.委员会 2.委任,委托3.佣金,手续费

version [5vE:FEn]                   n.       1.描述,看法 2.译文,版本

vision [5viVEn]                                     n.        1.视力 2. 远见;洞察力 3. 幻影,念头


1. Youcan teach your dog its subordinate(从属的)roleby teaching it to show submissionto you. (CET-4, 2001.1,Passage 1, Paragraph 3)



2. Missions of the Apollo flights have had tocross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys, theApollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems. (CET-4, 1996-1, Passage 1,Paragraph 2)





switch [switF]                          v.       1.转变 2.接通,切断 (电源)  

n.       1.开关,电闸 2.转换 3.枝条

stitch [stitF]                           n.       1.一针 2.针脚       v.      缝, 缝合

ditch [ditF]                            n.       沟,沟渠

pitch [pitF]                                           vt.      1.用沥青覆盖 2.投掷,扔  

                                              n.       1.沥青 2.掷

patch [pAtF]                            v.       修补

n.       1.补钉,补片 2.小块,小片

dispatch [dis5pAtF]                     vt.      1.派遣,发送 2.调度,调遣

n.    (公文)急件,快信,新闻电讯


1.Shortlyafter birth in December1978,KimberlyMays and another infant were mistakenlyswitched and senthome with the wrong parents. (CET-4, 2003.6, Passage 4, Paragraph 4)



2. Half the animals could switchoff the current by turning a wheel in their enclosure, while theother half could not. (CET-6,1999.6, Passage 1, Paragraph 1)



3. By studying mineral grains found inmaterial ranging from rocks to clay articles, previous researchers have alreadybeen able to identify reversals dating back 170 million years, including themost recentswitch 730,000 years ago. (CET-6, 1999.1, Passage 2, Paragraph 3)





delivery [dI5lIvErI]                                   n.          1.解救,释放 2.递送,交付3. 讲演的姿势

deliver [di5livE]                      v.        1.解救,释放 2.递送,交付3.表达

sliver [5slivE]                          n.     长条狭长的一小块、一小部分或一小片

                                             例:     a sliver of land 狭长的一小片土地

vi.       1.切开 2.把... 剖成长条,把...切成薄片


Rationing (定量供应) is virtually suspended, andoverseas suppliers have been asked to hold backdeliveries.(CET-6, 1991.6, Passage 2, Paragraph 1)





pack [pAk]                       v.       1.塞满,挤满  2.收拾(行礼)

n.       小包,背包

package [5pAkidV]                         n.      1.包,包裹 2.一揽子交易(计划等)

packet [5pAkit]                           n.       一小包,小盒




pile [pail]                                v.       堆,堆积,叠             n.    堆

compile [kEm5pail]                vt.      编辑,汇编


In 1995the CIA held a contest to see who could compile the mostdata about Burundi.(NETEM2003, Text 1, Paragraph 2)





representative [7repri5zentEtiv]           n.       代表,代理人

representation [7reprizen5teiFEn]       n.           1.代表,代理  2.描述 3.表示,象征

represent [7ri:pri5zent]                vt.      1.代理,代表 2.表现,描述 3.象征,表示

presently [5prezEntli]                  ad.     1.一会,不久 2.现在,目前

presence        [5prezns]                        n.      1.出席,在场 2.存在

present [pri5zent]                        v.       1.赠送,呈现 2.介绍,引见 3. 提出(论点等)

absent [5AbsEnt]                    a.         1.缺席,不在场 2.漫步经心的

absence [5AbsEns]                       n.      1.缺席,不在场 2.缺乏

consent [kEn5sent]                        v. /n.   同意,赞成,答应


resent [ri5zent]                      vt.       怨恨,不满

recent [5ri:snt]                                   a.        新近的, 近来的
