
来源:互联网 发布:mysql中long类型 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:43

华南理工大学微软俱乐部虚拟现实开发团队 梁成 刘青 张嘉华 罗文杰

摘要:在虚拟现实系统中,要实现各种自然场景的生成,其中树木、花草等自然景物的生成和模拟,是整套虚拟现实系统的重要组成部分,本文介绍了二叉树、L-System两种算法,对两种算进行改进、合并,用以生成树木,并给出了基于Visual Studio.net、FrameWork1.1和GDI+的关键代码。

1. 引言

2. 二叉树随机植物生成
void tree(iter)
tree(iter-1); //画左子树
  tree(iter-1); //画右子树
n=0   n=1     n=2     n=3   n=4







3. L-System随机植物生成
其中G是字符集,这里G={F,+,-,[,]};W是起始符号元,用以确定字符串的初始状态,且W∈G, 此处W=“F”;P为该类植物的生成规则集,即替换法则,这里
深度 L-System产生的字符串   
1 F   
2 FF+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+F]   
3 FF+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+F]FF+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+F]+[+FF+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+
… … 

void tree(iter)
read a character to ch;
while(ch!=')'} and (ch!=NULL) do
switch (ch)
case 'F':画线;
case '+':顺时针转;
case '-':逆时针转;
case '[':turtle (iter-1);

n=0     n=1      n=2      n=3




4. 两种算法的合并

void tree(iter)

for i=1 to layer
tree(iter-1); //画左子树
  tree(iter-1); //画右子树



5. 基于GDI+的树木绘制
我们采用Visual Studio.net作为集成环境,采用GDI+作为图形接口,FrameWork1.1把GDI+封装为Windows.Drawing命名空间。在我们的实验代码中,我们的算法是基于直角坐标系的,在具体的画线过程中,由于屏幕坐标系相对与我们生成的树木是倒立的,所以我们需要自己编写一个基于正立坐标系的DrawLine函数,在函数体内调用GDI+的内置DrawLine函数之前,根据屏幕大小,把树木图形翻转。具体的DrawLine函数代码如下:
Private Sub DrawLine(ByVal width As Short, ByVal x1 As Short, ByVal y1 As Short, ByVal x2 As Short, ByVal y2 As Short, ByVal col As Color)

       y1 = Height - y1
       y2 = Height - y2

        Dim pen As New Pen(col)
        pen.Width = width
        gdi.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2)

End Sub
6. 具体的实现代码
以上方法已经应用在我们的实践项目之中,语言为visual basic.net,需要framework1.1支持,下面给出代码的关键部分:

    Dim gdi As Graphics
    Const pi = 3.1415926

    Private Function Rand(ByVal min As Single, ByVal max As Single) As Single
        'On Error resume next
        Rand = Rnd() * (max - min) + min
    End Function

    Private Sub DrawLine(ByVal width As Short, ByVal x1 As Short, ByVal y1 As Short, ByVal x2 As Short, ByVal y2 As Short, ByVal col As Color)

       y1 = Height - y1
       y2 = Height - y2

        Dim pen As New Pen(col)
        pen.Width = width
        gdi.DrawLine(pen, x1, y1, x2, y2)

    End Sub

    Private Sub leaf(ByVal x As Short, ByVal y As Short, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal xstep As Single)
        Dim i As Short
        Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single
        Dim col1 As Color

        angle = angle / 180 * pi
        Dim t As Single = -10 / 180 * pi
        For i = 1 To 3
            col1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 90 - i * 15, 80 + i * 30, 130 - i * 30)
            x1 = x + Math.Cos(t + angle) * xstep
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(t + angle) * xstep
            DrawLine(1, x, y, x1, y1, col1)

            x1 = x + Math.Cos(-t + angle) * xstep
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(-t + angle) * xstep
            DrawLine(1, x, y, x1, y1, col1)

            t = t - 20 / 180 * pi

    End Sub

    Friend Sub GenerateTree(ByVal iter As Short, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal xstep As Single, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)

        Dim col1 As Color
        If iter <= 2 Then

            If iter = 1 Then
                col1 = Color.FromArgb(200, 60, 50, 70)

                col1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 30, 170, 50)
            End If

            col1 = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 80, 50)
            If (angle > 180) Or (angle < 0) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        Dim rt As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, t As Single
        If iter = 0 Then
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
            If xstep > 2 Then
                DrawLine(4, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
                DrawLine(1, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
            End If

            Exit Sub
        End If

        t = angle / 180 * pi
        x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
        y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
        DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
        x = x1
        y = y1

        Dim style As Short = 0

        Dim rstyle As Single
        rstyle = Rand(0, 1)
        If rstyle < 0.5 Then
            style = 1
            style = -1
        End If

        'Do While style = 0
        'style = Int(Rnd() * 2 - 1)

        If iter >= 5 Then
            GenerateTree(iter - 1, angle + (30 * style) + Rand(-15, 15), xstep * 0.6, x1, y1)
            GenerateTree(iter - 1, angle + (30 * style) + Rand(-30, 30), xstep * 0.6, x1, y1)
        End If

        If (angle > 80) And (angle < 100) And (iter > 4) Then
            GenerateTree(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep * 0.8
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep * 0.8
            DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
            x = x1
            y = y1
            GenerateTree(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)

            GenerateTree(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)
        End If

        xstep = xstep * 0.75

        If iter >= 5 Then
            rt = angle - 30 * style + Rand(-15, 15)
            rt = angle - 30 * style + Rand(-30, 30)
        End If

        t = rt / 180 * pi
        x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
        y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
        DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
        GenerateTree(iter - 1, rt, xstep * 0.5, x, y)
        GenerateTree(iter - 1, rt, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)
        GenerateTree(iter - 1, rt - 30 * style + Rand(-15, 15), xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)

    End Sub

    Friend Sub GenerateTree1(ByVal iter As Short, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal xstep As Single, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
        'on error resume next

        Dim col1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 80, 50)

        If iter <= 1 Then
            leaf(x, y, 90 + (angle - 90) / 2, 8 + xstep / 10)

            Exit Sub

            If (angle > 180) Or (angle < 0) Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If

        Dim rt As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, t As Single

        t = angle / 180 * pi
        x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
        y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
        DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
        x = x1
        y = y1

        Dim style As Short = 0
        Dim rstyle As Single
        rstyle = Rand(0, 1)

        If rstyle < 0.5 Then
            style = 1
            style = -1
        End If

        'Do While style = 0
        'style = Int(Rnd() * 2 - 1)

        If iter >= 4 Then
            GenerateTree1(iter - 1, angle + (40 * style) + Rand(-15, 15), xstep * 0.6, x1, y1)
            GenerateTree1(iter - 1, angle + (30 * style) + Rand(-30, 30), xstep * 0.6, x1, y1)
        End If

        If (angle > 80) And (angle < 100) And (iter > 3) Then
            GenerateTree1(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep * 0.8
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep * 0.8
            DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
            x = x1
            y = y1
            GenerateTree1(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)

            GenerateTree1(iter - 1, angle, xstep * 0.7, x1, y1)
        End If

        xstep = xstep * 0.75

        If iter >= 4 Then
            rt = angle - 40 * style + Rand(-15, 15)
            rt = angle - 30 * style + Rand(-30, 30)
        End If

        If (rt > 180) Or (rt < 0) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If

        t = rt / 180 * pi
        x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
        y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
        DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
        GenerateTree1(iter - 1, rt, xstep * 0.5, x, y)

        GenerateTree1(iter - 1, rt, xstep * 0.5, x1, y1)
        GenerateTree1(iter - 1, rt - 30 * style + Rand(-15, 15), xstep * 0.5, x1, y1)

    End Sub


    Friend Sub GenerateTree2(ByVal iter As Short, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal xstep As Single, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
        'on error resume next

        Dim col1 As Color
        Dim rt As Single, x1 As Single, y1 As Single, t As Single, left As Single, right As Single
        Dim i As Short
        If (angle > 170) Or (angle < 10) Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        If iter <= 1 Then
            xstep = xstep * 0.8
            If xstep > 13 Then xstep = xstep * 0.8

            col1 = Color.FromArgb(200, 30, 150, 80)
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * xstep
            y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * xstep
            DrawLine(3, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
            Exit Sub


            col1 = Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 80, 50)

        End If

        Dim pp As Single = 0.75 '每层缩小的比例
        Dim prop As Single = 1
        For i = 1 To 5
            prop = prop * pp + pp

        prop = prop + 0.5
        Dim brach As Single = xstep / prop
        For i = 1 To 5
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            If i = 1 Then
                x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * brach * 0.4
                y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * brach * 0.4
                x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * brach
                y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * brach
            End If
            DrawLine(iter - i + 3, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
            x = x1
            y = y1
            brach = brach * pp
        GenerateTree2(iter - 2, angle, brach * 1.5, x, y)

        For i = 1 To 4
            brach = brach / pp
            t = angle / 180 * pi
            x = x - Math.Cos(t) * brach
            y = y - Math.Sin(t) * brach
            left = angle + 60 '最左枝的角度
            right = angle - 60 '最右枝的角度
            While left > right
                If i <= 2 Then
                    GenerateTree2(iter - 2, left, brach * 1.7, x, y)
                    GenerateTree2(iter - 1, left, brach * 2, x, y)
                End If
                left = left - 40 + Rand(-15, 15)
            End While
            If i <= 2 Then
                GenerateTree2(iter - 2, right, brach * 1.7, x, y)
                GenerateTree2(iter - 1, right, brach * 2, x, y)
            End If

    End Sub
    Private strtree As String
    Private str_len As Long
    Private piont As Long = -1

    Private Sub GenerateLSystemTree()
        gdi = Me.PictureBox1.CreateGraphics
        Dim pen As New Pen(Color.Black)
        Dim depth As Integer = 4
        Dim xStep As Single
        Dim Width As Single
        Dim Height As Single
        Dim Visable As Boolean
        Dim pic As Bitmap


        Const re11 As String = "GG+[+F-F-F]-[-F+F+F]"
        Const re21 As String = "GG-[-F+F+]+[+F-F-F]"
        Const re31 As String = "GG-[-F+F+F]+[+F-F-F]"
        strtree = re31 '种子"F",想限定树的生长偏向同一侧则可规定第一次替换的方案
        Dim style As Single '生成随机样式
        Dim i As Byte, j As Long, ch As Char, change As Char
        For i = 1 To depth
            str_len = strtree.Length
            For j = 0 To str_len - 1
                ch = strtree.Chars(j) '每次读一个字符
                If (ch = "F") Or (ch = "G") Then
                    style = Rand(0, 3)
                    Select Case style
                        Case 0 To 1
                            change = "A"
                        Case 1 To 2
                            change = "B"
                        Case 2 To 3
                            change = "C"
                    End Select
                    strtree = strtree.Insert(j, change)
                    strtree = strtree.Remove(j + 1, 1)
                End If

            strtree = strtree.Replace("A", re11)
            strtree = strtree.Replace("B", re21)
            strtree = strtree.Replace("C", re31)
            'strtree = strtree.Replace("G", "GG")


        piont = -1 '字符串指针初始化
        Dim x As Single = 200
        Dim y As Single = 50
        Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single
        Dim col1 As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 80, 60)
        x1 = x + Math.Cos(pi / 2) * 60
        y1 = y + Math.Sin(pi / 2) * 60
        DrawLine(6, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
        x = x1
        y = y1

        Lsystemtree(depth - 1, 90, x, y - 20)

    End Sub

    Friend Sub Lsystemtree(ByVal iter As Short, ByVal angle As Single, ByVal x As Single, ByVal y As Single)
        'on error resume next
        Dim col1 As Color
        Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, t As Single
        Dim ch As Char
        While (ch <> "]") And (piont < str_len - 1) '推栈或字符串已读完
            piont = piont + 1
            ch = strtree.Chars(piont)

            Select Case ch
                Case "F" '画树叶
                    col1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 30, 150, 90)
                    t = angle / 180 * pi
                    x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * 4
                    y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * 4
                    DrawLine(3, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
                    x = x1
                    y = y1
                Case "G" '画树干
                    col1 = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 80, 60)
                    t = angle / 180 * pi
                    x1 = x + Math.Cos(t) * 4
                    y1 = y + Math.Sin(t) * 4
                    DrawLine(iter, x, y, x1, y1, col1)
                    x = x1
                    y = y1
                Case "+"
                    angle = angle + 30
                Case "-"
                    angle = angle - 30
                Case "[" '压栈
                    Lsystemtree(iter - 1, angle, x, y)
            End Select

        End While

    End Sub

GenerateTree(6, 90, 60, 200, 50)           '生成如图1的树
GenerateTree1(5, 90, 60, 200, 50)          '生成如图2的树
GenerateTree2(4, 90, 250, 200, 50)         '生成如图4的树
GenerateLSystemTree()                      '生成如图3的树

