
来源:互联网 发布:数据质量分析报告公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 22:12
import struct class Format(object):    """Endianness and size format for structures."""    Native          = "@"       # Native format, native size    StandardNative  = "="       # Native format, standard size    LittleEndian    = "<"       # Standard size    BigEndian       = ">"       # Standard size    class Element(object):    """A single element in a struct."""    id=0    def __init__(self, typecode):        Element.id+=1           # Note: not thread safe        self.id = Element.id        self.typecode = typecode        self.size = struct.calcsize(typecode)     def __len__(self):        return self.size     def decode(self, format, s):        """Additional decode steps once converted via struct.unpack"""        return s     def encode(self, format, val):        """Additional encode steps to allow packing with struct.pack"""        return val     def __str__(self):        return self.typecode     def __call__(self, num):        """Define this as an array of elements."""        # Special case - strings already handled as one blob.        if self.typecode in 'sp':            # Strings handled specially - only one item            return Element('%ds' % num)        else:            return ArrayElement(self, num)     def __getitem__(self, num): return self(num) class ArrayElement(Element):    def __init__(self, basic_element, num):        Element.__init__(self, '%ds' % (len(basic_element) * num))        self.num = num        self.basic_element = basic_element     def decode(self, format, s):        # NB. We use typecode * size, not %s%s' % (size, typecode),         # so we deal with typecodes that already have numbers,          # ie 2*'4s' != '24s'        return [self.basic_element.decode(format, x) for x in                      struct.unpack('%s%s' % (format,                             self.num * self.basic_element.typecode),s)]     def encode(self, format, vals):        fmt = format + (self.basic_element.typecode * self.num)        return struct.pack(fmt, *[self.basic_element.encode(format,v)                                   for v in vals]) class EmbeddedStructElement(Element):    def __init__(self, structure):        Element.__init__(self, '%ds' % structure._struct_size)        self.struct = structure     # Note: Structs use their own endianness format, not their parent's    def decode(self, format, s):        return self.struct(s)     def encode(self, format, s):        return self.struct._pack(s) name_to_code = {    'Char'             : 'c',    'Byte'             : 'b',    'UnsignedByte'     : 'B',    'Int'              : 'i',    'UnsignedInt'      : 'I',    'Short'            : 'h',    'UnsignedShort'    : 'H',    'Long'             : 'l',    'UnsignedLong'     : 'L',    'String'           : 's',      'PascalString'     : 'p',      'Pointer'          : 'P',    'Float'            : 'f',    'Double'           : 'd',    'LongLong'         : 'q',    'UnsignedLongLong' : 'Q',    } class Type(object):    def __getattr__(self, name):        return Element(name_to_code[name])     def Struct(self, struct):        return EmbeddedStructElement(struct)        Type=Type() class MetaStruct(type):    def __init__(cls, name, bases, d):        type.__init__(cls, name, bases, d)        if hasattr(cls, '_struct_data'):  # Allow extending by inheritance            cls._struct_info = list(cls._struct_info) # use copy.        else:            cls._struct_data=''            cls._struct_info=[]     # name / element pairs         # Get each Element field, sorted by id.        elems = sorted(((k,v) for (k,v) in d.iteritems()                         if isinstance(v, Element)),                        key=lambda x:x[1].id)         cls._struct_data += ''.join(str(v) for (k,v) in elems)        cls._struct_info += elems        cls._struct_size = struct.calcsize(cls._format + cls._struct_data) class Struct(object):    """Represent a binary structure."""    __metaclass__=MetaStruct    _format = Format.Native  # Default to native format, native size     def __init__(self, _data=None, **kwargs):        if _data is None:            _data ='\0' * self._struct_size                    fieldvals = zip(self._struct_info, struct.unpack(self._format +                                              self._struct_data, _data))        for (name, elem), val in fieldvals:            setattr(self, name, elem.decode(self._format, val))                for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():            setattr(self, k, v)     def _pack(self):        return struct.pack(self._format + self._struct_data,             *[elem.encode(self._format, getattr(self, name))                 for (name,elem) in self._struct_info])                     def __str__(self):        return self._pack()        def __repr__(self):        return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._pack())    ####################################################################  End of implementation - usage examples follow:################################################################### ##################################################################### Usage## Using the above code, we can now define structures in a# more readable class based syntax.  For example:###################################################################    class Point(Struct):    _format = Format.LittleEndian    x = Type.Short    y = Type.Short    p = Point('\x01\x00\x02\x00') print p.x, p.y   # Prints 1,2p.x, p.y = 100,200print repr(p)     # Prints "Point('d\x00\xc8\x00') assert(struct.pack('<hh',100,200) == str(p))    ##################################################################### Arrays and Embedded structures## You can also embed arrays, (and arrays of arrays), as well# as other structures within your struct definition.################################################################### class Shape(Struct):    _format = Format.BigEndian    name      = Type.String[8]    numpoints = Type.Int    points    = Type.Struct(Point)[4] # Array of 4 points. s=Shape('Triangle\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x00\x05\x00\x05\x00\n\x00'        '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') # This will print "Triangle [(0,0), (5,5), (10,0)]"print s.name, [(p.x, p.y) for p in s.points[:s.numpoints]] # The same structure could be created as:s2=Shape(name='Triangle', numpoints=3, points=[                                         Point(x=0,y=0),                                         Point(x=5,y=5),                                         Point(x=10,y=0),                                         Point(x=0,y=0)]) assert str(s2) == str(s) # Note that even though Shape is in BigEndian format, the Points# keep their LittleEndian setting, so mixing formats is possible,# and the same struct will always have the same representation# regardless of its context.  Hence the following is true: assert str(s.points[1]) == str( Point(x=5, y=5)) # It is also possible to define multi-dimensional arrays,# which will be unpacked as lists of lists.# In addition, it is possible to add methods and non-struct# instance variables without interfering with the structure# (Unless you overwrite structure field names of course) class TicTacToe(Struct):    board = Type.Char[3][3] # 3x3 array of chars     ignored = 'This is not packed / unpacked by the structure'        def display(self):        print '\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in self.board) game = TicTacToe('X.O.X...O')print game.board  # [['X', '.', 'O'], ['.', 'X', '.'], ['.', '.', 'O']] game.display()# Prints: X.O#         .X.#         ..O game.board[0][1] = 'X'game.display()# Prints: XXO#         .X.#         ..Oprint str(game) # prints 'XXO.X...O'  ##################################################################### Inheritance## Structures may also be inherited from, in which case, additional# fields will occur after the existing ones.#################################################################### class Point3D(Point):    z = Type.Short p = Point3D(x=1, y=2, z=3) print repr(p)   # prints Point3D('\x01\x00\x02\x00\x03\x00')
