
来源:互联网 发布:数据质量分析报告公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 00:17
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#  Name:  Author: Suresh Kumar MP#  Last Modified: 09/29/06#  Description: This python script monitors the IMAP mail server for the given#  account and moves the mails with attachments to "Downloadedmails"#  folder in server after downloading the attachments to the individual#  directories on localmachine with a timestamp.#------------------------------------------------------------------------------import getopt, getpass, os, sys, timeimport imaplibimport email, email.Errors, email.Header, email.Message, email.Utilsfrom time import strftimefrom time import sleep  Usage = """Usage: %s  --user <user> --password <password> --frequency <polling frequency> <imap-server> --user  Provide <user> for authentication on <imap-server>--password    Password for the given user --frequency  Provide the mail server polling frequency in seconds  Example: --user username --password password --frequency 300 """ AttachDir = '.'# Attachment Directory PathDeleteMessages = 0SaveAttachments = 1# Save all attachments foundUser = None# IMAP4 userPassword = None# User passwordFrequency = None# Mail server polling frequencyexists = 0name = 0 def usage(reason=''):sys.stdout.flush()if reason: sys.stderr.write('\t%s\n\n' % reason)head, tail = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])sys.stderr.write(Usage % tail)sys.exit(1) def args():try:optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '?',['user=', 'password=', 'frequency='])except getopt.error, val:usage(val) global SaveAttachmentsglobal Userglobal Passwordglobal Frequencyfor opt,val in optlist:if opt == '--user':User = valelif opt == '--password':Password = valelif opt == '--frequency':Frequency = float(val)else:usage() if len(args) != 1:usage() return args[0] def write_file(filename, addr, data):os.chdir(addr)fd = open(filename, "wb")fd.write(data)fd.close() def gen_filename(name, mtyp, addr, date, n): timepart = strftime("%d %b %y %H_%M_%S")file = email.Header.decode_header(name)[0][0]file = os.path.basename(file)print "Saved attachment  " + file + "  from  " + addrprint "\n"path = os.path.join(AttachDir, file)pre, ext = os.path.splitext(file)pre = pre + "_" + timepartpath = '%s%s' % (os.path.join(AttachDir, pre),  ext)return path def error(reason):sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % reason)sys.exit(1)def walk_parts(msg, addr, date, count, msgnum):for part in msg.walk():if part.is_multipart():continuedtypes = part.get_params(None, 'Content-Disposition')if not dtypes:if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':continuectypes = part.get_params()if not ctypes:continuefor key,val in ctypes:if key.lower() == 'name':filename = gen_filename(val, part.get_content_type(), addr, date, count)breakelse:continueelse:attachment,filename = None,Nonefor key,val in dtypes:key = key.lower()if key == 'filename':filename = valif key == 'attachment':attachment = 1if not attachment:continuefilename = gen_filename(filename, part.get_content_type(), addr, date, count)try:data = part.get_payload(decode=1)except:typ, val = sys.exc_info()[:2]warn("Message %s attachment decode error: %s for %s ``%s''"% (msgnum, str(val), part.get_content_type(), filename))continue if not data:warn("Could not decode attachment %s for %s"% (part.get_content_type(), filename))continue if type(data) is type(msg):count = walk_parts(data, addr, date, count, msgnum)continueif SaveAttachments:exists = "0"try:curdir= os.getcwd()list = os.listdir('.\\')for name in list:if name == addr:exists = "1"breakif exists == "1":write_file(filename, addr, data)os.chdir(curdir)else:os.mkdir(addr)write_file(filename, addr, data)os.chdir(curdir)exists == "0"os.chdir(curdir)except IOError, val:error('Could not create "%s": %s' % (filename, str(val)))count += 1 return count  def process_message(text, msgnum):try:msg = email.message_from_string(text)except email.Errors.MessageError, val:warn("Message %s parse error: %s" % (msgnum, str(val)))return text date = msg['Date'] or 'Thu, 18 Sep 2006 12:02:27 +1000'date = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d.%T', email.Utils.parsedate(date))addr = email.Utils.parseaddr(msg['From'])[1]attachments_found = walk_parts(msg, addr, date, 0, msgnum)if attachments_found:return ''else:return None  def read_messages(fd): data = []; app = data.append for line in fd:if line[:5] == 'From ' and data:yield ''.join(data)data[:] = []app(line) if data:yield ''.join(data)  def process_server(host): global DeleteAttachments try:mbox = imaplib.IMAP4(host)except:typ,val = sys.exc_info()[:2]error('Could not connect to IMAP server "%s": %s'% (host, str(val))) if User or mbox.state != 'AUTH':user = User or getpass.getuser()if Password == "":pasw = getpass.getpass("Please enter password for %s on %s: "% (user, host))else:pasw = Passwordtry:typ,dat = mbox.login(user, pasw)except:typ,dat = sys.exc_info()[:2] if typ != 'OK':error('Could not open INBOX for "%s" on "%s": %s'% (user, host, str(dat)))'Inbox'), dat =, 'ALL')mbox.create("DownloadedMails")deleteme = []for num in dat[0].split():typ, dat = mbox.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')if typ != 'OK':error(dat[-1])message = dat[0][1]if process_message(message, num) == '':deleteme.append(num)if deleteme == []:print "\n"print "No mails with attachment found in INBOX"deleteme.sort()for number in deleteme:mbox.copy(number, 'DownloadedMails'), "+FLAGS.SILENT", '(\\Deleted)') mbox.expunge()mbox.close()mbox.logout() def main(): file_or_server = args()print "\n"print "Monitoring the Mail server  " + file_or_server + "  for account  " + Userwhile 1:process_server(file_or_server)printfre = str(Frequency)print "Sleeping for  " + printfre + "  seconds..."sleep(Frequency)  if __name__ == '__main__':try:main()except KeyboardInterrupt:pass
