
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网cf武器 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:28

#include <iostream>#include <string.h>#include <vector>using namespace std;/* get all substrings which start with 'begPth' and end with 'endPtn' (but not include 'endPtn') from string srcStr,all of these substings will be stored in vector and then returned*/vector<string> GetSub(string srcStr,string begPtn,string endPtn){    vector<string> result;    if(srcStr.empty())        return result;              string::size_type iSrcLen = 0;    iSrcLen = srcStr.size();    string::size_type iBegPos = 0, iEndPos = 0;    while(iBegPos <= iSrcLen)    {        //从上个子串的结束位置开始查找下个字串的起始位置        iBegPos = srcStr.find(begPtn,iEndPos);        if(iSrcLen <= iBegPos)            break;        //从子串的起始位置开始查找其结束位置        iEndPos = srcStr.find(endPtn,iBegPos+1);        if(iEndPos < iBegPos)            break;        string subStr = srcStr.substr(iBegPos+1,iEndPos-iBegPos-1);        result.push_back(subStr);    }    return result;}int main(){    string srcStr = "sadfasdfsf#sdaf989789$#asdfasf894325445$#456123asdf$";    string begPtn = "#";    string endPtn = "#";    vector<string> strlist = GetSub(srcStr,begPtn,endPtn);    vector<string>::iterator iter_beg = strlist.begin();    vector<string>::iterator iter_end = strlist.end();    cout<<"srcStr = "<<srcStr.c_str()<<endl;    cout<<"begPtn = "<<begPtn.c_str()<<" ; endPtn = "<<endPtn.c_str()<<endl;    cout<<"begin out put:"<<endl;    while(iter_beg < iter_end)    {        cout<<(*iter_beg).c_str()<<endl;        iter_beg++;    }    char cStop;    cout<<"stop...."<<endl;    cin>>cStop;    return 0;}