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1. trivial  adj. 繁琐的,微不足道的

e.g.The role set should include all those with whom the individual has more than trivial interactions.



2. likelihood  n.可能

e.g.: Hence, there is somelikelihood that all accounts will be alike or that all blondes are similar.

risk    possibility    probability   chance


3. circumstance  n.环境

e.g.: In socialcircumstances, dress has often been used as a role sign to indicate the nature and degree of formality of any gathering and occasionally the social status of people present.

environment  setting   surrounding


4. subordinate   n. adj.下级(的)、次要(的)

e.g.: Thesubordinate will continue to hear you as his boss no matter how hard you try to be his friend.


submarine    sub-region   subhuman


5. ritual  n.典礼、仪式

e.g.: The change of role has to have a very obvious sign, hencerituals.


6. ambiguity  n.模棱两可

e.g.: Roleambiguity results when there is some uncertainty in the minds, either of …


ambi- 两者、二、双


7. irritation  n. 恼怒,苦恼

e.g.Looking at role ambiguity from the other side, from the point of view of the members of the role set, lack of clarity in the role of the focal person can cause insecurity, lack of confidence,


8. executive adj.执行的,管理的,行政的

chief executive CEO

e.g.We may, in fact, hear quite another message if the focal person speaks to us, for example, as a teacher and we hear her as anexecutive.

9. specify  v.指定、指明、具体说明

e.g.: It would be a good idea tospecify the role definitions of soldiers more clearly.


10. reverse     v.使倒转、使反向

e.g.: The decline in emphasis on marriage rituals should be reversed.

reversible   adj.

converse  adj.     invert v.


11. eliminate   v.消除

e.g.: Job descriptionseliminate role ambiguity for managers.
