
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝苹果电脑有假货吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:13
jquery.wizardSteps.html :
<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>导航条</title><script language="javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script><script language="javascript" src="js/jquery.wizardSteps.js"></script><link href="css/jquery.wizardSteps.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function() { $('.steps').steps();    $('.steps').steps('start');});</script></head><body> <div class="steps">            <ul class="blue 5steps">                <li class="completed"><a href="#"><em>Step 1</em><span>Description 1</span></a></li>                <li class="completedLast"><a href="#"><em>Step 2</em><span>Description 2</span></a></li>                <li class="current"><a href="#"><em>Step 3</em><span>Descripción del paso 1</span></a></li>                <li class=""><a href="#"><em>Step 4</em><span></span></a></li>                <li class="end"><a href="#"><em>Step 5</em><span></span></a></li>            </ul>        </div>        <span style="clear:both; display:block;"> </span>    <input type="button" value="Start over |<-" onclick="$('.steps').steps('start');"/>    <input type="button" value="<< prev" onclick="$('.steps').steps('prev');"/>    <input type="button" value="next >>" onclick="$('.steps').steps('next');"/>    <input type="button" value="Finish ->|" onclick="$('.steps').steps('finish');"/></body></html>


/** * jquery.steps-0.1,js - Steps plugin for jQuery * ================================================ * (C) 2011 José Ramón Díaz - jrdiazweb@gmail.com *  * Instantiation: $('.stepsDiv').steps() *  * Functions: *     $('.stepsDiv').steps('getStep') - Returns current step for stepDiv *     $('.stepsDiv').steps('start')   - Resets state to initial step *     $('.stepsDiv').steps('finish')  - Sets state to completed *     $('.stepsDiv').steps('next')    - Sets state to next state *     $('.stepsDiv').steps('prev')    - Sets state to previous state *      * Classes needed and meaning *     N/A              - Uncompleted step. Greyed by default *     end              - Last uncompleted step. Greyed and no "arrow" *     last             - Boundary class. Marks last completed step and last step *     current          - Current step *     completed        - Completed step *     completedLast    - Last completed step *     completedLastEnd - Last step when all steps are completed *  * Extending steps with representation *     You can also use the steps CSS. You can find it at *     http://3nibbles.blogspot.com/2011/06/pasos-de-wizard.html *      * Legal stuff *     You are free to use this CSS, but you must give credit or keep header intact. *     Please, tell me if you find it useful. An email will be enough. *     If you enhance this code or correct a bug, please, tell me. *  */(function( $ ){    $.fn.steps = function( options ) {                  var self = this;                        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        // DEFAULT VALUES        var defaults = {};        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        // PRIVATE FUNCTIONS        var init = function( options ) {                        // If options exist, merge them with default settings            if ( options ) $.extend( defaults, options );                    var $this = $(this);            var data = $this.data('steps');                                   return this.each(function() {                                var $this = $(this);                data      = $this.data('steps');                           // The plugin hasn't been initialized yet                if ( ! data ) {                                    // Initializes the plugin data                    $(this).data('steps', {                         target : $this,                        step   : 0                    });                    };            });                                };                var destroy = function( ) {             return this.each(function() { self.removeData('steps'); })        };        //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        // PUBLIC FUNCTIONS        var methods = {                getStep: function( ) {                return self.data('steps')['step']; },                start:   function( ) { return methods.setStep(0); },                finish:  function( ) {                     var l = self.find('ul li').length;                    methods.setStep(l);                    self.data('steps')['step'] = l;                     return l;                },                prev:    function( ) {                     var step = methods.getStep();                    var l    = self.find('ul li').length;                    if(step == l) step = step-1;                    return methods.setStep(step - 1);                 },                next:    function( ) {                      return methods.setStep(methods.getStep() + 1);                },                setStep: function( stepNumber ) {                      // Sets the step number                    var l = self.find('ul li').length;                    if(stepNumber < 0) stepNumber = 0;                    if(stepNumber > l) stepNumber = l;                                        // Resets styles                    self.find('ul li').removeClass('current completed completedLast last end completedLastEnd');                    // Styles for intermediate steps                    self.find('ul li:lt(' + ((stepNumber < l) ? stepNumber : l-1) + ')').addClass('completed');                    if(stepNumber > 0 && stepNumber < l)                         self.find('ul li:nth(' + (stepNumber-1) + ')').addClass('completedLast');                    if(stepNumber < l)                        self.find('ul li:nth(' + stepNumber + ')').addClass('current');                    // Last step style                    if(stepNumber == l)                          self.find('ul li:last').addClass('completedLastEnd');                    //if(stepNumber == l-1)                      //    self.find('ul li:last').addClass('currentEnd');                    else                         self.find('ul li:last').addClass('end');                                        self.data('steps')['step'] = stepNumber;                     return stepNumber;                }                        };                /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        // Decides what to do        if ( methods[options] ) {            return methods[options].apply( self, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));        } else if ( typeof options === 'object' || ! options ) {            return init.apply( self, arguments );        } else {            //$.error( 'Method ' +  options + ' does not exist on jQuery.tooltip' );            return init.apply( self, {} );        }                        };})( jQuery );

/** * Steps UL/LI styles. * ================================================ * (C) 2011 José Ramón Díaz - jrdiazweb@gmail.com * * Useful wizard step indications * * Sample: *     <div class="steps"> *         <ul class="blue"> *             <li class="completed"><a href="#"><em>Step 1</em><span>Description of step 1</span></a></li> *             <li class="last completed"><a href="#"><em>Step 2</em><span>Description of step 2</span></a></li> *             <li class="current"><a href="#"><em>Step 3</em><span>Description of step 3</span></a></li> *             <li class=""><a href="#"><em>Step 4</em><span></span></a></li> *             <li class=""><a href="#"><em>Step 5</em><span></span></a></li> *         </ul> *     </div> * * Classes *     N/A              - Uncompleted step. Greyed by default *     end              - Last uncompleted step. Greyed and no "arrow". Modern browsers just need "last" class instead of end. *     last             - Boundary class. Marks last completed step and last step. Used only by modern browsers (the ones with the ability of interpret multiple classes for one element) *     current          - Current step *     completed        - Completed step. Lighter color *     completedLast    - Last completed step. Older browsers compatibility. Modern browsers just need "last completed" classes *     completedLastEnd - Last step when all steps are completed. Older browsers compatibility. Modern browsers just need "last completed" classes * * If you plan to use only actual browsers just need the classes "", "current" and "completedLast OR "last completed" * If you need full browsers compatibiliy, you need "", "end", "current", "completed", "completedLast" and "completedLastEnd" * * Extending steps with jQuery *     You can also use the steps jQuey plugin. You can find it at *     http://3nibbles.blogspot.com/2011/06/pasos-de-wizard.html *      * Legal stuff *      You are free to use this CSS, but you must give credit or keep header intact. *      Please, tell me if you find it useful. An email will be enough. *      If you enhance this code or correct a bug, please, tell me. *//* Display styles */.steps { clear: both; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px; text-align: left; }  .steps ul { display: table; table-layout: fixed; width: 100%; }    .steps ul li { display: table-cell; list-style:none; vertical-align: middle;                   _display: inline; *width: 120px; /* IE6/7 Hacks */ }    /* CSS2.x browsers and IE fill width hacks - To fill 100% width they need to set the number the steps in the UL */    .steps ul.1step li,  .steps ul.2steps li, .steps ul.3steps li, .steps ul.4steps li, .steps ul.5steps li,    .steps ul.6steps li, .steps ul.7steps li, .steps ul.8steps li, .steps ul.9steps li, .steps ul.10steps li { display: inline; float:left; }    .steps ul.1step  li  { width: 100%; }    .steps ul.2steps li  { width: 50%;  }    .steps ul.3steps li  { width: 33%;  }    .steps ul.4steps li  { width: 25%;  }    .steps ul.5steps li  { width: 20%;  }    .steps ul.6steps li  { width: 16%;  }    .steps ul.7steps li  { width: 14%;  }    .steps ul.8steps li  { width: 12%;  }    .steps ul.9steps li  { width: 11%;  }    .steps ul.10steps li { width: 10%;  }      .steps ul li.current {}      .steps ul li.last a { }      .steps ul li.completed {}        .steps ul li.completed.last, .steps ul li.completedLast {}      .steps ul li a { display:block; text-decoration:none; font-weight: normal; }        .steps ul li.completed a:hover, .steps ul li.completed.last a:hover, .steps ul li.completedLast a:hover { cursor:pointer; }        .steps ul li a em, .steps ul li a strong, .steps ul li a span, .steps ul li em, .steps ul li strong, .steps ul li span { display:block; font-style:normal; }        .steps ul li a em, .steps ul li a strong, .steps ul li em, .steps ul li strong { font-weight:bold; }        .steps ul li a span, .steps ul li a div, .steps ul li span, .steps ul li div  { height: 45px; /* For even heights */ }/* Default colors */.steps { text-shadow: 1px 1px #777; color:#CCCCCC; }        .steps ul li a:link, .steps ul li a:visited, .steps ul li a:hover, .steps ul li a:active { color:#CCCCCC; }        .steps ul li.completed.last a, .steps ul li.completed.last a:link, .steps ul li.completed.last a:visited, .steps ul li.completed.last a:hover, .steps ul li.completed.last a:active, .steps ul li.current a,        .steps ul li.completedLast a, .steps ul li.completedLast a:link, .steps ul li.completedLast a:visited, .steps ul li.completedLast a:hover, .steps ul li.completedLast a:active,        .steps ul li.completedLastEnd a, .steps ul li.completedLastEnd a:link, .steps ul li.completedLastEnd a:visited, .steps ul li.completedLastEnd a:hover, .steps ul li.completedLastEnd a:active,        .steps ul li.current a, .steps ul li.current a:link, .steps ul li.current a:visited, .steps ul li.current a:hover,  .steps ul li.current a:active,        .steps ul li.completed a, .steps ul li.completed a:link, .steps ul li.completed a:visited, .steps ul li.completed a:hover, .steps ul li.completed a:active            { color:#FFFFFF; }        .steps ul li.completed a:hover, .steps ul li.completed.last a:hover, .steps ul li.completedLast a:hover { color:#FFFF99; }/* Color themes - No images */      .steps ul li { padding: 0 5px 0 5px; background-color: #EBEBEB; }        .steps ul li.current { background-color:#6699CC; }        .steps ul li.last {  }        .steps ul li.completed { background-color:#3366CC; }        .steps ul li.completed.last, .steps ul li.completedLast { }/* Color themes - Blue images theme. Sprites size: 23px x 71px */     .steps ul.blue li { height:71px; padding: 0 20px 0 5px;                          background: #EBEBEB url("data:image/gif;base64, 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") no-repeat right -71px;                          _background: #EBEBEB url("../images/steps/blue_step_sprite.gif") no-repeat right -71px; /* IE6 needs phisical images */ }        .steps ul.blue li.current { background-color:#6699CC; }        .steps ul.blue li.completed, .steps ul.blue li.completedLast, .steps ul.blue li.completedLastEnd { background-color:#3366CC; }/* Color themes - Green images theme. Sprites size: 23px x 71px */      .steps ul.green li { height:71px; padding: 0 20px 0 5px;                           background: #EBEBEB url("") no-repeat right -71px;                           _background: #EBEBEB url("../images/steps/green_step_sprite.gif") no-repeat right -71px; /* IE6 needs phisical images */ }        .steps ul.green li.current { background-color:#83FE47; }        .steps ul.green li.completed, .steps ul.green li.completedLast, .steps ul.green li.completedLastEnd { background-color:#36A300; }/* Color themes - Sprite positions & default colors - MUST BE AT THE END! */      .steps ul li { background-position: right -71px; }        .steps ul li.current { background-position: right -142px; }        .steps ul li.end, .steps ul li.last, .steps ul li.completedLastEnd { background-position: right top; }        .steps ul li.completed { background-position: right -213px; }        .steps ul li.completed:last-child, .steps ul li.completedLast, .steps ul li.completed.last { background-position: right -284px; } /* class "last completed" only supported by modern browsers */        .steps ul li:last-child { background-position: right top; } /* CSS3 browsers */?
