
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云怎么解析域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:57

Write a program to convert binary tree in to doubly linked list such that doubly linked list represents the spiral order of given tree using recursion, Inplace(no Extra Space except recursion memory stack)

given pointer to head of binary tree

/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7

doubly linked list represent

head-> 1 2 3 7 6 5 4



struct node{    int val;    node *left;    node *right;   };void append(node* &head, vector<node*>&vec, int beg, int end, bool flag ) {    if (flag) {        for (int i = beg; i <= end; ++i) {            node* n = vec[i];            n->right = NULL;            head->right = n;            n->left = head;            head = n;        }    }    else {        for (int i = end; i >= beg; --i) {            node* n = vec[i];            n->right = NULL;            head->right = n;            n->left = head;            head = n;        }    }}void push(vector<node*>& vec, int beg, int end) {    for (int i = beg; i <= end; ++i) {        node *n = vec[i];        if (n->left) vec.push_back(n->left);        if (n->right) vec.push_back(n->right);    }}node* bitree2dlink(node *root) {    if (!root) return NULL;    vector<node*> vec;    int beg = 0;    int end = 0;    vec.push_back(root);    node head;    head->left = NULL;    head->right = NULL;    node *pt = &head;    bool flag = false;    while(vec.size() > 0) {        push(vec, beg, end);        append(pt, beg, end, flag);        flag = !flag;        beg = end + 1;        end = vec.size() - 1;    }    return pt->right;}


int height(node* root) {    if (root == NULL) return 0;    return max(height(root->left)+1, height(root->right) + 1);}void tree2link(node*pt, node* n, int level, bool flag) {    if (n == NULL) return;    if (level == 0) {         n->right = pt->right;         if (pt->right) pt->right->left = n;         pt->right = n;         n->left = pt;    }    if (level > 0) {        if (flag) {            tree2link(pt, n->left, level - 1, flag);            tree2link(pt, n->right, level - 1, flag);        }        else {            tree2link(pt, n->right, level - 1, flag);            tree2link(pt, n->left, level - 1, flag);        }    }}node *recurBitree2dl(node *root) {    if (!root) return NULL;    node head;    node* pt = &head;    int h = height(root) - 1;    bool flag = true;    for (int i = h; i >= 0; --i) {        tree2link(pt, root, i, flag);        flag = ~flag;     }}




Node *tree2Link(Node *root) {    if (root == NULL)        return NULL;    vector<Node *> vec;    bool flag = true;    vec.push_back(root);    int beg = 0, end = 0;    Node head;    Node *t = &head;    while (!vec.empty()) {        if (flag) {            int i = beg;            for (;i< = end; ++i) {                Node *tmp = vec[i];                if (tmp->left)                    vec.push_back(tmp->left);                if (tmp->right)                    vec.push_back(tmp->right);                t->right = tmp;                tmp->left = t;                                t = tmp;            }                   }        else {            int i = end;            for (; i >= beg; --i) {                Node *tmp = vec[i];                if (tmp->right)                    vec.push_back(tmp->right);                if (tmp->left)                    vec.push_back(tmp->left);                t->right = tmp;                tmp->left = t;                t = tmp;            }        }        beg = end + 1;        end = vec.size() - 1;        flag = ~flag;    }    return head.right;}



struct node{    struct node *left;    struct node *right;    int data;};struct node *rslt;//Global structure pointer..it point to head of doubly linked list int height(struct node* head){    if(head==NULL)        return 0;    if(head->left==NULL && head->right==NULL)        return 0;    int lh=height(head->left);    int rh=height(head->right);    return lh>rh?(lh+1):(rh+1);}struct node* appnd(struct node *a,struct node *b){    if(a==NULL)return b;    if(b==NULL)return a;    struct node* result=a;    while(a->left!=NULL)        a=a->left;    a->left=b;    b->right=a;    //b->left=NULL;    return result;}void printGivenLevel(struct node* head,int level,int ltr){    if(head==NULL)        return;    if(level==0)    {        appnd(rslt, head);        rslt = head;    }    if(level>0)    {        if(ltr)        {            printGivenLevel(head->left,level-1,ltr);            printGivenLevel(head->right,level-1,ltr);        }        else        {            printGivenLevel(head->right,level-1,ltr);            printGivenLevel(head->left,level-1,ltr);        }    }}void printGivenOrder(struct node* head){    int i=0;    int ltr=0;    for(i=height(head); i >= 0; i--)    {        printGivenLevel(head,i,ltr);        ltr=~ltr;    }}struct node* NewNode(int data){    struct node* tmp=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));    tmp->data=data;    tmp->left=NULL;    tmp->right=NULL;    return tmp;}void printList(struct node* node){    struct node* current=node;    while(current)    {        printf("%d ----> ",current->data);        current=current->right;    }}int main(){    struct node* start=NULL;    start=NewNode(1);    start->left=NewNode(2);    start->right=NewNode(3);    start->left->left=NewNode(4);    start->left->right=NewNode(5);    start->right->left=NewNode(6);    start->right->right=NewNode(7);    printGivenOrder(start);    printList(rslt);    return 0;}
