East Meets West: How the Brain Unites Us All

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝无线优惠券 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/02 02:48

1、  For a start, the affect how people categorize objects, with EastAsians tending to group things according to how they relate to each other andAmericans tending to rely on shared features.



2、  Americans are more likely to explain murders and sports events byinvoking the traits and abilities of individuals, while Chinese intend to referto historic factors.


3、  Chinese people are happier with contradictions and try to find amiddle ground between two opposing positions, while Americans are more inclinedto reject one proposition for the other.


4、  Westerners appear to perceive the world in an analytic way,narrowing their focus onto prominent objects, lumping them into categories andexamining them through logic.


5、  That might explain why many psychologists have been happy to goalong with it. However, recently it has become apparent that the East-Westdichotomy is not as clear-cut as this.

