美国软件测试组织最新的教育课程主题 (转贴)

来源:互联网 发布:信贷员客户资源软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 16:10

作者: 方海光  来源:sleepbug.bokee.com 

以下是2005年9月提供的一些主题和课程,作为工程实际应用, 供国内的软件测试同行了解最新的国际方向和侧重点关注的参考。

   1. 基于需求的测试:

   2. 数据库和SQL:

   3. 测试自动化:

   4. 测试过程和项目的管理:

   5. Web和电子商务的测试

   6. 基于风险的测试:

   7. 测量和度量:

   8. 测试人员的编程概念

   9. 执行成本效率的性能测试

   10. 用户可接受性测试

   11. 测试计划的书写

   Below are some of the topics and courses being offered in these cities (See individual cities for details):
   Requirements-Based Testing
   Effective Requirements for Effective Testing
   Evaluating Business Requirements

   Database and SQL
   Programming and Database Concepts for Test and QA Professionals

   Test Automation
   Test Automation Architectures and Advanced Techniques
   Automated Software Testing - A Lifecycle Methodology

   Managing the Test Process and Project

   Project Management for QA and Test Professionals
   Managing the Software Testing Process
   Effective Software Test Management
   Managing the Software Test Organization

   Web and eBusiness Testing
   Testing Web and eBusiness Applications

   Risk-Based Testing
   Risk-Based Test Management
   Risk Based Testing: Analysis and Strategy Development
   Testing in a Rapid Application Development Environment

   Measurements and Metrics
   Improved Software Testing With the Use of Metrics
   Test Process Measurements and Improvement

   Programming Concepts for Testers
   Programming Concepts for Test and QA Professionals

   Performance Testing
   Conducting Cost-Effective Performance Testing

   User Acceptance Testing
   User Acceptance Testing

   Writing Test Plans
   Writing Test Plans
