
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝门头图片素材 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 23:20
Java NOI非阻塞技术不是开启线程去等待端口的响应,而是采用Reactor模式或Observer模式监听I/O端口,当端口有响应时,会自动通知我们,从而实现流畅的I/O读写。

Java NOI中selector可视为一个观察者,只要我们把要观察的SocketChannel告诉Selector(注册的方式),我们就可以做其余的事情,等到已告知Channel上有事情发生时,Selector会通知我们,传回一组SelectionKey,我们读取这些Key,就可以获得Channel上的数据了。

Client端的底层通信直接采用了阻塞式IO编程,Server是采用Java NIO机制进行RPC通信:

java NIO参考资料:





public static Server getServer(final Object instance, final String bindAddress, final int port,                                 final int numHandlers,                                 final boolean verbose, Configuration conf,                                 SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager)     throws IOException {    return new Server(instance, conf, bindAddress, port, numHandlers, verbose, secretManager);  }


private static class Call {    private int id;                       // 请求id    private Writable param;               // 请求的参数    private Connection connection;        // 和Client一样,表示一个C/S间的连接    private long timestamp;               // 时间戳    private ByteBuffer response;          // server对此次请求的响应结果...}


    public int readAndProcess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {    //先对connection进行版本校验,校验成功后读取Header头部信息(得到客户端所用的协议和客户端的标识user)    //,接着读取数据(Call.id和参数params,其中params),然后建立一个Call      while (true) {        /* Read at most one RPC. If the header is not read completely yet         * then iterate until we read first RPC or until there is no data left.         */            int count = -1;        if (dataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0) {          count = channelRead(channel, dataLengthBuffer);                 if (count < 0 || dataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0)             return count;        }              if (!versionRead) {//尚未版本验证          //Every connection is expected to send the header.          ByteBuffer versionBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);          count = channelRead(channel, versionBuffer);          if (count <= 0) {            return count;          }          int version = versionBuffer.get(0);          //要读取BufferByte前要先flip下          dataLengthBuffer.flip();//.flip();一定得有,如果没有,就是从最后开始读取的,当然读出来的都是byte=0时候的字符。          //通过buffer.flip();这个语句,就能把buffer的当前位置更改为buffer缓冲区的第一个位置                    if (!HEADER.equals(dataLengthBuffer) || version != CURRENT_VERSION) {            //Warning is ok since this is not supposed to happen.            LOG.warn("Incorrect header or version mismatch from " +                      hostAddress + ":" + remotePort +                     " got version " + version +                      " expected version " + CURRENT_VERSION);            return -1;          }          dataLengthBuffer.clear();//清除内容          versionRead = true;//验证版本了          continue;        }                if (data == null) {//分配新的data          dataLengthBuffer.flip();          dataLength = dataLengthBuffer.getInt();                 if (dataLength == Client.PING_CALL_ID) {            dataLengthBuffer.clear();            return 0;  //ping message          }          data = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataLength);          incRpcCount();  // Increment the rpc count        }                count = channelRead(channel, data);//读数据                if (data.remaining() == 0) {//因为分配刚好的dataLength,所有正常情况会无剩余空间          dataLengthBuffer.clear();          data.flip();          if (headerRead) {//头部已经处理过了            processData();//处理数据            data = null;            return count;          } else {            processHeader();            headerRead = true;            data = null;                        // Authorize the connection            try {//尝试授权              authorize(user, header);//user已创建成功                            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {                LOG.debug("Successfully authorized " + header);              }            } catch (AuthorizationException ae) {//授权失败              authFailedCall.connection = this;              setupResponse(authFailedResponse, authFailedCall,                             Status.FATAL, null,                             ae.getClass().getName(), ae.getMessage());              responder.doRespond(authFailedCall);                            // Close this connection              return -1;            }            continue;          }        }         return count;      }    }


  public void run() {      LOG.info(getName() + ": starting");      SERVER.set(Server.this);      while (running) {        SelectionKey key = null;        try {        /*Selector通过select方法通知我们我们感兴趣的事件发生了。        nKeys = selector.select();        如果有我们注册的事情发生了,它的传回值就会大于0*/          selector.select();          Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();          while (iter.hasNext()) {            key = iter.next();            iter.remove();            try {              if (key.isValid()) {//此键是否有效                if (key.isAcceptable())//通道是否已准备好接受新的套接字连接。                  doAccept(key);//接受一个新连接,为通道注册读事件,建立新连接并将新连接加入connectionList                else if (key.isReadable())//测试此键的通道是否已准备好进行读取。                  doRead(key);//调用Connection.readAndProcess读取call的数据,建立新call              }            } catch (IOException e) {            }            key = null;          }        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {          // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads          // log the event and sleep for a minute and give           // some thread(s) a chance to finish          LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e);          closeCurrentConnection(key, e);          cleanupConnections(true);          try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {}        } catch (InterruptedException e) {          if (running) {                          // unexpected -- log it            LOG.info(getName() + " caught: " +                     StringUtils.stringifyException(e));          }        } catch (Exception e) {          closeCurrentConnection(key, e);        }        cleanupConnections(false);      }      LOG.info("Stopping " + this.getName());      synchronized (this) {        try {//善后工作          acceptChannel.close();          selector.close();        } catch (IOException e) { }        selector= null;        acceptChannel= null;                // clean up all connections        while (!connectionList.isEmpty()) {          closeConnection(connectionList.remove(0));        }      }    }


  /** Handles queued calls . */  private class Handler extends Thread {    public Handler(int instanceNumber) {      this.setDaemon(true);      this.setName("IPC Server handler "+ instanceNumber + " on " + port);    }    @Override    public void run() {      LOG.info(getName() + ": starting");      SERVER.set(Server.this);// 设置当前处理线程的本地变量的拷贝      ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(10240);      while (running) {        try {          final Call call = callQueue.take(); // pop the queue; maybe blocked here          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())            LOG.debug(getName() + ": has #" + call.id + " from " +                      call.connection);                    String errorClass = null;          String error = null;          Writable value = null;          CurCall.set(call);// 设置当前线程本地变量拷贝的值为出队得到的一个call调用实例            try {            // Make the call as the user via Subject.doAs, thus associating            // the call with the Subject          // // 根据调用Server.Call关联的连接Server.Connection所对应的用户Subject,来执行IPC调用过程            value =               Subject.doAs(call.connection.user,                            new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Writable>() {                              @Override                              public Writable run() throws Exception {                                // make the call                                return call(call.connection.protocol,                                             call.param, call.timestamp);                              }                           }                          );                        } catch (PrivilegedActionException pae) {            Exception e = pae.getException();            LOG.info(getName()+", call "+call+": error: " + e, e);            errorClass = e.getClass().getName();            error = StringUtils.stringifyException(e);          } catch (Throwable e) {            LOG.info(getName()+", call "+call+": error: " + e, e);            errorClass = e.getClass().getName();            error = StringUtils.stringifyException(e);          }          CurCall.set(null); // 当前Handler线程处理完成一个调用call,回收当前线程的局部变量拷贝            // 处理当前获取到的调用的响应            setupResponse(buf, call,                         (error == null) ? Status.SUCCESS : Status.ERROR,                         value, errorClass, error);//将处理的结果序列化到call中          responder.doRespond(call); // 将调用call加入到响应队列中,等待客户端读取响应信息          } catch (InterruptedException e) {          if (running) {                          // unexpected -- log it            LOG.info(getName() + " caught: " +                     StringUtils.stringifyException(e));          }        } catch (Exception e) {          LOG.info(getName() + " caught: " +                   StringUtils.stringifyException(e));        }      }      LOG.info(getName() + ": exiting");    }  }
 void doRespond(Call call) throws IOException {      synchronized (call.connection.responseQueue) {        call.connection.responseQueue.addLast(call);//将call加入到call对应的connection对应的responseQueue中        if (call.connection.responseQueue.size() == 1) {//当入队前队列为空时,则调用processResponse将为call.connection对应的通道添加写事件,同时将call附加到通道上。这使得在Responder.run调用doAsyncWrite时可以通过选择键获得附加对象call。          processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, true);        }      }    }


/**     * 调用异步写doAsyncWrite写回响应消息,并周期性doPurge清理不响应的连接     */    public void run() {      LOG.info(getName() + ": starting");      SERVER.set(Server.this);//保存server      long lastPurgeTime = 0;   // last check for old calls.      while (running) {        try {          waitPending();     // If a channel is being registered, wait.          writeSelector.select(PURGE_INTERVAL);//选择一组键,其相应的通道已为 I/O 操作准备就绪。 最多阻塞 timeout 毫秒          Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = writeSelector.selectedKeys().iterator();          while (iter.hasNext()) {            SelectionKey key = iter.next();            iter.remove();            try {              if (key.isValid() && key.isWritable()) {//测试此键的通道是否已准备好进行写入。                  doAsyncWrite(key);//调用异步写              }            } catch (IOException e) {              LOG.info(getName() + ": doAsyncWrite threw exception " + e);            }          }          long now = System.currentTimeMillis();          if (now < lastPurgeTime + PURGE_INTERVAL) {            continue;          }          lastPurgeTime = now;          //          // If there were some calls that have not been sent out for a          // long time, discard them.          //          LOG.debug("Checking for old call responses.");          ArrayList<Call> calls;                    // get the list of channels from list of keys.          synchronized (writeSelector.keys()) {//找出正常的call构成calls            calls = new ArrayList<Call>(writeSelector.keys().size());            iter = writeSelector.keys().iterator();            while (iter.hasNext()) {              SelectionKey key = iter.next();              Call call = (Call)key.attachment();              if (call != null && key.channel() == call.connection.channel) {                 calls.add(call);              }            }          }          //关掉正常calls中长久不响应的连接          for(Call call : calls) {            try {              doPurge(call, now);            } catch (IOException e) {              LOG.warn("Error in purging old calls " + e);            }          }        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {          //          // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads          // log the event and sleep for a minute and give          // some thread(s) a chance to finish          //          LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e);          try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {}        } catch (Exception e) {          LOG.warn("Exception in Responder " +                    StringUtils.stringifyException(e));        }      }      LOG.info("Stopping " + this.getName());    }

/**调用processResponse进行异步写响应消息     * */    private void doAsyncWrite(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {      Call call = (Call)key.attachment();//获取当前的附加对象call。在processResponse内将Call作为附件注册到写通道      if (call == null) {//只有当Handler线程有注册写事件并将call附加到通道上,call才不为null        return;      }      //根据得到的附加对象call,将call所在的connection的responseQueue上的response写回给客户端      if (key.channel() != call.connection.channel) {        throw new IOException("doAsyncWrite: bad channel");      }      synchronized(call.connection.responseQueue) {        if (processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, false)) {// 调用processResponse处理与调用关联的响应数据            try {            key.interestOps(0);//将此键的 interest 集合设置为给定值0。           } catch (CancelledKeyException e) {            /* The Listener/reader might have closed the socket.             * We don't explicitly cancel the key, so not sure if this will             * ever fire.             * This warning could be removed.             */            LOG.warn("Exception while changing ops : " + e);          }        }      }    }

    //清理工作    // Remove calls that have been pending in the responseQueue     // for a long time.    //    private void doPurge(Call call, long now) throws IOException {      LinkedList<Call> responseQueue = call.connection.responseQueue;//一个connection对应多个请求,      //也就需要多个响应      synchronized (responseQueue) {        Iterator<Call> iter = responseQueue.listIterator(0);        while (iter.hasNext()) {//如果发现有长时间未响应的请求,关闭这个connection          call = iter.next();          if (now > call.timestamp + PURGE_INTERVAL) {            closeConnection(call.connection);            break;          }        }      }    }


public synchronized void start() throws IOException {    responder.start();    listener.start();    handlers = new Handler[handlerCount];        for (int i = 0; i < handlerCount; i++) {//可以有多个处理线程      handlers[i] = new Handler(i);      handlers[i].start();    }  }



Server采用Java NIO非阻塞技术。


