Form Tags ->Form Tag Themes

来源:互联网 发布:袁弘老婆的淘宝店铺 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:31
<!-- Example 1: --><s:form         tooltipDelay="500"         tooltipIconPath="/myImages/myIcon.gif" .... >  ....    <s:textfield label="Customer Name" tooltip="Enter the customer name" .... />  ....</s:form><!-- Example 2: --><s:form         tooltipDelay="500"         tooltipIconPath="/myImages/myIcon.gif" .... >  ....    <s:textfield label="Address"         tooltip="Enter your address"         tooltipDelay="5000" />  ....</s:form><-- Example 3: --><s:textfield       label="Customer Name"       tooltip="One of our customer Details">       <s:param name="tooltipDelay">            500       </s:param>       <s:param name="tooltipIconPath">            /myImages/myIcon.gif       </s:param></s:textfield><-- Example 4: --><s:textfield         label="Customer Address"         tooltip="Enter The Customer Address" >         <s:param             name="tooltipDelay"             value="500" /></s:textfield><-- Example 5: --><s:textfield         label="Customer Telephone Number"         tooltip="Enter customer Telephone Number"         tooltipDelay="500"         tooltipIconPath="/myImages/myIcon.gif" />