WINCE 6.0 如何添加PCL打印机

来源:互联网 发布:l800喷头校准软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 03:03



Mobile Apps - WinCE 6 - Adding PCL Printer Driver

Asked By ScottBaile on 02-Feb-07 12:13 PM
I've been running into a problem adding PCL printer support to a Windows CE 6OS Design in Platform Builder 6.Platform Builder 6 comes with a common printer driver located inpublic\common\oak\drivers\printer . I would like to include this driver intomy OS Design, however, it does not appear in the catalog list. Myunderstanding from reading the archieves is that this driver showed up asbeen able to locate it in version 6.Has anyone run into a similar problem, or perhaps know how to include thisdriver into the OS design by some other means?Cheers,Scott



ScottBaile replied on 02-Feb-07 01:24 PM

For anyone encountering the same problem - here was the solution I found:In your solution right click on your Platform Builder project and selectproperties.Goto: Configuraiton Properties --> EnvironmentAdd the following two entries:sysgen_printing            1sysgen_pcl                   1This will correctly add pcl.dll to your OS Design.Scott


热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 高中生写字慢怎么办啊 孩子写字速度慢怎么办 孩子上学不合群怎么办 长期在家带孩子怎么办 孩子写字慢怎么办啊 小孩味口不好怎么办 孩子作业不会教怎么办 幼儿吹空调发烧怎么办 小学生上课不听讲怎么办 孩子成绩下滑家长怎么办 五年级成绩下滑怎么办 婴儿吃纸了怎么办 宝宝吃纸了怎么办 宝宝吃所料怎么办 宝宝爱吃卫生纸怎么办 宝宝看了强光怎么办 宝宝看了浴霸灯怎么办 一周半宝宝腹泻怎么办 小儿三天不大便怎么办 小宝宝腿纹不对怎么办 孩子个子太高怎么办 宝宝拉粑粑干硬怎么办 美国办新生儿护照怎么办 怀孕拉绿色大便怎么办 幼儿园孩子不爱学习怎么办 幼儿园老师管不住孩子怎么办 手机支架夹不住怎么办 画水彩没有留白液怎么办 水彩颜料脱胶了怎么办 指甲油涂到手上怎么办 抖音里没有控雨怎么办 qq视频没有特效怎么办 组长刁难员工员工怎么办 想转行没精力怎么办 桔子树无法退款怎么办 保温箱婴儿哭了怎么办 宝宝不爱吃肉泥怎么办 苹果x卡死了怎么办 苹果6手机用着卡怎么办 二个月宝宝肚子胀气怎么办 一岁半宝宝大便干结怎么办