
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺怎样引流量 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 10:50

一.    配置内核

<*> MemoryTechnology Device (MTD) support  --->

              <*>   MTD concatenating support

              -*-   MTD partitioning support

              <*>   Direct char device access to MTD devices

              -*-   Common interface to block layer for MTD'translation layers'

              <*>   Caching block device access to MTD devices

              <*>   NAND Device Support  --->

                            <M>   Support for generic platform NAND driver


static struct resource hepxa270_nand_flash_resource = {.start  = 0x02000000,.end  = 0x02000000 + (1 << MAX(HEPXA270_NAND_CLE, HEPXA270_NAND_ALE)),.flags   = IORESOURCE_MEM,};//nandflash只作数据存储,所以只分了一个区static struct mtd_partition hepxa270_nand_flash_partitions[] = {{.name    = "Application Data",.offset  = 0,.size    = MTDPART_SIZ_FULL}};static void hepxa270_nand_flash_cmd_ctl(struct mtd_info *mtd, int cmd, unsigned int ctrl){struct nand_chip *this = mtd->priv;if (cmd == NAND_CMD_NONE)return;if (ctrl & NAND_CLE)writeb(cmd, this->IO_ADDR_W + (1 << HEPXA270_NAND_CLE));elsewriteb(cmd, this->IO_ADDR_W + (1 << HEPXA270_NAND_ALE));}static const char *hepxa270_nand_flash_part_probe_types[] = {"cmdlinepart", NULL};static struct platform_nand_data hepxa270_nand_flash_platdata = {.chip = {.nr_chips          = 1,.chip_offset       = 0,.nr_partitions     = ARRAY_SIZE(hepxa270_nand_flash_partitions),.partitions        = hepxa270_nand_flash_partitions,.chip_delay        = 25,.part_probe_types  = hepxa270_nand_flash_part_probe_types,},.ctrl = {.cmd_ctrl          = hepxa270_nand_flash_cmd_ctl,}};static struct platform_device hepxa270_nand_flash_device = {.name              = "gen_nand",.id                = 0,.num_resources     = 1,.resource          = &hepxa270_nand_flash_resource,.dev               = {.platform_data = &hepxa270_nand_flash_platdata,},};


static struct platform_device *hepxa270_platform_devices[] __initdata = {&hepxa270_nand_flash_device,};
