What should I do about my early life crisis?

来源:互联网 发布:poi数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 11:48

转自 quora. 


I'm beginning to realize that I live a hollow life. 

I'm a third year in college with a major in biology. I only chose that major because i had to decide and it seemed like the broadest/safest choice out there. Up to this point, I've felt this void in my life increasing as I started to become immersed around people who were starting to find their direction in life. However, I put off answering this question with a vicious cycle. 

I would play games until a deadline was extremely close. Then, I would cram to complete the deadline just in time. Then, after it was over, I would tell myself that I would do some thinking about my life after I took a break (playing more games). But I would play games or mess around too much and before I knew it, a deadline was near. All this resulting in a huge waste of time and no time to think.

Sorry if I'm rambling. 

To get to the point, I've gotten fed up with myself. I uninstalled all my games and if anything, this reinforced my point. 

I find myself at a loss for what to do. I'm not interested in anything with a passion, and it scares the shit out of me. The only way I can justify myself being in this major is that I have a vague interest in science, yet I never do any learning on my own time. I guess it's because I have no passion. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I don't know why I'm here. I don't know what I want out of college. I don't know what to do from here. I don't know how to change my life so that I can live a life where i don't have to question if what I'm doing is right. I should just know. 

I'm very lost. Sometimes, I just wish an all knowing entity would just tell me what to do so that I could just do that and not worry about if I'm doing the right thing. Most people don't know really know what to say. 

I'm hoping the Quora community has some advice or steps that I could follow. Anything would be amazing. Thanks so much guys.


Here's a secret:there are four types of people in the world

1. People who, from an early age, know exactly what they want to do and are still doing it in their 50s and 60s. My friend Meggin is like that. In elementary school,she was already writing. By high school, she had written several novels. Now she's the best-selling author of "The Princess Diaries." It's incredible because it's so rare. A tiny percentile of people are like her. You're not like her; I'm not either. Get over it.

2. People who, from an early age, think they know what they want to do. They often have big surprises in their 40s, realizing they don't actually enjoy what they've committed toMany of the apparently-directed people you see are in this group.You're feeling lost now. They'll go through what you're going through later, but it will be much more complicated, because they'll have husbands, wives, kids, andmortgages. So as nuts as it seemsyou're lucky. 

3. People who don't care about big goals. They know how to follow rules (e.g. do the homework, study for the test, do what the boss demands) and the enjoy dotting I's and crossing T's. They coast

4. People like you who are lost

Most young people are in that final category. Some hide it better than others. Some even hide it from themselves. Do your peers all seem more confident and directed than you? They're not. Most of them are faking it or just aren't as introspective as you are. Talk to them in 20 years and they'll tell you how frightened and confused they were back when they were in college. So the first thing to realize is that feeling lost is part of being a 20-something. 

To be honest, it's part of being a 40-something, but those of us who don't have midlife crises tend to embrace it. I enjoy being lost, because it allows me to be surprised. I prefer to have life hit me than to hit life. Anything could happen!

When I first started directing plays, I was terrified because I didn't know what I was doing. My goal was to come up with a plan so that I could have some confidence. It took me 20 years to figure out that the fun was having no idea what I was doing. The fun part of directing is making it up as I go along. So I'm just as lost now as I was back then. But when you're lost, you can either view it as a scared child, alone in the woods, or as a brave explorer, open to experience. 

We can subdivide lost people into two groups:

1. People who are truly lost. They really do have no passions. Their emotions are blunted. This group may be clinically depressed. If you're a member, I urge you to seek professional help. There are treatments for depression. There are ones involving meds and ones involving talk therapy (e.g. cognitive-behavioral therapy) that can be quite effective. If you're clinically depressed, Quora can't help you but a doctor probably can. 

Also note that lots of people use "my career" and "my major" as proxies for their real concerns. When I was in college, most of my complaints about lofty things ("what am I going to do with my life?" "what's it all about?" "how can I find meaning?") really came down to panic that I didn't have a girlfriend. 

2. People who have bought into cultural norms of what they're "supposed" to do. For example, George loves video games. They really, really excite him, but he's been told "you can't make a career out of that" or "that's not for grownups," so when he wonders what he's passionate about, he doesn't count gaming and decides he doesn't have any passions. Be he does have a passion. A passion is a passion, whether it's a sanctioned one or not. 

Or Mary, who has bought into the idea that she has to choose a major in college, and that whatever you choose should be your passion, and that this choice is all tied up with a lifelong career. What Mary most loves is singing. But she doesn't have a great voice, and she's been told she'll never make it as a professional singer. So she doesn't even consider majoring in music. As far as she's concerned -- based on what she's been told -- she has no passion.

Or Dan, who dreams about being a dad. No career interests him, but he really, really wants to have children. Or Amy, who longs for a boyfriend. She's very passionate when she imagines being in a relationship, but she feels guilty because modern women are "supposed" to be independent. 

If you're in this group then you're not really lost. You just don't fit well in generally-accepted categories. Well, then that's your lot in life. If you love doodling, you can't make yourself stop loving it and start loving banking instead. What you can do is work to arrange your life so that you can have as much doodle time as possible. You can stop confusing what-you'll-get-paid-for with what-you're-into.

Some people are lucky enough to get paid for their passions. Many aren't. It's a fact of life, and it's one you can cope with. I'm 30 years into an adulthood in which I can't make money doing what I most love. I don't even think about it any more. I have a great life. I have a day job that's interesting and a night-and-weekend life that's thrilling.

Adrian Thomas suggests some ducks you should line up. He's right. Do that. Then quit worrying about what you're supposed to do. Your major? It's not important no matter how many people tell you it is. Your passion? You have one or you don't. Maybe you don't have one now but you'll have one later. It doesn't matter. Just work to give yourself opportunities. 

One last piece of advice:how much have you traveled? How often have you ventured out of your comfort zone? Consider taking a year off and backpacking around the world. Do it with little or no money, paying for your room and board by working in restaurant kitchens or whatever. Let Planet Earth and its peoples and sights shock you into becoming a passionate person.Many young people can't be passionate because they haven't been exposed to enough sensations and experiences to be awakened into the possibilites of the world.

热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 换轮胎胎压监测怎么办 怀孕了吐的厉害该怎么办 怀孕吐完嗓子疼怎么办 怀孕16周不想要怎么办 怀孕四个月胎盘低置怎么办 孕37周胎盘三级怎么办 孕37周胎盘老化怎么办 怀孕22周胎盘1级怎么办 婴儿吃奶粉吐奶怎么办 宝宝吐奶又拉稀怎么办 羊水穿刺21三体怎么办 开始长妊娠纹了怎么办 已经长了妊娠纹怎么办 孕晚期长妊娠纹怎么办 妊娠纹长出来了怎么办 没提前预约四维怎么办 ct检查冠脉钙化怎么办 残角子宫有内膜怎么办 怀孕了长痔疮了怎么办 人流后子宫内膜薄怎么办 多囊子宫内膜薄怎么办 6岁儿童不爱睡觉怎么办 初生儿嗓子哑了怎么办 6岁儿童睡眠不好怎么办 8岁儿童睡眠不好怎么办 1个月婴儿睡眠少怎么办 三岁宝宝心跳快怎么办 宝宝右心房稍大怎么办 胎儿右心房偏大怎么办 胎心监测波动小怎么办 怀孕6个月不想要了怎么办 高敏肌钙蛋白t高怎么办 龟头沟槽里长疙瘩怎么办 肝郁气滞的体质怎么办 手指甲长在肉里怎么办 甲床与指甲脱离怎么办 指甲往肉里面长怎么办 指甲和肉分离是怎么办 大脚趾指甲空了怎么办 脚趾甲长在肉里怎么办 脚趾甲又厚又硬怎么办