ZOJ Problem Set - 1056

来源:互联网 发布:策略交易软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:41




The Worm Turns

Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB

Worm is an old computer game. There are many versions, but all involve maneuvering a "worm" around the screen, trying to avoid running the worm into itself or an obstacle.

We'll simulate a very simplified version here. The game will be played on a 50 x 50 board, numbered so that the square at the upper left is numbered (1, 1). The worm is initially a string of 20 connected squares. Connected squares are adjacent horizontally or vertically. The worm starts stretched out horizontally in positions (25, 11) through (25, 30), with the head of the worm at (25, 30). The worm can move either East (E), West (W), North (N) or South (S), but will never move back on itself. So, in the initial position, a W move is not possible. Thus the only two squares occupied by the worm that change in any move are its head and tail. Note that the head of the worm can move to the square just vacated by the worm's tail.

You will be given a series of moves and will simulate the moves until either the worm runs into itself, the worm runs off the board, or the worm successfully negotiates its list of moves. In the first two cases you should ignore the remaining moves in the list.


There will be multiple problems instances. The input for each problem instance will be on two lines. The first line is an integer n (<100) indicating the number of moves to follow. (A value of n = 0 indicates end of input.) The next line contains n characters (either E, W, N or S), with no spaces separating the letters, indicating the sequence of moves.


Generate one line of output for each problem instance. The output line should be one of the follow three:

The worm ran into itself on move m.
The worm ran off the board on move m.
The worm successfully made all m moves.

Where m is for you to determine and the first move is move 1.

Sample Input


Sample Output

The worm successfully made all 18 moves.
The worm ran into itself on move 9.
The worm ran off the board on move 21.
The worm successfully made all 13 moves.

Source: East Central North America 2001, Practice







#include<iostream>using namespace std;int main(){bool board[50][50];//模拟蠕虫爬行矩阵格子,格子值为true表示该格为蠕虫身体,false为空格int hi,hj,ti,tj;//蠕虫头格子坐标(hi,hj)、尾格子坐标(ti,tj)int n;//移动方向串长int i,j;char moves[100],td;//moves表示移动方向串。td表示虫尾的运动方向while(cin>>n){if(n==0)break;cin>>moves;        hi=24;hj=29;ti=24;tj=10;for(i=0;i<50;i++)for(j=0;j<50;j++)board[i][j]=false;for(j=10;j<=29;j++)board[24][j]=true;td='E';for(i=0;i<n;i++){//虫尾准备移走,腾空原先所处格子board[ti][tj]=false;//移动虫头方向if(moves[i]=='E'){hj++;}else if(moves[i]=='W'){hj--;}else if(moves[i]=='N'){hi++;}else{hi--;}//虫尾随着虫头准备向东,而虫尾的东面是空格,则虫尾向南或向北if(td=='E'&&board[ti][tj+1]==false){if(board[ti-1][tj]==true)//虫尾南面是虫身,则虫尾向南{ti--;td='S';}else if(board[ti+1][tj]==true)//虫尾北面是虫身,则虫尾向北{ti++;td='N';}}//虫尾随着虫头准备向西,而虫尾的西面是空格,则虫尾向南或向北else if(td=='W'&&board[ti][tj-1]==false){if(board[ti-1][tj]==true)//虫尾南面是虫身,则虫尾向南{ti--;td='S';}else if(board[ti+1][tj]==true)//虫尾北面是虫身,则虫尾向北{ti++;td='N';}}//虫尾随着虫头准备向北,而虫尾的北面是空格,则虫尾向西或向东else if(td=='N'&&board[ti+1][tj]==false){if(board[ti][tj-1]==true)//虫尾西面是虫身,则虫尾向西{tj--;td='W';}else if(board[ti][tj+1]==true)//虫尾东面是虫身,则虫尾向东{tj++;td='E';}}//虫尾随着虫头准备向南,而虫尾的南面是空格,则虫尾向西或向东else if(td=='S'&&board[ti-1][tj]==false){if(board[ti][tj-1]==true)//虫尾西面是虫身,则虫尾向西{tj--;td='W';}else if(board[ti][tj+1]==true)//虫尾东面是虫身,则虫尾向东{tj++;td='E';}}//虫尾随着虫头准备向东西南北,而虫尾的相应东西南北面是虫身,则虫尾和虫头移动方向相同else{if(td=='E') tj++;else if(td=='W') tj--;else if(td=='S') ti--;else ti++;}//虫头碰撞到虫身if(board[hi][hj]==true){cout<<"The worm ran into itself on move "<<i+1<<"."<<endl;break;}//虫头移动到矩阵外界if(hi<0||hi>=50||hj<0||hj>=50){cout<<"The worm ran off the board on move "<<i+1<<"."<<endl;break;}//虫头移动到下一个空格board[hi][hj]=true;}if(i>=n)cout<<"The worm successfully made all "<<i<<" moves."<<endl;}return 0;}//Accepted


