Quantum WSGI服务基础

来源:互联网 发布:菜鸟网络借壳三泰控股 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 21:24


Quantum WSGI服务基础(1)


1 背景

在上一篇文章Quantum 基础知识及服务启动中简单的阐述了一下quantum server是如何启动,其中重要的两段代码:

quantum_service = service.serve_wsgi(service.QuantumApiService)#准备WSGI服务quantum_service.wait()#启动WSGI服务


  • quantum\quantum\wsgi.py:实现了WSGI中的基本概念,可以当成一个Lib库。
  • quantum\quantum\service.py:基于上面wsgi提供的基本操作构建一个wsgi服务,比如quantum-api-server。


2 wsgi.py


import webob.dec#webob库import webob.excfrom xml.etree import ElementTree as etree#XML处理库import eventlet.wsgifrom quantum.openstack.common import jsonutils#JSON相关库





首先,我将Quantum WSGI中代码概念及如何处理API中涉及的概念在代码上做一个总结。



class Application(object):    """Base WSGI application wrapper. Subclasses need to implement __call__."""    @classmethod    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config): #主要用来实例化类        """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files.        Any local configuration (that is, values under the [app:APPNAME]        section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method        as kwargs.#这里说明了api-paste.ini文中中的配置如何使用!        A hypothetical configuration would look like:            [app:wadl]            latest_version = 1.3            paste.app_factory = nova.api.fancy_api:Wadl.factory        which would result in a call to the `Wadl` class as        #Class Wadl需要有一个call方法            import quantum.api.fancy_api            fancy_api.Wadl(latest_version='1.3')        You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses,        but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary.        """        return cls(**local_config)    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):        """Subclasses will probably want to implement __call__ like this:        #call方法用来实现一个WSGI应用的功能,处理请求,返回结果。子类需要重写这个方法。        @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request)        #此装饰器将一个函数封装为一个WSGI应用。        def __call__(self, req):          # Any of the following objects work as responses:          # Option 1: simple string          res = 'message\n'          # Option 2: a nicely formatted HTTP exception page          res = exc.HTTPForbidden(detail='Nice try')          # Option 3: a webob Response object (in case you need to play with          # headers, or you want to be treated like an iterable, or or or)          res = Response();          res.app_iter = open('somefile')          # Option 4: any wsgi app to be run next          res = self.application #quantum中使用的是这种方法。子类需要有一个application参数          # Option 5: you can get a Response object for a wsgi app, too, to          # play with headers etc          res = req.get_response(self.application) #quantum中使用的是这种方法。子类需要有一个application参数          # You can then just return your response...          return res          # ... or set req.response and return None.          req.response = res        See the end of http://pythonpaste.org/webob/modules/dec.html        for more info.        """        raise NotImplementedError(_('You must implement __call__'))    


class Controller(object):    """WSGI app that dispatched to methods.与Method对应的controller,上面说到,一个路由表会指定一个controller,这个controller的基本。    WSGI app that reads routing information supplied by RoutesMiddleware    and calls the requested action method upon itself.  All action methods    must, in addition to their normal parameters, accept a 'req' argument    which is the incoming wsgi.Request.  They raise a webob.exc exception,    or return a dict which will be serialized by requested content type.    """    @webob.dec.wsgify(RequestClass=Request)#装饰为一个WSGI应用    def __call__(self, req):        """        Call the method specified in req.environ by RoutesMiddleware.        """        arg_dict = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]        action = arg_dict['action']        method = getattr(self, action)        del arg_dict['controller']        del arg_dict['action']        if 'format' in arg_dict:            del arg_dict['format']        arg_dict['request'] = req        result = method(**arg_dict)#执行方法,这里是一个抽象,子类继承后决定具体怎么执行    



class Middleware(object):#所谓中间件,也就是一个WSGI APP    """    Base WSGI middleware wrapper. These classes require an application to be    initialized that will be called next.  By default the middleware will    simply call its wrapped app, or you can override __call__ to customize its    behavior.    """    @classmethod    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config):        """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files.        Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME]        section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method        as kwargs.        A hypothetical configuration would look like:            [filter:analytics]            redis_host =            paste.filter_factory = nova.api.analytics:Analytics.factory        which would result in a call to the `Analytics` class as            import nova.api.analytics            analytics.Analytics(app_from_paste, redis_host='')        You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses,        but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary.        """        def _factory(app):            return cls(app, **local_config)        return _factory    def __init__(self, application):        self.application = application    def process_request(self, req):        """        Called on each request.        If this returns None, the next application down the stack will be        executed. If it returns a response then that response will be returned        and execution will stop here.        """        return None    def process_response(self, response):        """Do whatever you'd like to the response."""        return response    @webob.dec.wsgify#封装为WSGI应用    def __call__(self, req):        response = self.process_request(req)        if response:            return response        response = req.get_response(self.application)        return self.process_response(response)     



class Resource(Application):    """WSGI app that handles (de)serialization and controller dispatch.    WSGI app that reads routing information supplied by RoutesMiddleware    and calls the requested action method upon its controller.  All    controller action methods must accept a 'req' argument, which is the    incoming wsgi.Request. If the operation is a PUT or POST, the controller    method must also accept a 'body' argument (the deserialized request body).    They may raise a webob.exc exception or return a dict, which will be    serialized by requested content type.    """    def __init__(self, controller, fault_body_function,                 deserializer=None, serializer=None):        """        :param controller: object that implement methods created by routes lib        :param deserializer: object that can serialize the output of a                             controller into a webob response        :param serializer: object that can deserialize a webob request                           into necessary pieces        :param fault_body_function: a function that will build the response                                    body for HTTP errors raised by operations                                    on this resource object        """        self.controller = controller        self.deserializer = deserializer or RequestDeserializer()        self.serializer = serializer or ResponseSerializer()        self._fault_body_function = fault_body_function        # use serializer's xmlns for populating Fault generator xmlns        xml_serializer = self.serializer.body_serializers['application/xml']        if hasattr(xml_serializer, 'xmlns'):            self._xmlns = xml_serializer.xmlns    def dispatch(self, request, action, action_args):        """Find action-spefic method on controller and call it."""        controller_method = getattr(self.controller, action)        try:            #NOTE(salvatore-orlando): the controller method must have            # an argument whose name is 'request'            return controller_method(request=request, **action_args)#执行controller的方法了!!        except TypeError as exc:            LOG.exception(exc)            return Fault(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest(),                         self._xmlns) 


主要是一个WSGI服务器,也就是Quantum API Server的基本,跟一般的socket服务器差不多,区别就是用了eventlet来做线程处理。

class Server(object):    """Server class to manage multiple WSGI sockets and applications."""    def _run(self, application, socket):        """Start a WSGI server in a new green thread."""        logger = logging.getLogger('eventlet.wsgi.server')        eventlet.wsgi.server(socket, application, custom_pool=self.pool,                         log=logging.WritableLogger(logger))   



class Router(object):    """    WSGI middleware that maps incoming requests to WSGI apps.    """    @classmethod    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config):        """        Returns an instance of the WSGI Router class        """        return cls()    def __init__(self, mapper):        """        Create a router for the given routes.Mapper.#根据routes.Mapper中的路由规则产生一个路由器,        相关的路由规则,在解析api-paste.ini中的extensions部分已经完成。        Each route in `mapper` must specify a 'controller', which is a        WSGI app to call.  You'll probably want to specify an 'action' as        well and have your controller be a wsgi.Controller, who will route        the request to the action method.        Examples:          mapper = routes.Mapper()          sc = ServerController()          # Explicit mapping of one route to a controller+action          mapper.connect(None, "/svrlist", controller=sc, action="list")          # Actions are all implicitly defined          mapper.resource("network", "networks", controller=nc)          # Pointing to an arbitrary WSGI app.  You can specify the          # {path_info:.*} parameter so the target app can be handed just that          # section of the URL.          mapper.connect(None, "/v1.0/{path_info:.*}", controller=BlogApp())        """        self.map = mapper        self._router = routes.middleware.RoutesMiddleware(self._dispatch,                                                          self.map)    @webob.dec.wsgify    def __call__(self, req):        """        Route the incoming request to a controller based on self.map.        If no match, return a 404.        """        return self._router    @staticmethod    @webob.dec.wsgify    def _dispatch(req):        """        Called by self._router after matching the incoming request to a route        and putting the information into req.environ.  Either returns 404        or the routed WSGI app's response.        """        match = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]        if not match:            return webob.exc.HTTPNotFound()        app = match['controller']#返回是controller的名字        return app     

原创文章,转载请注明: 转载自Wang Chang's Blog

本文链接地址: http://blog.wachang.net/2013/04/quantum-wsgi-base/
