Objective C 高级进阶— GCD队列浅析(一)

来源:互联网 发布:杭州淘宝拍摄地点中山 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 15:16




GCD offers three kinds of queues:Main: tasks execute serially on your application’s main thread(主队列,在你程序的主线程中顺序执行)Concurrent: tasks are dequeued in FIFO order, but run concurrently and can finish in any order.(并行队列,任务遵循先入先出,但同时执行并按照任意顺序完成,完成顺序取决于任务的复杂度)Serial: tasks execute one at a time in FIFO order(串行队列,依次执行,遵循先入先出)


The main queue is automatically created by the system and associated with your application’s main thread. 
Your application uses one (and only one) of the following three approaches to invoke blocks submitted to the main queue:Calling dispatch_mainCalling UIApplicationMain (iOS) or NSApplicationMain (OS X)Using a CFRunLoopRef on the main thread

详解: 主队列是由系统自动创建的并且与你应用的主线程相结合,你的应用只能用下边的一种方式来把block函数注册到你的主队列中。到这里大家可能不太理解者到底怎么用呢,下边来看实例代码
@autoreleasepool {        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv,nil,NSStringFromClass([AppDelegateclass]));    }


Important: GCD is a C level API; it does not catch exceptions generated by higher level languages. Your application must catch all exceptions before returning from a block submitted to a dispatch queue.

注意:GCD的接口是基于C的,它并不能捕捉到有高级别语言产生的exceptions, 你的应用必须在执行把block函数提交到队列之前捕捉所有的异常。

三. 队列使用的相关代码
dispatch_queue_t myQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.openJailBreak.ios", NULL)
attrIn OS X v10.7 and later, specify DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL (or NULL) to create a serial queue or specify DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT to create a concurrent queue. In earlier versions of OS X, you must specify NULL for this parameter.
意思是,如果第二个参数设置为DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL或者NULL,意味着创建了一个串行队列,如果指定一个DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT意味着创建了一个并行队列。在早期的版本中并行队列是不可用的,需要设置为NULL,从OS X10.7,iOS 4.3以后才可用,先来看一下官方接口文档:
/*! * @const DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL * @discussion A dispatch queue that invokes blocks serially in FIFO order. */#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL NULL/*! * @const DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT * @discussion A dispatch queue that may invoke blocks concurrently and supports * barrier blocks submitted with the dispatch barrier API. */#define DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT \DISPATCH_GLOBAL_OBJECT(dispatch_queue_attr_t, \_dispatch_queue_attr_concurrent)__OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_7,__IPHONE_4_3)DISPATCH_EXPORT

dispatch_queue_t queue_t_concurrent = dispatch_queue_create("com.openJailBreak.concurrent", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);//concurrentdispatch_queue_t queue_t_serial = dispatch_queue_create("com.openJailBreak.serial", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);//serialdispatch_queue_t queue_t_null = dispatch_queue_create("com.openJailBreak.null", NULL); //serilal


Blocks submitted to a serial queue are executed one at a time in FIFO order. Note, however, that blocks submitted to independent queues may be executed concurrently with respect to each other. Blocks submitted to a concurrent queue are dequeued in FIFO order but may run concurrently if resources are available to do so.

When your application no longer needs the dispatch queue, it should release it with the dispatch_release function. Any pending blocks submitted to a queue hold a reference to that queue, so the queue is not deallocated until all pending blocks have completed.



当你的应用不在需要队列时,可以使用dispatch_release来释放,但如果队列中又任何pending状态的block,此时是无法dealloc的直到pending block完成。

