poj1069 & hdu1362The Bermuda Triangle(建坐标系+剪枝+dfs)

来源:互联网 发布:les交友软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 12:02
The Bermuda Triangle
Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 32768KTotal Submissions: 1098 Accepted: 510


People in the hidden region of the Bermuda Triangle make everything they need in triangular shapes. One day, someone decided to break the rule and bake a hexagonally shaped cake. But as usual, he has to serve the cake in triangular pieces. The pieces are equilateral triangles but in different sizes for different people. He can use as many triangles as needed to cut the cake into pieces, such that nothing remains from the cake. For example, the following figure shows one way that a hexagon with side 9 can be cut into triangles with side 2 and 3. (The cake is cut along the thick lines, thin lines are drawn to show the sizes). 

Input is a hexagon and triangle types (specified by the length of their sides) and the goal is to decide if the hexagon can be completely divided by the given triangle types.


The first line of the input file contains a single integer t (1 <= t <= 10), the number of test cases, followed by the input data for each test case. Each test case consists of a single line, containing s (1 <= s <= 25), the length of the hexagon's side, followed by n, the number of triangle types (1 <= n <= 10), followed by n integers representing the length of each triangle type's side (between 1 and 25, inclusive).


There should be one output line per test case containing either YES or NO depending on whether the hexagon can be completely divided by the given triangle types.

Sample Input

35 2 2 37 2 3 213 2 2 3

Sample Output



Tehran 2001
男神Orz   Orz!!
题目分析:只要判断能否用小三角填满大六边形,而且数据范围不大,dfs + 回溯。不过这题麻烦在是三角形,不好表示,回溯的时候不好标记,所以考虑建立一个坐标系,将所有的点都一一标识出来。

#include <iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<cctype>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;const int N = 101;int lcm[30];bool map[N][N];int border[4][30][2];int border4[55][2];int n,s;bool flag;void getborder(){    memset(border,0,sizeof(border));    memset(border4,0,sizeof(border4));    int i,j;    int ss = s * 2;    border[1][1][1] = ss - 1;    border[1][1][0] = 1;    for(i = 2;i <= s;i ++)    {        border[1][i][0] = 1;//类型1的第i行左边界为1        border[1][i][1] = border[1][i - 1][1] - 2;    }    for(i = 1;i <= s;i ++)    {        border[2][i][0] = 1;        border[2][i][1] = ss;    }    border[3][1][0] = 1;    border[3][1][1] = ss * 2 - 1;    for(i = 2;i <= s;i ++)    {        border[3][i][0] = 1;        border[3][i][1] = border[3][i - 1][1] - 2;    }    border4[1][0] = ss;    border4[1][1] = ss * 2;    for(i = 2;i <= s;i ++)    {        border4[i][0] = border4[i - 1][0] - 2;        border4[i][1] = border4[i - 1][1];    }    border4[s + 1][0] = 1;    border4[s + 1][1] = ss * 2 - 1;    for(i = s + 2;i <= ss;i ++)    {        border4[i][0] = 1;        border4[i][1] = border4[i - 1][1] - 2;    }    //for(i = 1;i <= ss;i ++)       // printf("row:%d  left:%d  right:%d\n",i,border4[i][0],border4[i][1]);}void predeal(){    int i,j,k;    for(i = 1;i < n;i ++)    {        k = 0;        for(j = i + 1;j <= n;j ++)            if(lcm[j] % lcm[i] == 0)            {                lcm[j] = 73;                k ++;            }        if(k)            sort(lcm + 1,lcm + 1 + n);        n -= k;    }}void dfs(int cur,int len){    if(flag)        return ;    if(len > s)        return ;    if(len == s)    {        flag = true;        return;    }    for(int i = 1;i <= n;i ++)        dfs(i,len + lcm[i]);}int nextint(){    char c;    int ret = 0;    while(isspace(c = getchar()))        ;    ret = c - '0';    while((c = getchar()) >= '0' && c <= '9')        ret = ret * 10 + c - '0';    return ret;}bool canput1(int row,int col,int len){    if(row + len - 1 > s + s)        return false;    int i,j;    if(col & 1)    {        int dp = 0;        for(i = row + len - 1;i >= row;i --)        {            for(j = col;j <= col + dp;j ++)                if(map[i][j] || j > border4[i][1] || j < border4[i][0])                    return false;            dp += 2;        }    }    else    {        int dp = 0;        for(i = row;i <= row + len - 1;i ++)        {            for(j = col;j >= col - dp;j --)                if(map[i][j] || j > border4[i][1] || j < border4[i][0])                    return false;            dp += 2;        }    }    return true;}bool canput2(int row,int col,int len,int type){    if(row + len - 1 > s)        return false;    int i,j;    if(col & 1)    {        int dp = 0;        for(i = row + len - 1;i >= row;i --)        {            for(j = col;j <= col + dp;j ++)                if(map[i][j] || j > border[type][i][1] || j < border[type][i][0])                    return false;            dp += 2;        }    }    else    {        int dp = 0;        for(i = row;i <= row + len - 1;i ++)        {            for(j = col;j >= col - dp;j --)                if(map[i][j] || j > border[type][i][1] || j < border[type][i][0])                    return false;            dp += 2;        }    }    //printf("canput %d %d %d\n",row,col,len);    return true;}void put(int row,int col,int len,int add){    int i,j,dp;    if(col & 1)    {        dp = 0;        for(i = row + len - 1;i >= row;i --)        {            for(j = col;j <= col + dp;j ++)                map[i][j] = add;            dp += 2;        }    }    else    {        dp = 0;        for(i = row;i <= row + len - 1;i ++)        {            for(j = col - dp;j <= col;j ++)                map[i][j] = add;            dp += 2;        }    }    //printf("put in %d %d len %d %d\n",row,col,len,add);    //system("pause");}void Dfs(int x,int y,int type,int num){    //printf("%d  %d\n",x,num);    if(flag)        return;    int j,k;    bool f = false;    if(type < 4)    {        if(x >= s)            return;        for(j = y;j <= border[type][x][1];j ++)        {            if(!map[x][j])            {                f = true;                for(k = 1;k <= n;k ++)                {                    if(canput2(x,j,lcm[k],type))                    {                        if(num == lcm[k] * lcm[k])                        {                            flag = 1;                            return;                        }                        put(x,j,lcm[k],1);                        int tmp = j;                        if(j & 1)                            tmp += (lcm[k] * 2 - 1);                        else                            tmp ++;                        if(tmp > border[type][x][1])                            Dfs(x + 1,1,type,num - lcm[k]*lcm[k]);                        else                            Dfs(x,tmp,type,num - lcm[k] * lcm[k]);                        put(x,j,lcm[k],0);                    }                    else                        return;                }            }        }        if(f == false)//如果第x行都被放了,去x+1行找            Dfs(x + 1,1,type,num);    }    else    {        if(x >= s + s)//取等号是因为一定没有边长为1的三角形(已处理),上同            return;        for(j = y;j <= border4[x][1];j ++)        {            if(!map[x][j])            {                f = true;                for(k = 1;k <= n;k ++)                {                    if(canput1(x,j,lcm[k]))                    {                        if(num == lcm[k] * lcm[k])                        {                            flag = 1;                            return;                        }                        put(x,j,lcm[k],1);                        int tmp = j;                        if(j & 1)                            tmp += (lcm[k] * 2 - 1);                        else                            tmp ++;                        if(tmp > border4[x][1])                            Dfs(x + 1,1,type,num - lcm[k] * lcm[k]);                        else                            Dfs(x,tmp,type,num - lcm[k] * lcm[k]);                        put(x,j,lcm[k],0);                    }                    else                        return;                }            }        }        if(f == false)            Dfs(x + 1,1,type,num);    }}int main(){    int i,j,k;    int t;    t = nextint();    while(t --)    {        s = nextint();        n = nextint();        flag = false;        for(i = 1;i <= n;i ++)        {            lcm[i] = nextint();            if(lcm[i] > s)            {                i --;                n --;                continue;            }            if(s % lcm[i] == 0)                flag = true;        }        if(flag)//剪枝1        {            printf("YES\n");            continue;        }        sort(lcm + 1,lcm + 1 + n);//剪枝5        predeal();//剪枝2        flag = false;        for(i = 1;i <= n;i ++)            dfs(i,lcm[i]);//剪枝3        if(flag == false)        {            printf("NO\n");            continue;        }        flag = false;        int num;        getborder();        for(i = 1;i <= 4 && flag == false;i ++)//剪枝4 i从1-4分别表示六边形的1/6,1/3,1/2,1/1        {            //printf("%d\n",i);            memset(map,0,sizeof(map));            if(i < 4)                num = s * s * i;            else                num = s * s * 6;            Dfs(1,1,i,num);//row,col,type        }        if(flag)            printf("YES\n");        else            printf("NO\n");    }    return 0;}
