How to Transfer Files Using PuTTY

来源:互联网 发布:网络诈骗套路 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 00:40

How to Transfer Files Using PuTTY

PuTTY is the CIT-recommended application for secure file transfer using SCP between Windows clients and Windows or Unix servers.

PuTTY is available from

  • To install PuTTY, see Install PuTTY and Set up a Server Connection.
  • To use Putty, see Transfer Files using Putty.

Install PuTTY and Set up a Server Connection

PuTTY is the recommended SCP client for Windows client and Unix server file transfers at Cornell. PuTTY is available from

  1. Download the pscp.exe file from Click the file name and save it to your computer.
    If you want a PuTTY shell program, download and install putty.exe as well.

You are now connected to the server and can begin transferring files.

Transfer Files Using PuTTY

  1. Open a Windows command line window. On the Start menu, click Run.

  2. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK.

  3. At the Windows command prompt, enter:
    pscp source_file_name userid@server_name:/path/destination_file_name.

    For example:
    c:\>pscp june06extract

  4. When prompted, enter your password for the server.

For example: C:\Documents and Settings\mz50947\Desktop>pscp oprisk* yl68178@vm-058a-7195.nam.
Copy file to local:
C:\Documents and Settings\mz50947\Desktop>pscp yl68178@vm-058a-7195.nam.nsroot.n
et:/home/yl68178/ERMDashBoard/ermdashboard-target/ERMDashBoard.war .