[Virtual Judge]SGU171:Sarov zones

来源:互联网 发布:在数据库储存的是 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 12:33


171. Sarov zones

time limit per test: 0.5 sec.
memory limit per test: 4096 KB
input: standard
output: standard

It is known that to participate the All-Russian Mathematic Olympiad one should do one of other olympiads enough good. These olympiads are called "zone olympiads" and the region from which people participate the same zone olympiad is called "zone". Sarov city of Nizhny Novgorod district is situated near the boundary of zones, so every year school students of Sarov participate several zones. 

This year K zones invited students from Sarov to participate their olympiads. i-th zone invited N[i] students, so N=N[1]+N[2]+...+N[K] totally students were invited. After the Sarov city olympiad, N students were selected, so now the olympiad authorities of Sarov have to decide, which students will participate which zone olympiad. Each student is characterized by his olympiad level and each zone is characterized by its zone level. If a student with olympiad level P participates zone with zone level Q, he will be invited to All-Russian olympiad if and only if P>Q. 

Every student is also characterized by his "weight". The Sarov olympiad authorities want, that the All-Russian Olympiad will be participated by students with maximal summary weight. You are to help them. Write a program which will divide the students between zones. Keep in mind that exactly N[i] students can go to i-th zone.

On the first line of input there is an only integer K (1<=K<=100). On the second line there are K integers N[1], N[2], ... ,N[K] (0<=N[i]<=16000). On the third line there are K more integers Q[1], Q[2], ... ,Q[K] --- the zone levels of the zones. On the fourth line there are N integers P[1], P[2], ... P[N] --- olympiad levels of the students. (0<=Q[i]<=1000000, 0<=P[i]<=1000000). On the last (and fifth) line there are N integers w[1], w[2], ... w[k] --- the "weights" of students. 0<=w[i]<=100000. It is also guaranteed that 0<=N<=16000.

Output only N integers --- Z[1], Z[2], ... Z[N] --- the numbers of zones which should be participated by students 1, 2, ... N.

Sample test(s)

2 1 1 4 1 2 3 2 1
2 1

















根据题意:On the first line of input there is an only integer K (1<=K<=100).

写有代码:struct THEZONE { int ID,LV,N; } Zon[105];

提交结果:Runtime Error on test 8 X 14次

修改代码:struct THEZONE { int ID,LV,N; } Zon[16005];


此外还有:输出答案时每个数字后面都要跟空格,否则会Presentation Error。

查错依据:RE的错误原因是在对比了渊哥Runtime Error on test 8和Accepted的两份代码后得知的。






#include<cstdio>  #include<algorithm>using namespace std;int K,SumN,Ans[16005];struct THEZONE { int ID,LV,N; } Zon[16005];struct STUDENT { int ID,LV,W; } Stu[16005];bool cmpzon(THEZONE& Z1,THEZONE& Z2)                        {return (Z1.LV>Z2.LV);}bool cmpstu(STUDENT& S1,STUDENT& S2)                       {return (S1.W>S2.W);}bool ReadAndDealData()                                      {if(scanf("%d",&K)==1){SumN=0;int i;for(i=0;i<K;++i){Zon[i].ID=i;scanf("%d",&Zon[i].N);SumN+=Zon[i].N;}for(i=0;i<K;++i){scanf("%d",&Zon[i].LV);}//按照等级降序排列区域sort(Zon,Zon+SumN,cmpzon);                          for(i=0;i<SumN;++i){Stu[i].ID=i;scanf("%d",&Stu[i].LV);}for(i=0;i<SumN;++i){scanf("%d",&Stu[i].W);}//按照重量降序排列学生(题解第1点和第2点)sort(Stu,Stu+SumN,cmpstu);                          return true;}return false;}int main(){while(ReadAndDealData()){int i;for(i=0;i<SumN;++i)                                 {int maxlvloc=-1;                                int hopeloc=-1;//在等级比当前考虑的学生低的区域中选择等级最高的区域参赛(题解第2点)                                 for(int j=0;j<K;++j) if(Zon[j].N)               {        //由于区域按照等级降序排列,所以maxlvloc即当前可以参加的等级最高的区域赛                   if(maxlvloc==-1)                            { maxlvloc=j; } //由于区域按照等级降序排列,所以hopeloc即在等级比当前考虑的学生低的区域中等级最高的区域if(Stu[i].LV>Zon[j].LV) { hopeloc=j; break;    }}//若不存在hopeloc则应该让当前考虑的学生参加maxlvloc(题解第4点) int loc=(hopeloc==-1?maxlvloc:hopeloc);     --Zon[loc].N;Ans[Stu[i].ID]=Zon[loc].ID;}for(i=0;i<SumN;++i){printf("%d ",Ans[i]+1);}}return 0;}
