Virtual Judge Contest 1-F

来源:互联网 发布:金锐盘开票软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 14:39
F - Gaby Ivanushka
Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:65536KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u
Submit Status Practice URAL 1082


Once upon a time there lived a tsar that has a daughter — Beautiful Vasilisa. There were many of the young men that wanted to marry her but she repelled all suitors. The tsar was tired of her jigs, he got angry and issued an order: "The first who solves my puzzle, will marry Vasilisa!" Ivanushka decided to try his fortune. He came to the tsar and the tsar told him: "This is a program for you. Input N numbers and the program will tell you who you should marry. I give you a day to think." Ivanuska looked at the program and got upset: there were unknown letters, omnifarious symbols. The time passed. Ivanushka has thought out nothing.
The program was as follows.
The C programThe Pascal program
 #include <stdio.h>   long c; long A[N];  long P(long l, long r) {  long x=A[l],       i=l-1,       j=r+1,       t;  while(1)  {   do{--j; ++c;}   while(A[j]>x);   do{++i; ++c;}   while(A[i]<x);   if(i<j)   {    t=A[i];    A[i]=A[j];    A[j]=t;   }   else return j;  } }  void Q(long l, long r) {  long n;  if(l<r)  {   n=P(l,r);   Q(l,n);   Q(n+1,r);  } }  int main(void) {  c=0;  for(long i=0; i<N; ++i)   scanf("%ld", &A[i]);  Q(0,N-1);  if(c==(N*N+3*N-4)/2)   printf   ("Beutiful Vasilisa");  else printf   ("Immortal Koshcei");  return 0; }
 var A:array [1..N] of longint;     c:longint;     i:integer; function P(l,r:longint):longint; var i,j,t,x:longint; begin  x:=A[l]; i:=l-1; j:=r+1;  while true do  begin   repeat dec(j);inc(c)   until A[j]<=x;   repeat inc(i);inc(c)   until A[i]>=x;   if i<j then   begin    t:=A[i];    A[i]:=A[j];    A[j]:=t   end   else   begin P:=j; exit end  end end;  procedure Q(l,r:longint); var n:longint; begin  if l<r then  begin   n:=P(l,r);   Q(l,n);   Q(n+1,r)  end end;  begin  c:=0;  for i:=1 to N do read(A[i]);  Q(1,N);  if c=(N*N+3*N-4) div 2 then   writeln   ('Beutiful Vasilisa')  else writeln   ('Immortal Koshcei'); end.
Now you know this program. You may try to help Ivanushka.


The first line of an input contains a positive number N ≤ 1000.


You are to write to an output N numbers in one line. The tsar's program given those numbers should output a message "Beautiful Vasilisa" The numbers should be separated with a space. If several variants are possible choose any you like.

Sample Input

3 7 19

Sample Output

3 7 19
Solution:这道题太有趣了,说了这么多,说到底是想女儿快嫁出去呀。既然如此,无论我输入什么,结果都应该是Beutiful Vasilisa,他老爸想得太周到了,那我就不客气啦。输入为n,输出任意的n个正整数就可以过关了
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