poj 1009 Edge Detection

来源:互联网 发布:南风知我意txt下载七微 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 23:07

Edge Detection

Time Limit: 1000MS

Memory Limit: 10000K

Total Submissions: 15597

Accepted: 3518


IONU SatelliteImaging, Inc. records and stores very large images using run length encoding.You are to write a program that reads a compressed image, finds the edges inthe image, as described below, and outputs another compressed image of thedetected edges. 
A simple edge detection algorithm sets an output pixel's value to be themaximum absolute value of the differences between it and all its surroundingpixels in the input image. Consider the input image below: 





The upper leftpixel in the output image is the maximum of the values |15-15|,|15-100|, and|15-100|, which is 85. The pixel in the 4th row, 2nd column is computed as themaximum of |175-100|, |175-100|, |175-100|, |175-175|, |175-25|,|175-175|,|175-175|, and |175-25|, which is 150. 
Images contain 2 to 1,000,000,000 (109) pixels. All images areencoded using run length encoding (RLE). This is a sequence of pairs,containing pixel value (0-255) and run length (1-109). Input imageshave at most 1,000 of these pairs. Successive pairs have different pixelvalues. All lines in an image contain the same number of pixels. 


Input consists ofinformation for one or more images. Each image starts with the width, inpixels, of each image line. This is followed by the RLE pairs, one pair perline. A line with 0 0 indicates the end of the data for that image. An imagewidth of 0 indicates there are no more images to process. The first image inthe example input encodes the 5x7 input image above. 


Output is a seriesof edge-detected images, in the same format as the input images, except thatthere may be more than 1,000 RLE pairs. 

Sample Input


15 4

100 15

25 2

175 2

25 5

175 2

25 5

0 0


35 500000000

200 500000000

0 0


255 1

10 1

255 2

10 1

255 2

10 1

255 1

0 0


Sample Output


85 5

0 2

85 5

75 10

150 2

75 3

0 2

150 2

0 4

0 0


0 499999990

165 20

0 499999990

0 0


245 9

0 0



A brute forcesolution that attempts to compute an output value for every individual pixelwill likely fail due to space or time constraints. 


Mid-Central USA 2000


Edge Detection

Time Limit: 1000MS

Memory Limit: 10000K

Total Submissions: 15597

Accepted: 3518


IONU 卫星图像股份有限公司。利用行程编码记录并保存着大量的图片。你的任务是编写一个程序,读取一个压缩图片的边缘数据,如下,然后输出另一个压缩图片的边缘检测。


左上角像素输出值是|15-15|,|15-100|, 和|15-100|的最大值85,。像素在第四行第二列输出值是|175-100|,|175-100|, |175-100|, |175-175|, |175-25|, |175-175|,|175-175|, 和 |175-25|的最大值,是150.图像包括2到1,000,000,000 (109)个像素。所有的图片的编码格式都是行程编码(RLE)。这是一对序列,包括像素值(0-255)和行程(1-109).输入图片有至少1000对。连续对有不同的像素值,图像中的每条线包含相同的像素值。


舒鸿儒包含一个或者多个图片信息。每个图片第一行输入是图片宽度。接下来输入的是RLE对,一对占一行。以0 0作为一幅图片的完结。一幅图片以0作为宽度则所有输入完毕。第一个示例的图片是一个5*7的图片。



Sample Input


15 4

100 15

25 2

175 2

25 5

175 2

25 5

0 0


35 500000000

200 500000000

0 0


255 1

10 1

255 2

10 1

255 2

10 1

255 1

0 0


Sample Output


85 5

0 2

85 5

75 10

150 2

75 3

0 2

150 2

0 4

0 0


0 499999990

165 20

0 499999990

0 0


245 9

0 0





Mid-Central USA 2000





#include<iostream>#include<cmath>#include<algorithm>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>int Pnum;int total;int impair[1111][2];int outpair[8888][2];int width;int getvalue(int pos);int Coder(int pos);void qsort_my(int l, int h, int outpair[1111][2]);int main(void){//    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);//    freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);int k = 0;while(scanf("%d", &width) && width){    k = total = 0;while(scanf("%d%d", &impair[k][0], &impair[k][1]) && impair[k][1]) {total += impair[k][1];k++;}//for (int i = 0;i < k ; i++) printf("impair[0]:%d, impair[1]%d\n", impair[i][0], impair[i][1]);printf("%d\n", width);//        printf("total:%d\n", total);int pos = 1;Pnum = k;k = 0;for (int i = 0;i <=Pnum ;i ++){int row = (pos - 1) / width;int column = (pos - 1) % width;for (int j = row - 1; j <= row + 1; j ++)for (int t = column - 1; t <= column + 1; t++){int npos = j * width + t;if (j < 0 || t < 0 || t >= width || npos >= total)continue;outpair[k][1] = npos + 1;outpair[k++][0] = Coder(npos + 1);}            pos += impair[i][1];//            printf("pos = %d", pos);}//        printf("%d\n", k);        qsort_my(0, k, outpair);//        for (int i = 0;i < k ;i ++)//        {//            printf("outp:%d, outn:%d\n", outpair[i][0], outpair[i][1]);//        }        int kiss = 1;        int i;        for (i = 0;i < k-1;i ++)        {            if (outpair[i+1][0] != outpair[i][0])            {                printf("%d %d\n", outpair[i][0], outpair[i+1][1] - kiss);                kiss = outpair[i+1][1];            }        }        printf("%d %d\n", outpair[i][0], total - kiss+1);        printf("0 0\n");}    printf("0\n");}void qsort_my(int l, int h, int outpair[1111][2]){    if (h < l + 2)        return;    int e = h, p = l;    while(l < h)    {        while(++l < e && outpair[l][1] <= outpair[p][1]);        while(--h > p && outpair[h][1] >= outpair[p][1]);            if (l < h)            {                int temp = outpair[l][0];                outpair[l][0] = outpair[h][0];                outpair[h][0] = temp;                temp = outpair[l][1];                outpair[l][1] = outpair[h][1];                outpair[h][1] = temp;            }    }    int temp = outpair[h][0];    outpair[h][0] = outpair[p][0];    outpair[p][0] = temp;    temp = outpair[h][1];    outpair[h][1] = outpair[p][1];    outpair[p][1] = temp;    qsort_my(p, h, outpair); qsort_my(l, e, outpair);}int getvalue(int pos){int p = 0, i = 0;while( p < pos){p += impair[i++][1];}return impair[i-1][0];}int Coder(int pos){int value = getvalue(pos);//    printf("value:%d", value);int maxabs = 0;int row = (pos - 1) / width;int column = (pos - 1) % width;for (int i = row - 1; i <= row + 1;i ++)for (int j = column - 1; j <= column + 1;j ++){int npos = width * i + j;if (i < 0 || j < 0 || j >= width || npos >= total || npos == pos - 1) continue;int Ccode = getvalue(npos+1);//            printf("pos:%d, value:%d, Ccode:%d\n", pos, value, Ccode);if (maxabs < abs(value - Ccode))maxabs = abs(value - Ccode);}    return maxabs;}
