Exercises 3.3 E7(原创)

来源:互联网 发布:照片拼图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 09:31

E7    Rewrite the methods for queue processing from the text ,using a flag to indicate a full queue  instead of keeping a count of the entries in the queue

using namespace std;
typedef int Queue_entry;
enum Error_code(success,underflow,overflow);
int main()
 const int maxqueue=10;
 class Queue
  bool empty()const;
  Error_code serve();
  Error_code append(const Queue_entry &item);
  Error_code retrieve(Queue_entry &item)const;
  int front,rear;
  int flag;
 bool Queue::empty()const
  return flag=1;
 Error_code Queue::append(const Queue_entry &item)
   return success;
  else return overflow;
 Error_code Queue::serve()
   return success;
  else return underflow;
 Error_code Queue::retrieve(Queue_entry&item)const
   return success;
  else return underflow;
