数独 RUBY 算法、baltctf-2013-sudoku

来源:互联网 发布:海尔网络电视机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/23 17:45

根据牛人PYTHON改的 数独 RUBY 算法,以及牛人的PYTHON数独生成算法。

#!/usr/bin/env rubyrequire "socket"require "pp"s = TCPSocket.new 'localhost', 3s.recv 1024b = s.recv 1024p b if $DEBUGout = []outout = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]size = b.size0.upto(size-1) do | i |if b[i] =~ (/\d/)out << b[i]elsif b[i] =~ (/_/)out << b[i]endendfor x in 0..80 dotmp = x.divmod(9)[0]outout[tmp] << out[x]endback = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]pp outout if $DEBUGguess = -1solved = 0while 1p "guess: #{guess}" if $DEBUGfound = 0 0.upto(8) do | x |print "x: #{x}" if $DEBUG0.upto(8) do | y |all = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]print "y: #{y}" if $DEBUGif outout[x][y] == "_"0.upto(8) do | yy |all.delete(outout[x][yy]) #print "x : #{x}, y: #{yy} "end0.upto(8) do | xx |all.delete(outout[xx][y])end( 3 * (x/3) ).upto( 3 * (x/3) + 2 ) do | zx |( 3 * (y/3) ).upto( 3 * (y/3) + 2 ) do | zy |all.delete(outout[zx][zy])endendif all.size == 1outout[x][y] = all[0]found = 1p x if $DEBUGp y if $DEBUGpp all if $DEBUGpp outout if $DEBUGelsif all.size == 0#guess wrongp "guess failed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" if $DEBUGpp outout if $DEBUG0.upto(8) do | i |0.upto(8) do | j |outout[i][j] = back[i][j]endendp "outout recover: " if $DEBUGpp outout if $DEBUGback = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]p "back . clear" if $DEBUGp back if $DEBUGfound = 0elsif guess != -1 && guess == xr = rand(all.size)p "guess line#{x}," if $DEBUGp all[r] if $DEBUGoutout[x][y] = all[r]guess = -1found = 1endendendendguess = -1if found == 0#if solvedsolution = "solution "outout.flatten.each do | one |solution << oneendp solution if $DEBUGif /_/ =~ solution#unsolved, guessguess = rand(9)p guess if $DEBUGif back == [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]0.upto(8) do | i |0.upto(8) do | j |back[i][j] = outout[i][j]endendp "back outout: " if $DEBUGpp back if $DEBUGendelsep "SOLUTION: #{solution}"solved += 1s.send(solution, solution.size)p "Solved: #{solved}x!"if solved == 1002.times dop s.recv(1024)endbreakendwhile 1b = s.recv(1024)if /----/ =~ bbreakendendp b if $DEBUGout = []outout = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]size = b.size0.upto(size-1) do | i |        if b[i] =~ (/\d/)                out << b[i]        elsif b[i] =~ (/_/)                out << b[i]        endendfor x in 0..80 do        tmp = x.divmod(9)[0]        outout[tmp] << out[x]endback = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]pp outout if $DEBUGguess = -1nextendendpp "back -----" if $DEBUGpp back if $DEBUGends.close


#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import random, socket, signal, sys, re, os, time from copy import copy, deepcopy  FLAG="328df3b4525e060de963a20d3cc86579" PORT=3 Timeout=10   slow="""__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________†888888‡†___________________ _______________________________8†_†††††††††††††††††8†_____________ ___________________________†‡_____††††††††††††††††††††8___________ ________________________‡†_______†‡‡‡‡‡‡‡8††††††††††††_†‡†________ ____________________‡†____†‡‡†_______________‡††††††††††††8_______ _______________________________________________†‡†††††††††‡‡______ _________________________________________________8†††††††††‡‡†____ ___________________________________________________††††††††‡‡†8___ ___________________________________________________8†††††††‡‡‡‡___ ___________________________________________________8†††††††‡‡‡†___ ___________________________________________________8††††††‡‡‡††___ ___________________________†‡‡†††††††††††††‡8†_____††††††‡‡‡‡‡†___ _______________________†8††††††††††††††††††††††8†_8‡††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡___ ____________________‡††††††††††††††††††††††††††††††‡†††‡‡‡‡‡‡†8___ ________‡‡††‡_†8‡††††††††††88†‡8†††‡8†††††††††††††††‡‡‡‡†‡‡‡‡‡____ ______††††††8††††††††††††††††8†††888††8††††††††††††‡‡†8††††††‡____ ______8†‡†8††††††††††††††††††‡†8††††††8††††††††††††‡‡‡‡¶††††8_____ _______‡‡__8†††††††††8____‡‡††††‡†††††‡†††††††††††‡‡‡‡††8†††______ ________‡¶_8††††††_†8_______†††††‡8888††††††††††‡‡‡‡‡‡††‡8†_______ _______‡†‡†________‡8________‡††††††‡8†††††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡________ _____8†________________†8‡__‡†††††‡‡‡‡†††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡†‡†‡‡†8________ ___‡________________________‡8†††‡‡‡‡††‡‡†‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡†‡†‡‡†_______ __†____‡_____‡_______________†8†‡‡‡††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡†‡‡8††††‡††_______ ___†_________________________†8††††††††††‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡‡††††††‡‡†_______ _____8_‡__‡888‡††____††‡¶‡____‡‡†††††††††††‡‡†‡‡†¶†††††‡†‡________ _______†_¶8¶†††††††‡_†††8___†8‡‡††††††††††‡†8‡‡8_¶‡‡†††††‡________ ________‡††¶¶††††††‡†8‡__†‡‡‡‡††8†††††††††‡†8______8‡‡__‡_________ ________8‡‡____††††_____88††††††††‡‡‡†††††‡†8_____________________ ______†††‡‡__‡‡†___‡‡8______________8‡‡‡888‡†_____________________ ______________________________________†¶___‡______________________"""  class Sudoku:         def __init__(self):                 a=[[''for j in range(9)]for i in range(9)]                 t=range(1,10)                 random.seed()                 random.shuffle(t)                 k=0                 for i in range(9):                         if i==3 or i==6: k+=1                         for j in range(9):                                 a[i][j]=str(t[(j+k)%9])                         k+=3                 for t in range(20):                         i=random.choice([0,3,6])                         j=random.choice(filter(lambda x: x!=i,[0,3,6]))                         for k in range(9):                                 for l in range(3):                                         a[k][i+l],a[k][j+l]=a[k][j+l],a[k][i+l]                         i=random.choice([0,3,6])                         j=random.choice(filter(lambda x: x!=i,[0,3,6]))                         for k in range(9):                                 for l in range(3):                                         a[i+l][k],a[j+l][k]=a[j+l][k],a[i+l][k]                                                  for s in [[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]]:                                 i=random.choice(s)                                 j=random.choice(filter(lambda x: x!=i,s))                                 for k in range(9):                                         a[i][k],a[j][k]=a[j][k],a[i][k]                                 i=random.choice(s)                                 j=random.choice(filter(lambda x: x!=i,s))                                 for k in range(9):                                         a[k][i],a[k][j]=a[k][j],a[k][i]                                  self.a=deepcopy(a)                                  #print self.prov(a)                 #print "solution "+''.join([''.join(i) for i in a])                                  t=0                 k=random.randint(30,60)                 while t!=k:                         i=random.randint(0,8)                         j=random.randint(0,8)                         if a[i][j]!='_':                                 a[i][j]='_'                                 t+=1                 self.field=deepcopy(a)                 self.game=deepcopy(a)                                                                           def prov(self, a):                 b=[0]*27                 for i in range(9):                         for j in range(9):                                 b[i]+=int(a[i][j])                                 b[9+j]+=int(a[i][j])                                 b[18+(i/3)*3+j/3]+=int(a[i][j])                 return b.count(45)==27                    def restart(self):                 self.game=deepcopy(self.field)                   def check(self,x,y,t):                 a=self.game                 gor=a[x-1]                 ver=[a[k][y-1] for k in range(9)]                 i,j=((x-1)/3)*3,((y-1)/3)*3                 sq=[a[i][j],a[i][j+1],a[i][j+2],a[i+1][j],a[i+1][j+1],a[i+1][j+2],a[i+2][j],a[i+2][j+1],a[i+2][j+2]]                 return not(t in gor or t in ver or t in sq)                          def final_check(self):                 return ''.join([''.join(i) for i in self.game]).find('_')==-1                  def full(self, m):                 a=[[''for j in range(9)]for i in range(9)]                 for i in range(9):                         for j in range(9):                                 if self.field[i][j]==m[i*9+j] or self.field[i][j]=='_': a[i][j]=m[i*9+j]                                 else: return "Error"                 if self.prov(a):                         self.game=deepcopy(a)                         return "Wow!!!"                 else: return "Error"                                  def step(self,x,y,t):                 if self.field[x-1][y-1]=='_' and self.check(x,y,t):                         self.game[x-1][y-1]=t                         return "Nice step"                 return 'Impossible step'          def write(self, client):                 a=self.game[:][:]                 s=''                 for i in range(9):                         if i%3==0: s+='-------------\n'                         s+='|'+''.join(a[i][0:3])+'|'+''.join(a[i][3:6])+'|'+''.join(a[i][6:9])+'|\n'                 s+='-------------\n'                 client.send(s)                  sock = socket.socket() sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(('', PORT)) sock.listen(10)  signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, signal.SIG_IGN)   while 1:         client, addr = sock.accept()         if os.fork() == 0:                 break         client.close() sock.close()  f = Sudoku()  client.send( """Have a nice time with sudoku Format:  a) "[1-9] [1-9] [1-9]" - coords and input digit  b) "solution [1-9]{81}" - full solution Other: "restart" to start current game again "[QqXx]" to exit """)  def handle(line):         if len(line) < 1:                 return (True, None)         if len(line) == 1 and line[0] in "qxQX":                 return (False, "Bye")         global f                  if line=='restart':                 f.restart()                 return (True,'Start again')                  m = re.match("^solution [1-9]{81}$",line)         if m != None:                 m=re.findall("[1-9]{81}",line)[0]                 return(True, f.full(m))                  m = re.match("^[1-9] [1-9] [1-9]$",line)         if m != None:                 m=re.findall("[1-9]",line)                 return (True, f.step(int(m[0]),int(m[1]),m[2]))                          return (True, "Error input")                   data = ""  client.settimeout(Timeout) games=0  try:         while 1:                 if f.final_check():                         games+=1                         f = Sudoku()                         if games==100:                                 client.send("the flag is: "+FLAG+"\n")                                 sys.exit(0)                         client.send("Solved!!! Have a fun and finally you will get a flag\n")                 f.write(client)                                  data=client.recv(4096)                 if len(data)==0:                         sys.exit(0)                                          cont, msg = handle(data.replace('\n',''))                 if msg!=None:                         client.send(msg + "\n")                 if cont==False:                         client.close()                         sys.exit(0) except socket.timeout:         client.send("So sloooow\n"+slow+"\n")         sys.exit(0)  sys.exit(0)

 Link  http://f00l.de/blog/baltctf-2013-sudoku/
