UVa 10061 How many zero's and how many digits ? (任意进制下的阶乘长度和尾0的数目)

来源:互联网 发布:人工智能龙头股票 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 10:13

10061 - How many zero's and how many digits ?

Time limit: 20.000 seconds


Given a decimal integer number you will have to find out how many trailing zeros will be there in its factorial in a given number system and also you will have to find how many digits will its factorial have in a given number system? You can assume that for a b based number system there are b different symbols to denote values ranging from 0 ... b-1.


There will be several lines of input. Each line makes a block. Each line will contain a decimal number N (a 20bit unsigned number) and a decimal number B (1<B<=800), which is the base of the number system you have to consider. As for example 5! = 120 (in decimal) but it is 78 in hexadecimal number system. So in Hexadecimal 5! has no trailing zeros


For each line of input output in a single line how many trailing zeros will the factorial of that number have in the given number system and also how many digits will the factorial of that number have in that given number system. Separate these two numbers with a single space. You can be sure that the number of trailing zeros or the number of digits will not be greater than 2^31-1

Sample Input:

2 10
5 16
5 10


Sample Output:

0 1
0 2
1 3






/*0.075s*/#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>const int maxn = 1 << 20;double digit[maxn];///当有太多重复运算时,不妨打表inline void lenN(){for (int i = 1; i < maxn; i++)digit[i] = digit[i - 1] + log(i);}int main(){lenN();int n, n2, base, base2, maxp, rn, rbase;while (~scanf("%d%d", &n, &base)){n2 = n, base2 = base;maxp = 1;for (int i = 2; i <= base; ++i){rbase = 0;while (base % i == 0){    maxp = i;///最大质数++rbase;///base质因子分解中最大质数的幂次base /= i;}}rn = 0;while (n){    n /= maxp;rn += n;///n质因子分解中maxp的幂次}///万一算出来个xxx.9999999999怎么办?精度微调必不可少!printf("%d %d\n", rn / rbase, (int)(digit[n2] / log(base2) + 1e-9) + 1);}return 0;}
