
来源:互联网 发布:软件代理合作协议 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 10:49
package bp;import java.util.Random;public class BP {/** * input vector. */private final double[] input;/** * hidden layer. */private final double[] hidden;/** * output layer. */private final double[] output;/** * target. */private final double[] target;/** * delta vector of the hidden layer . */private final double[] hidDelta;/** * output layer of the output layer. */private final double[] optDelta;/** * learning rate. */private final double eta;/** * momentum. */private final double momentum;/** * weight matrix from input layer to hidden layer. */private final double[][] iptHidWeights;/** * weight matrix from hidden layer to output layer. */private final double[][] hidOptWeights;/** * previous weight update. */private final double[][] iptHidPrevUptWeights;/** * previous weight update. */private final double[][] hidOptPrevUptWeights;public double optErrSum = 0d;public double hidErrSum = 0d;private final Random random;/** * Constructor. * <p> * <strong>Note:</strong> The capacity of each layer will be the parameter * plus 1. The additional unit is used for smoothness. * </p> *  * @param inputSize * @param hiddenSize * @param outputSize * @param eta * @param momentum * @param epoch */public BP(int inputSize, int hiddenSize, int outputSize, double eta,double momentum) {input = new double[inputSize + 1];hidden = new double[hiddenSize + 1];output = new double[outputSize + 1];target = new double[outputSize + 1];hidDelta = new double[hiddenSize + 1];optDelta = new double[outputSize + 1];iptHidWeights = new double[inputSize + 1][hiddenSize + 1];hidOptWeights = new double[hiddenSize + 1][outputSize + 1];random = new Random(19881211);randomizeWeights(iptHidWeights);randomizeWeights(hidOptWeights);iptHidPrevUptWeights = new double[inputSize + 1][hiddenSize + 1];hidOptPrevUptWeights = new double[hiddenSize + 1][outputSize + 1];this.eta = eta;this.momentum = momentum;}private void randomizeWeights(double[][] matrix) {for (int i = 0, len = matrix.length; i != len; i++)for (int j = 0, len2 = matrix[i].length; j != len2; j++) {double real = random.nextDouble();matrix[i][j] = random.nextDouble() > 0.5 ? real : -real;}}/** * Constructor with default eta = 0.25 and momentum = 0.3. *  * @param inputSize * @param hiddenSize * @param outputSize * @param epoch */public BP(int inputSize, int hiddenSize, int outputSize) {this(inputSize, hiddenSize, outputSize, 0.25, 0.9);}/** * Entry method. The train data should be a one-dim vector. *  * @param trainData * @param target */public void train(double[] trainData, double[] target) {loadInput(trainData);loadTarget(target);forward();calculateDelta();adjustWeight();}/** * Test the BPNN. *  * @param inData * @return */public double[] test(double[] inData) {if (inData.length != input.length - 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size Do Not Match.");}System.arraycopy(inData, 0, input, 1, inData.length);forward();return getNetworkOutput();}/** * Return the output layer. *  * @return */private double[] getNetworkOutput() {int len = output.length;double[] temp = new double[len - 1];for (int i = 1; i != len; i++)temp[i - 1] = output[i];return temp;}/** * Load the target data. *  * @param arg */private void loadTarget(double[] arg) {if (arg.length != target.length - 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size Do Not Match.");}System.arraycopy(arg, 0, target, 1, arg.length);}/** * Load the training data. *  * @param inData */private void loadInput(double[] inData) {if (inData.length != input.length - 1) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("Size Do Not Match.");}System.arraycopy(inData, 0, input, 1, inData.length);}/** * Forward. *  * @param layer0 * @param layer1 * @param weight */private void forward(double[] layer0, double[] layer1, double[][] weight) {// threshold unit.layer0[0] = 1.0;for (int j = 1, len = layer1.length; j != len; ++j) {double sum = 0;for (int i = 0, len2 = layer0.length; i != len2; ++i)sum += weight[i][j] * layer0[i];layer1[j] = sigmoid(sum);}}/** * Forward. */private void forward() {forward(input, hidden, iptHidWeights);forward(hidden, output, hidOptWeights);}/** * Calculate output error. */private void outputErr() {double errSum = 0;for (int idx = 1, len = optDelta.length; idx != len; ++idx) {double o = output[idx];optDelta[idx] = o * (1d - o) * (target[idx] - o);errSum += Math.abs(optDelta[idx]);}optErrSum = errSum;}/** * Calculate hidden errors. */private void hiddenErr() {double errSum = 0;for (int j = 1, len = hidDelta.length; j != len; ++j) {double o = hidden[j];double sum = 0;for (int k = 1, len2 = optDelta.length; k != len2; ++k)sum += hidOptWeights[j][k] * optDelta[k];hidDelta[j] = o * (1d - o) * sum;errSum += Math.abs(hidDelta[j]);}hidErrSum = errSum;}/** * Calculate errors of all layers. */private void calculateDelta() {outputErr();hiddenErr();}/** * Adjust the weight matrix. *  * @param delta * @param layer * @param weight * @param prevWeight */private void adjustWeight(double[] delta, double[] layer,double[][] weight, double[][] prevWeight) {layer[0] = 1;for (int i = 1, len = delta.length; i != len; ++i) {for (int j = 0, len2 = layer.length; j != len2; ++j) {double newVal = momentum * prevWeight[j][i] + eta * delta[i]* layer[j];weight[j][i] += newVal;prevWeight[j][i] = newVal;}}}/** * Adjust all weight matrices. */private void adjustWeight() {adjustWeight(optDelta, hidden, hidOptWeights, hidOptPrevUptWeights);adjustWeight(hidDelta, input, iptHidWeights, iptHidPrevUptWeights);}/** * Sigmoid. *  * @param val * @return */private double sigmoid(double val) {return 1d / (1d + Math.exp(-val));}}

package bp;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import java.util.Random;public class Test {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {BP bp = new BP(32, 15, 4);Random random = new Random();List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();for (int i = 0; i != 1000; i++) {int value = random.nextInt();list.add(value);}for (int i = 0; i != 200; i++) {for (int value : list) {double[] real = new double[4];if (value >= 0)if ((value & 1) == 1)real[0] = 1;elsereal[1] = 1;else if ((value & 1) == 1)real[2] = 1;elsereal[3] = 1;double[] binary = new double[32];int index = 31;do {binary[index--] = (value & 1);value >>>= 1;} while (value != 0);bp.train(binary, real);}}System.out.println("训练完毕,下面请输入一个任意数字,神经网络将自动判断它是正数还是复数,奇数还是偶数。");while (true) {byte[] input = new byte[10];System.in.read(input);Integer value = Integer.parseInt(new String(input).trim());int rawVal = value;double[] binary = new double[32];int index = 31;do {binary[index--] = (value & 1);value >>>= 1;} while (value != 0);double[] result = bp.test(binary);double max = -Integer.MIN_VALUE;int idx = -1;for (int i = 0; i != result.length; i++) {if (result[i] > max) {max = result[i];idx = i;}}switch (idx) {case 0:System.out.format("%d是一个正奇数\n", rawVal);break;case 1:System.out.format("%d是一个正偶数\n", rawVal);break;case 2:System.out.format("%d是一个负奇数\n", rawVal);break;case 3:System.out.format("%d是一个负偶数\n", rawVal);break;}}}}