Cocos2d-x 抖动效果

来源:互联网 发布:隐藏游戏的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:00

在网上看到一个挺有意思的东西 -- 抖动效果。这个动作应该可以用在制作战争类游戏炸弹爆炸或者渲染游戏画面效果等。




#ifndef __SHAKE_H__#define __SHAKE_H__#include "cocos2d.h"USING_NS_CC;class CCShake : public cocos2d::CCActionInterval{public:CCShake();    //下面给出了两个创建该抖动动作实例的类方法:        //①参数指定动作执行时间和抖动范围(x和y相同)// Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y)static CCShake *create(float d, float strength );        //②参数指定动作执行时间和x,y抖动范围// Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y)static CCShake *createWithStrength(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y );    bool initWithDuration(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y );protected:void startWithTarget(cocos2d::CCNode *pTarget);void update(float time);void stop(void);CCPoint m_StartPosition;// Strength of the actionfloat m_strength_x, m_strength_y;};#endif //__SHAKE_H__

#include "CCShake.h"#include "cocos2d.h"USING_NS_CC;// not really useful, but I like clean default constructorsCCShake::CCShake() : m_strength_x(0), m_strength_y(0){}CCShake *CCShake::create( float d, float strength ){// call other construction method with twice the same strengthreturn createWithStrength( d, strength, strength );}CCShake *CCShake::createWithStrength(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y){CCShake *pRet = new CCShake();if (pRet && pRet->initWithDuration(duration, strength_x, strength_y)){pRet->autorelease();}else{CC_SAFE_DELETE(pRet);}return pRet;}bool CCShake::initWithDuration(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y){if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration)){m_strength_x = strength_x;m_strength_y = strength_y;return true;}return false;}// Helper function. I included it here so that you can compile the whole file// it returns a random value between min and max includedstatic float fgRangeRand( float min, float max ){float rnd = ((float)rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);return rnd * (max - min) + min;}void CCShake::update(float dt){float randx = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_x, m_strength_x ) * dt;float randy = fgRangeRand( -m_strength_y, m_strength_y ) * dt;// move the target to a shaked positionm_pTarget->setPosition( ccpAdd(m_StartPosition, ccp( randx, randy)));}void CCShake::startWithTarget(CCNode *pTarget){CCActionInterval::startWithTarget( pTarget );// save the initial positionm_StartPosition=pTarget->getPosition();}void CCShake::stop(void){// Action is done, reset clip positionthis->getTarget()->setPosition( m_StartPosition);CCActionInterval::stop();}


CCShake* shake = CCShake::create(3, 15);    pSprite->runAction(shake);

