cocos2d-x (3.0)抖动效果

来源:互联网 发布:java标识符的命名规则 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 21:15




////  CCShake.h////  Code by Francois Guibert//  Contact: - -  何遵祖修改于2014.7.10 支持cocos2dx 3.0 修正了动作执行精灵位置错误问题 测试环境:cocos2d-x-3.0rc1#ifndef __war__CCShake__#define __war__CCShake__#include#include "cocos2d.h"using namespace cocos2d;class Shake : public ActionInterval{public:    Shake();        // Create the action with a time and a strength (same in x and y)    // 产生震动效果的初始化函数参数,两个方向相同    // @param d 震动持续的时间    // @param strength 震动的幅度    static Shake* create(float d, float strength);    // Create the action with a time and strengths (different in x and y)    // 产生震动效果的初始化函数,两个方向值不一样    static Shake* create(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y);    bool initWithDuration(float d, float strength_x, float strength_y);        //以下都是重写父类抽象类的函数(必须重写)    virtual Shake* clone() const override;    virtual Shake* reverse(void) const override;    virtual void startWithTarget(Node *target) override;    virtual void update(float time) override;    virtual void stop(void);    protected:     // Initial position of the shaked node     // 精灵的位置     float _initial_x, _initial_y;     // Strength of the action     // 抖动的幅度     float _strength_x, _strength_y;};

////  Shake.cpp//  war//#include "CCShake.h"// not really useful, but I like clean default constructorsShake::Shake() : _strength_x(0), _strength_y(0), _initial_x(0), _initial_y(0){}Shake* Shake::create(float d, float strength ){    // call other construction method with twice the same strength    return create( d, strength, strength );}Shake* Shake::create(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y){    Shake *p_action = new Shake();    p_action->initWithDuration(duration, strength_x, strength_y);    p_action->autorelease();        return p_action;}bool Shake::initWithDuration(float duration, float strength_x, float strength_y){    if (CCActionInterval::initWithDuration(duration))    {        _strength_x = strength_x;        _strength_y = strength_y;                return true;    }        return false;}// Helper function. I included it here so that you can compile the whole file// it returns a random value between min and max includedfloat fgRangeRand( float min, float max ){     float rnd = ((float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX);     return rnd*(max-min)+min;}void Shake::update(float time){     float randx = fgRangeRand( -_strength_x, _strength_x );     float randy = fgRangeRand( -_strength_y, _strength_y );         // move the target to a shaked position     _target->setPosition(Vec2(_initial_x + randx,                               _initial_y + randy));}Shake* Shake::clone(void) const{    auto a = new Shake();    a->initWithDuration(_duration, _strength_x, _strength_y);    a->autorelease();    return a;}Shake* Shake::reverse() const{    return Shake::create(_duration, -_strength_x, -_strength_y);}void Shake::startWithTarget(Node *target){    CCActionInterval::startWithTarget(target);        // save the initial position    _initial_x = target->getPosition().x;    _initial_y = target->getPosition().y;}void Shake::stop(void){    // Action is done, reset clip position    _target->setPosition(Vec2( _initial_x, _initial_y ) );        CCActionInterval::stop();}


   这个Shake主要的核心是在update和fgRangeRand方法中,主要思路是在fgRangeRand中在类的_strength(-_strength ~ _strength)值的范围里面产生随机数,然后根据精灵位置加上这里产生的值,从而不断的快速改变位置来参数抖动的效果。


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