cocos2dx 在android下的帧频设置问题

来源:互联网 发布:android sdk linux 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 03:03


最后在Cocos2dxRenderer .java文件里面找到了这个函数。里面有句注释 FPS controlling algorithm is not accurate, and it will slow down FPS
on some devices. So comment FPS controlling code.发现其实这段代码已经被屏蔽掉了。。。。

public void onDrawFrame(final GL10 gl) {

* FPS controlling algorithm is not accurate, and it will slow down FPS
* on some devices. So comment FPS controlling code.

final long nowInNanoSeconds = System.nanoTime();
final long interval = nowInNanoSeconds - this.mLastTickInNanoSeconds;

// should render a frame when onDrawFrame() is called or there is a
// "ghost"

// fps controlling
if (interval < Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval) {
try {
// because we render it before, so we should sleep twice time interval
Thread.sleep((Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval - interval) / Cocos2dxRenderer.NANOSECONDSPERMICROSECOND);
} catch (final Exception e) {

this.mLastTickInNanoSeconds = nowInNanoSeconds;




private long renderingElapsedTime;@Overridepublic void onDrawFrame(final GL10 gl) {    /*     * FPS controlling algorithm is not accurate, and it will slow down FPS     * on some devices. So comment FPS controlling code.     */    try {        if (renderingElapsedTime< Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval) {            Thread.sleep((Cocos2dxRenderer.sAnimationInterval - renderingElapsedTime) / NANOSECONDSPERMICROSECOND);        }    } catch (InterruptedException e) {        e.printStackTrace();    }    // Get the timestamp when rendering started    long renderingStartedTimestamp = System.nanoTime();    // should render a frame when onDrawFrame() is called or there is a    // "ghost"     Cocos2dxRenderer.nativeRender();    // Calculate the elapsed time during rendering    renderingElapsedTime = (System.nanoTime() - renderingStartedTimestamp);}