
来源:互联网 发布:启用网络发现无法保存 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/11 03:02

#define _ASMLANGUAGE#include "vxWorks.h"#include "sysLib.h"#include "asm.h"#include "regs.h"#include "config.h"#include "arch/arm/mmuArmLib.h"/* add by lyx for 2410 in 0609*/#include "option.a"#include "2410addr.s" .data .globl VAR(copyright_wind_river) @全局符号 .long VAR(copyright_wind_river) @定义变量为long整型copyright_wind_river由symTbl.c导入IMPORT int copyright_wind_river;/* internals */ .globl FUNC(romInit) /* start of system code */ .globl VAR(sdata) /* start of data */ .globl _sdata/* externals */ .extern FUNC(romStart) /* system initialization routine */@在bootInit.c中定义_sdata:VAR_LABEL(sdata) .asciz "start of data" .balign 4/* variables */ .data .text@代码段 .balign 4@4字节对齐/********************************************************************************* romInit - entry point for VxWorks in ROM** romInit* (* int startType /@ only used by 2nd entry point @/* )* INTERNAL* sysToMonitor examines the ROM for the first instruction and the string* "Copy" in the third word so if this changes, sysToMonitor must be updated.*/_ARM_FUNCTION(romInit)_romInit: /*ARM跳转表*/    B cold /*reset*/    B _romUndef/*未定义指令*/    B _romSwi/*软中断*/    B _romPrefetch/*预取指令异常*/    B _romDataAbort/*数据异常*/    B cold/*保留*/    B _romIRQ/*IRQ*/    B _romIRQ/*快速中断*/
/* system restart types */
#define BOOT_NORMAL 0x00 /* normal reboot with countdown */
#define BOOT_NO_AUTOBOOT 0x01 /* no autoboot if set */
#define BOOT_CLEAR 0x02 /* clear memory if set */
#define BOOT_QUICK_AUTOBOOT 0x04 /* fast autoboot if set */
/* for backward compatibility */
cold: MOV r0, #BOOT_COLD /* fall through to warm boot entry *//*将BOOT_COLD值写入r0寄存器,BOOT_COLD在sysLib.h中定义*/warm:@热启动部分 B start /* copyright notice appears at beginning of ROM (in TEXT segment) */ .ascii "Copyright 1999-2001 ARM Limited" .ascii "\nCopyright 1999-2001 Wind River Systems, Inc." .balign 4start: /*  * There have been reports of problems with certain boards and  * certain power supplies not coming up after a power-on reset,  * and adding a delay at the start of romInit appears to help  * with this.  */ MOV R14,R0 @保存返回地址到r14 /*  * CPU INTERRUPTS DISABLED  *  * disable individual interrupts in the interrupt controller  */@设置GPH1为nRTS0 ldr r1,=0x56000070 //PCONH ldr r0,[r1] bic r0,r0,#0x00000008 orr r0,r0,#0X00000004 str r0,[r1]@GPH1DATA = 0,nRTS=0,请求发送数据,TXD0,RXD0 ldr r1,=0x56000074 //PDATH ldr r0,[r1] bic r0,r0,#0x0002 //PH1=0 str r0,[r1] ldr r0,=WTCON @ watch dog disable ldr r1,=0x0 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=INTMSK ldr r1,=0xffffffff @ all interrupt disable str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=INTSUBMSK ldr r1,=0x7ff @ all sub interrupt disable str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=SRCPND ldr r1,=0xffffffff @ clear all interrupt source str r1,[r0]  ldr r0,=INTPND ldr r1,=0xffffffff @ clear all interrupt pend str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=CLKDIVN ldr r1,=0x03 @ HCLK=FLCK/2 PCLK=FCLK/4 busfrq=50Mhz str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=CLKCON ldr r1,=0x7fff0 @ all clk enable str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=UPLLCON ldr r1,=((40<<12)+(2<<4)+1) @ Fin=8MHz,Fout=FCLK in option.a,configure the Upll to 48MHZ=(40+8)*8M/((2+2)*2) str r1,[r0]  ldr r0,=MPLLCON ldr r1,=((M_MDIV<<12)+(M_PDIV<<4)+M_SDIV) @ Fin=8MHz,Fout=FCLK in option.a str r1,[r0]
.EQU FCLK, 200000000 @must modify in 2410addr.h too for 8M fin,定义FCLK=200MHZ
.EQU FIN, 8000000
.IF (FIN == 8000000)
@.EQU FCLK, 200000000
.IF (FCLK == 100000000)
.EQU M_MDIV, 0x43 @FIN=8.0MHz Fout=100.0MHz
.EQU M_PDIV, 0x1
.EQU M_SDIV, 0x1
.IF (FCLK == 150000000)
.EQU M_MDIV, 0x8E @FIN=8.0MHz Fout=150.0MHz
.EQU M_PDIV, 0x2
.EQU M_SDIV, 0x1
.IF (FCLK == 200000000)@在这里定义MDIV,M_PDIV,M_SDIV的值
.EQU M_MDIV, 0xC0 @FIN=8.0MHz Fout=200.0MHz
.EQU M_PDIV, 0x2
.EQU M_SDIV, 0x1
@@设置内存/*Special Registers*/     ldr r0,L$_SMRDATA @must convert here     ldmia r0,{r1-r13}@[R0]=>{R1->R13}     ldr r0,=BWSCON @BWSCON Address     stmia r0,{r1-r13}@{r1-r13}=>{r0}/* Setup MMU Control Register */ MOV r1, #MMU_INIT_VALUE /* Defined in mmuArmLib.h */ ORR r1, r1, #0xc0000000 /* 2410特有的控制位,设置cpu工作在异步时钟*/#if defined(INTEGRATOR_EARLY_I_CACHE_ENABLE) ORR r1, r1, #MMUCR_I_ENABLE /* no define zj ##conditionally enable Icache*/ @@这个一般是在config.h中定义,但是ARM920T默认情况下不开#endif MCR CP_MMU, 0, r1, c1, c0, 0 /* Write to MMU CR */ /*  * If MMU was on before this, then we'd better hope it was set  * up for flat translation or there will be problems. The next  * 2/3 instructions will be fetched "translated" (number depends  * on CPU).  *  * We would like to discard the contents of the Write-Buffer  * altogether, but there is no facility to do this. Failing that,  * we do not want any pending writes to happen at a later stage,  * so drain the Write-Buffer, i.e. force any pending writes to  * happen now.  */    MOV r1, #0 /* data SBZ */ MCR CP_MMU, 0, r1, c7, c10, 4 /* drain write-buffer 排空写缓冲区*/ /* Flush (invalidate) both I and D caches */ MCR CP_MMU, 0, r1, c7, c7, 0 /* R1 = 0 from above, data SBZ*/    /*  * Set Process ID Register to zero, this effectively disables  * the process ID remapping feature.  */ MOV r1, #0 MCR CP_MMU, 0, r1, c13, c0, 0 /* disable interrupts in CPU and switch to SVC32 mode */ MRS r1, cpsr BIC r1, r1, #MASK_MODE ORR r1, r1, #MODE_SVC32 | I_BIT | F_BIT MSR cpsr, r1/* 因为看门狗芯片精度的问题,有可能在系统起来之前就复位,因此先喂狗,使用定时器3喂狗,added by xp 2012-6-14*/      ldr r0,=0x51000004 /*配置TCFG1*/     ldr r1,[r0]     and r1,r1,#0xffff0fff@选择1/2MUX作为PWM TIMER3的输入 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000004 ldr r1,[r0] orr r1,r1,#0x3000@选择1/16MUX作为PWM TIMER3的输入 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000030 ldr r1,=1000@Timer 3 count buffer register设置timer3计数器值为1000 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000034 ldr r1,=500@设置timer3比较值为500 Timer 3 compare buffer register str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000008 @TCON    ldr r1,[r0]    and r1,r1,#0xfff0ffff@清除有关timer3的配置 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000008 ldr r1,[r0] orr r1,r1,#0x20000@Update TCNTB3 & TCMPB3 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000008     ldr r1,[r0]     and r1,r1,#0xfff0ffff@清除有关timer3的配置 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x51000008 ldr r1,[r0] orr r1,r1,#0x90000@Interval mode (auto reload);Start for Timer 3;启动定时器3 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x56000010     ldr r1,[r0]     and r1,r1,#0xffffff3f@清除GPB3 str r1,[r0] ldr r0,=0x56000010 ldr r1,[r0] orr r1,r1,#0x80 @设置GPB3为TOUT3 str r1,[r0]       MOV r0, r14 /* restore starttype to r0 from r14 */        /* jump to C entry point in ROM: routine - entry point + ROM base */ LDR sp, L$_STACK_ADDR
MOV fp, #0 /* zero frame pointer */ LDR pc, L$_rStrtInRom @go to romStart function@@@@@@@@@@@@@异常处理_ARM_FUNCTION(romUndef) _romUndef:  sub sp, sp, #4  stmfd sp!, {r0}  ldr r0, L$_promUndef  ldr r0, [r0]  str r0, [sp, #4]  ldmfd sp!, {r0, pc}_ARM_FUNCTION(romSwi) _romSwi:  sub sp, sp, #4  stmfd sp!, {r0}  ldr r0, L$_promSwi  ldr r0, [r0]  str r0, [sp, #4]  ldmfd sp!, {r0, pc}_ARM_FUNCTION(romPrefetch) _romPrefetch:  sub sp, sp, #4  stmfd sp!, {r0}  ldr r0, L$_promFth  ldr r0, [r0]  str r0, [sp, #4]  ldmfd sp!, {r0, pc}_ARM_FUNCTION(romDataAbort) _romDataAbort:  sub sp, sp, #4  stmfd sp!, {r0}  ldr r0, L$_promAbo  ldr r0, [r0]  str r0, [sp, #4]  ldmfd sp!, {r0, pc}_ARM_FUNCTION(romIRQ) _romIRQ:  sub sp, sp, #4  stmfd sp!, {r0}  ldr r0, L$_promIRQ  ldr r0, [r0]  str r0, [sp, #4]  ldmfd sp!, {r0, pc}/******************************************************************************//* * PC-relative-addressable pointers - LDR Rn,=sym is broken * note "_" after "$" to stop preprocessor performing substitution */ .balign 4L$_rStrtInRom: .long ROM_TEXT_ADRS + FUNC(romStart) - FUNC(romInit)@ROM_TEXT_ADRS在Makefile中指定L$_STACK_ADDR: .long STACK_ADRS@_romInitL$_promUndef:.long S3C_EXC_BASE + 0@在2410addr.S中定义L$_promSwi:.long S3C_EXC_BASE + 4L$_promFth:.long S3C_EXC_BASE + 8L$_promAbo:.long S3C_EXC_BASE + 12L$_promIRQ:.long S3C_EXC_BASE + 20L$_SMRDATA:.long ROM_TEXT_ADRS + SMRDATA - FUNC(romInit)/*;*****************************************************************;* Memory configuration has to be optimized for best performance *;* The following parameter is not optimized. *;*****************************************************************;*** memory access cycle parameter strategy ***; 1) Even FP-DRAM, EDO setting has more late fetch point by half-clock; 2) The memory settings,here, are made the safe parameters even at 64Mhz.; 3) FP-DRAM Parameters:tRCD=3 for tRAC, tcas=2 for pad delay, tcp=2 for bus load.; 4) DRAM refresh rate is for 40Mhz.;**********MEMORY CONTROL PARAMETERS*******************************/    .GLOBAL BUSWIDTH @max. bus width for the GPIO configuration@ BUSWIDTH : 16,32.EQU BUSWIDTH, 32@ BWSCON.EQU DW8 , (0x0).EQU DW16 , (0x1).EQU DW32 , (0x2).EQU WAIT , (0x1<<2).EQU UBLB , (0x1<<3).ifeq BUSWIDTH-16.EQU B1_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B2_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B3_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B4_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B5_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B6_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B7_BWSCON, (DW16).endif.ifeq BUSWIDTH-32.EQU B1_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B2_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B3_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B4_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B5_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B6_BWSCON, (DW16).EQU B7_BWSCON, (DW16).endif@ BANK0CON.EQU B0_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B0_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B0_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B0_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B0_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B0_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B0_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ BANK1CON.EQU B1_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B1_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B1_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B1_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B1_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B1_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B1_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ Bank 2 parameter.EQU B2_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B2_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B2_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B2_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B2_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B2_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B2_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ Bank 3 parameter.EQU B3_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B3_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B3_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B3_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B3_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B3_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B3_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ Bank 4 parameter.EQU B4_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B4_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B4_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B4_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B4_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B4_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B4_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ Bank 5 parameter.EQU B5_Tacs , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B5_Tcos , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B5_Tacc , 0x7 @ 14clk.EQU B5_Tcoh , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B5_Tah , 0x0 @ 0clk.EQU B5_Tacp , 0x0.EQU B5_PMC , 0x0 @ normal@ Bank 6 parameter.EQU B6_MT , 0x3 @ SDRAM@ B6_Trcd , 0x0 @ 2clk.EQU B6_Trcd , 0x1 @ 3clk.EQU B6_SCAN , 0x1 @ 9bit@ Bank 7 parameter.EQU B7_MT , 0x0 @ SRAM@ B7_Trcd , 0x0 @ 2clk.EQU B7_Trcd , 0x0 @ 3clk.EQU B7_SCAN , 0x0 @ 9bit@ REFRESH parameter.EQU REFEN , 0x1 @ Refresh enable.EQU TREFMD , 0x0 @ CBR(CAS before RAS)/Auto refresh.EQU Trp , 0x0 @ 2clk.EQU Trc , 0x3 @ 7clk.EQU Tchr , 0x2 @ 3clk.EQU REFCNT , 1269 @489 period=15.6us, HCLK=100Mhz, (2048+1-15.6*100)                               @1269 period=15.6us, HCLK=50Mhz, (2048+1-15.6*50)/*;************************************************;bank0 16bit BOOT ROM;bank1 8bit NandFlash;bank2 16bit IDE;bank3 8bit UDB;bank4 rtl8019;bank5 ext;bank6 16bit SDRAM;bank7 16bit SDRAM*/ .balign 4SMRDATA:# Memory configuration should be optimized for best performance# The following parameter is not optimized.# Memory access cycle parameter strategy# 1) The memory settings is safe parameters even at HCLK=75Mhz.# 2) SDRAM refresh period is for HCLK=75Mhz.     .long ((B1_BWSCON<<4)+(B2_BWSCON<<8)+(B3_BWSCON<<12)+(B4_BWSCON<<16)+(B5_BWSCON<<20)+(B6_BWSCON<<24)+(B7_BWSCON<<28))     .long ((B0_Tacs<<13)+(B0_Tcos<<11)+(B0_Tacc<<8)+(B0_Tcoh<<6)+(B0_Tah<<4)+(B0_Tacp<<2)+(B0_PMC)) @ GCS0     .long ((B1_Tacs<<13)+(B1_Tcos<<11)+(B1_Tacc<<8)+(B1_Tcoh<<6)+(B1_Tah<<4)+(B1_Tacp<<2)+(B1_PMC)) @ GCS1     .long ((B2_Tacs<<13)+(B2_Tcos<<11)+(B2_Tacc<<8)+(B2_Tcoh<<6)+(B2_Tah<<4)+(B2_Tacp<<2)+(B2_PMC)) @ GCS2     .long ((B3_Tacs<<13)+(B3_Tcos<<11)+(B3_Tacc<<8)+(B3_Tcoh<<6)+(B3_Tah<<4)+(B3_Tacp<<2)+(B3_PMC)) @ GCS3     .long ((B4_Tacs<<13)+(B4_Tcos<<11)+(B4_Tacc<<8)+(B4_Tcoh<<6)+(B4_Tah<<4)+(B4_Tacp<<2)+(B4_PMC)) @ GCS4     .long ((B5_Tacs<<13)+(B5_Tcos<<11)+(B5_Tacc<<8)+(B5_Tcoh<<6)+(B5_Tah<<4)+(B5_Tacp<<2)+(B5_PMC)) @ GCS5     .long ((B6_MT<<15)+(B6_Trcd<<2)+(B6_SCAN)) @ GCS6     .long ((B7_MT<<15)+(B7_Trcd<<2)+(B7_SCAN)) @ GCS7     .long ((REFEN<<23)+(TREFMD<<22)+(Trp<<20)+(Trc<<18)+(Tchr<<16)+REFCNT)     .long 0x10 //SCLK power down mode, BANKSIZE 32M/32M 16-8M 17-16M     .long 0x20 //MRSR6 CL=2clk     .long 0x20 //MRSR7