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Parallax(视差) 类似滚动条

//cocos2d-x-3.0alpha0/cocos2dx/tilemap_parallax_nodes///Parallax(视差) 类似滚动条#ifndef __CCPARALLAX_NODE_H__#define __CCPARALLAX_NODE_H__#include "base_nodes/CCNode.h"/*#include "support/data_support/ccArray.h"*/NS_CC_BEGINstruct _ccArray;/** * @addtogroup tilemap_parallax_nodes * @{ *//** @brief ParallaxNode: A node that simulates a parallax scroller      //模拟视差滚动的节点 children 移动的 faster / slower 是根据 parent 视差比确定的*/class CC_DLL ParallaxNode : public Node {public:    // Create a Parallax(视差) node    static ParallaxNode * create();        /** 使用 z-顺序,视差比和位置偏移 在内容里面添加一个 child     It returns self, 你可以连接几个 addChilds.    @since v0.8    * @js ctor    */    ParallaxNode();    /**     * @js NA     * @lua NA     */    virtual ~ParallaxNode();    // 防止编译器警告:“包括函数隐藏重载虚函数”    using Node::addChild;    void addChild(Node * child, int z, const Point& parallaxRatio, const Point& positionOffset);    /** 为 Parallax(视差) 节点设置一个 layer 数组 */    void setParallaxArray( struct _ccArray *parallaxArray) { _parallaxArray = parallaxArray; }    /** Returns Parallax(视差) 节点的 layer 数组 */    struct _ccArray* getParallaxArray() { return _parallaxArray; }    const struct _ccArray* getParallaxArray() const { return _parallaxArray; }    //    // Overrides    //    virtual void addChild(Node * child, int zOrder, int tag) override;    virtual void removeChild(Node* child, bool cleanup) override;    virtual void removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool cleanup) override;    virtual void visit(void) override;protected:    Point absolutePosition();    Point    _lastPosition;    struct _ccArray* _parallaxArray;};// end of tilemap_parallax_nodes group/// @}NS_CC_END#endif //__CCPARALLAX_NODE_H__