
来源:互联网 发布:网站推广软件破解版 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 10:11
//// Optimized Windows virtual memory allocator.//class FMallocWindows : public FMalloc{private:        // Counts.        enum {POOL_COUNT = 42     };        enum {POOL_MAX   = 32768+1};        // Forward declares.        struct FFreeMem;        struct FPoolTable;        // Memory pool info. 32 bytes.        struct FPoolInfo        {                DWORD            Bytes;                // Bytes allocated for pool.                DWORD                OsBytes;        // Bytes aligned to page size.                DWORD       Taken;      // Number of allocated elements in this pool, when counts down to zero can free the entire pool.                BYTE*       Mem;                // Memory base.                FPoolTable* Table;                // Index of pool.                FFreeMem*   FirstMem;   // Pointer to first free memory in this pool.                FPoolInfo*        Next;                FPoolInfo**        PrevLink;                void Link( FPoolInfo*& Before )                {                        if( Before )                                Before->PrevLink = &Next;                        Next     = Before;                        PrevLink = &Before;                        Before   = this;                }                void Unlink()                {                        if( Next )                                Next->PrevLink = PrevLink;                        *PrevLink = Next;                }        };        // Information about a piece of free memory. 8 bytes.        struct FFreeMem        {                FFreeMem*        Next;                // Next or MemLastPool[], always in order by pool.                DWORD                Blocks;                // Number of consecutive free blocks here, at least 1.                FPoolInfo* GetPool()                {                        return (FPoolInfo*)((INT)this & 0xffff0000);                }        };        // Pool table.        struct FPoolTable        {                FPoolInfo* FirstPool;                FPoolInfo* ExhaustedPool;                DWORD      BlockSize;        };        // Variables.        FPoolTable  PoolTable[POOL_COUNT], OsTable;        FPoolInfo*        PoolIndirect[256];        FPoolTable* MemSizeToPoolTable[POOL_MAX];        INT         MemInit;        INT                        OsCurrent,OsPeak,UsedCurrent,UsedPeak,CurrentAllocs,TotalAllocs;        DOUBLE                MemTime;        INT                        PageSize;        // Implementation.        void OutOfMemory()        {                appErrorf( *LocalizeError("OutOfMemory",TEXT("Core")) );        }        FPoolInfo* CreateIndirect()        {                FPoolInfo* Indirect = (FPoolInfo*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, 256*sizeof(FPoolInfo), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );                if( !Indirect )                        OutOfMemory();                return Indirect;        }public:        // FMalloc interface.        FMallocWindows()        :        MemInit( 0 )        ,        OsCurrent                ( 0 )        ,        OsPeak                        ( 0 )        ,        UsedCurrent                ( 0 )        ,        UsedPeak                ( 0 )        ,        CurrentAllocs        ( 0 )        ,        TotalAllocs                ( 0 )        ,        MemTime                        ( 0.0 )        ,        PageSize                ( 0 )        {}        void* Malloc( DWORD Size, DWORD Alignment )        {                check(Alignment == DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT && "Alignment currently unsupported in Windows");                checkSlow(MemInit);                MEM_TIME(MemTime -= appSeconds());                STAT(CurrentAllocs++);                STAT(TotalAllocs++);                FFreeMem* Free;                if( Size<POOL_MAX )                {                        // Allocate from pool.                        FPoolTable* Table = MemSizeToPoolTable[Size];                        checkSlow(Size<=Table->BlockSize);                        FPoolInfo* Pool = Table->FirstPool;                        if( !Pool )                        {                                // Must create a new pool.                                DWORD Blocks  = 65536 / Table->BlockSize;                                DWORD Bytes   = Blocks * Table->BlockSize;                                checkSlow(Blocks>=1);                                checkSlow(Blocks*Table->BlockSize<=Bytes);                                // Allocate memory.                                //!分配内存,Bytes表示分配的内存的大小.                                Free = (FFreeMem*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, Bytes, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );                                if( !Free )                                        OutOfMemory();                                // Create pool in the indirect table.                                FPoolInfo*& Indirect = PoolIndirect[((DWORD)Free>>24)];                                if( !Indirect )                                        Indirect = CreateIndirect();                                Pool = &Indirect[((DWORD)Free>>16)&255];                                // Init pool.                                Pool->Link( Table->FirstPool );                                Pool->Mem            = (BYTE*)Free;                                Pool->Bytes                     = Bytes;                                Pool->OsBytes                 = Align(Bytes,PageSize);                                STAT(OsPeak = Max(OsPeak,OsCurrent+=Pool->OsBytes));                                Pool->Table                     = Table;                                Pool->Taken                         = 0;                                Pool->FirstMem       = Free;                                // Create first free item.                                Free->Blocks         = Blocks;                                Free->Next           = NULL;                        }                        // Pick first available block and unlink it.                        Pool->Taken++;                        checkSlow(Pool->FirstMem);                        checkSlow(Pool->FirstMem->Blocks>0);                        Free = (FFreeMem*)((BYTE*)Pool->FirstMem + --Pool->FirstMem->Blocks * Table->BlockSize);                        if( Pool->FirstMem->Blocks==0 )                        {                                Pool->FirstMem = Pool->FirstMem->Next;                                if( !Pool->FirstMem )                                {                                        // Move to exhausted list.                                        Pool->Unlink();                                        Pool->Link( Table->ExhaustedPool );                                }                        }                        STAT(UsedPeak = Max(UsedPeak,UsedCurrent+=Table->BlockSize));                }                else                {                        // Use OS for large allocations.                        INT AlignedSize = Align(Size,PageSize);                        Free = (FFreeMem*)VirtualAlloc( NULL, AlignedSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );                        if( !Free )                                OutOfMemory();                        checkSlow(!((SIZE_T)Free&65535));                        // Create indirect.                        FPoolInfo*& Indirect = PoolIndirect[((DWORD)Free>>24)];                        if( !Indirect )                                Indirect = CreateIndirect();                        // Init pool.                        FPoolInfo* Pool = &Indirect[((DWORD)Free>>16)&255];                        Pool->Mem                = (BYTE*)Free;                        Pool->Bytes                = Size;                        Pool->OsBytes        = AlignedSize;                        Pool->Table                = &OsTable;                        STAT(OsPeak   = Max(OsPeak,  OsCurrent+=AlignedSize));                        STAT(UsedPeak = Max(UsedPeak,UsedCurrent+=Size));                }                MEM_TIME(MemTime += appSeconds());                return Free;        }        void* Realloc( void* Ptr, DWORD NewSize, DWORD Alignment )        {                check(Alignment == DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT && "Alignment currently unsupported in Windows");                checkSlow(MemInit);                MEM_TIME(MemTime -= appSeconds());                void* NewPtr = Ptr;                if( Ptr && NewSize )                {                        checkSlow(MemInit);                        FPoolInfo* Pool = &PoolIndirect[(DWORD)Ptr>>24][((DWORD)Ptr>>16)&255];                        if( Pool->Table!=&OsTable )                        {                                // Allocated from pool, so grow or shrink if necessary.                                if( NewSize>Pool->Table->BlockSize || MemSizeToPoolTable[NewSize]!=Pool->Table )                                {                                        NewPtr = Malloc( NewSize, Alignment );                                        appMemcpy( NewPtr, Ptr, Min(NewSize,Pool->Table->BlockSize) );                                        Free( Ptr );                                }                        }                        else                        {                                // Allocated from OS.                                checkSlow(!((INT)Ptr&65535));                                if( NewSize>Pool->OsBytes || NewSize*3<Pool->OsBytes*2 )                                {                                        // Grow or shrink.                                        NewPtr = Malloc( NewSize, Alignment );                                        appMemcpy( NewPtr, Ptr, Min(NewSize,Pool->Bytes) );                                        Free( Ptr );                                }                                else                                {                                        // Keep as-is, reallocation isn't worth the overhead.                                        Pool->Bytes = NewSize;                                }                        }                }                else if( Ptr == NULL )                {                        NewPtr = Malloc( NewSize, Alignment );                }                else                {                        Free( Ptr );                        NewPtr = NULL;                }                MEM_TIME(MemTime += appSeconds());                return NewPtr;        }        void Free( void* Ptr )        {                if( !Ptr )                        return;                checkSlow(MemInit);                MEM_TIME(MemTime -= appSeconds());                STAT(CurrentAllocs--);                // Windows version.                FPoolInfo* Pool = &PoolIndirect[(DWORD)Ptr>>24][((DWORD)Ptr>>16)&255];                checkSlow(Pool->Bytes!=0);                if( Pool->Table!=&OsTable )                {                        // If this pool was exhausted, move to available list.                        if( !Pool->FirstMem )                        {                                Pool->Unlink();                                Pool->Link( Pool->Table->FirstPool );                        }                        // Free a pooled allocation.                        FFreeMem* Free                = (FFreeMem *)Ptr;                        Free->Blocks                = 1;                        Free->Next                        = Pool->FirstMem;                        Pool->FirstMem                = Free;                        STAT(UsedCurrent   -= Pool->Table->BlockSize);                        // Free this pool.                        checkSlow(Pool->Taken>=1);                        if( --Pool->Taken == 0 )                        {                                // Free the OS memory.                                Pool->Unlink();                                verify( VirtualFree( Pool->Mem, 0, MEM_RELEASE )!=0 );                                STAT(OsCurrent -= Pool->OsBytes);                        }                }                else                {                        // Free an OS allocation.                        checkSlow(!((INT)Ptr&65535));                        STAT(UsedCurrent -= Pool->Bytes);                        STAT(OsCurrent   -= Pool->OsBytes);                        verify( VirtualFree( Ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE )!=0 );                }                MEM_TIME(MemTime += appSeconds());        }        /**         * Gathers memory allocations for both virtual and physical allocations.         *         * @param Virtual        [out] size of virtual allocations         * @param Physical        [out] size of physical allocations                 */        void GetAllocationInfo( SIZE_T& Virtual, SIZE_T& Physical )        {                Virtual                = OsCurrent;                Physical        = 0;        }        void DumpAllocs( UBOOL bSummaryOnly, FOutputDevice& Ar )        {                FMallocWindows::HeapCheck();                STAT(Ar.Logf( TEXT("Memory Allocation Status") ));                STAT(Ar.Logf( TEXT("Curr Memory % 5.3fM / % 5.3fM"), UsedCurrent/1024.0/1024.0, OsCurrent/1024.0/1024.0 ));                STAT(Ar.Logf( TEXT("Peak Memory % 5.3fM / % 5.3fM"), UsedPeak   /1024.0/1024.0, OsPeak   /1024.0/1024.0 ));                STAT(Ar.Logf( TEXT("Allocs      % 6i Current / % 6i Total"), CurrentAllocs, TotalAllocs ));                MEM_TIME(Ar.Logf( "Seconds     % 5.3f", MemTime ));                MEM_TIME(Ar.Logf( "MSec/Allc   % 5.5f", 1000.0 * MemTime / MemAllocs ));#if STATS                if( !bSummaryOnly )                {                        Ar.Logf( TEXT("Block Size Num Pools Cur Allocs Total Allocs Mem Used Mem Waste Efficiency") );                        Ar.Logf( TEXT("---------- --------- ---------- ------------ -------- --------- ----------") );                        INT TotalPoolCount  = 0;                        INT TotalAllocCount = 0;                        INT TotalMemUsed    = 0;                        INT TotalMemWaste   = 0;                        for( INT i=0; i<POOL_COUNT; i++ )                        {                                FPoolTable* Table = &PoolTable[i];                                INT PoolCount=0;                                INT AllocCount=0;                                INT MemUsed=0;                                for( INT i=0; i<2; i++ )                                {                                        for( FPoolInfo* Pool=(i?Table->FirstPool:Table->ExhaustedPool); Pool; Pool=Pool->Next )                                        {                                                PoolCount++;                                                AllocCount += Pool->Taken;                                                MemUsed += Pool->Bytes;                                                INT FreeCount=0;                                                for( FFreeMem* Free=Pool->FirstMem; Free; Free=Free->Next )                                                        FreeCount += Free->Blocks;                                        }                                }                                INT MemWaste = MemUsed - AllocCount*Table->BlockSize;                                Ar.Logf                                (                                        TEXT("% 10i % 9i % 10i % 11iK % 7iK % 8iK % 9.2f%%"),                                        Table->BlockSize,                                        PoolCount,                                        AllocCount,                                        0,                                        MemUsed /1024,                                        MemWaste/1024,                                        MemUsed ? 100.0 * MemUsed / (MemUsed+MemWaste) : 100.0                                );                                TotalPoolCount  += PoolCount;                                TotalAllocCount += AllocCount;                                TotalMemUsed    += MemUsed;                                TotalMemWaste   += MemWaste;                        }                        Ar.Logf                        (                                TEXT("BlkOverall % 9i % 10i % 11iK % 7iK % 8iK % 9.2f%%"),                                TotalPoolCount,                                TotalAllocCount,                                0,                                TotalMemUsed /1024,                                TotalMemWaste/1024,                                TotalMemUsed ? 100.0 * TotalMemUsed / (TotalMemUsed+TotalMemWaste) : 100.0                        );                }#endif        }        void HeapCheck()        {                for( INT i=0; i<POOL_COUNT; i++ )                {                        FPoolTable* Table = &PoolTable[i];                        for( FPoolInfo** PoolPtr=&Table->FirstPool; *PoolPtr; PoolPtr=&(*PoolPtr)->Next )                        {                                FPoolInfo* Pool=*PoolPtr;                                check(Pool->PrevLink==PoolPtr);                                check(Pool->FirstMem);                                for( FFreeMem* Free=Pool->FirstMem; Free; Free=Free->Next )                                        check(Free->Blocks>0);                        }                        for( FPoolInfo** PoolPtr=&Table->ExhaustedPool; *PoolPtr; PoolPtr=&(*PoolPtr)->Next )                        {                                FPoolInfo* Pool=*PoolPtr;                                check(Pool->PrevLink==PoolPtr);                                check(!Pool->FirstMem);                        }                }        }        void Init()        {                check(!MemInit);                MemInit = 1;                // Get OS page size.                SYSTEM_INFO SI;                GetSystemInfo( &SI );                PageSize = SI.dwPageSize;                check(!(PageSize&(PageSize-1)));                // Init tables.                OsTable.FirstPool    = NULL;                OsTable.ExhaustedPool = NULL;                OsTable.BlockSize    = 0;                PoolTable[0].FirstPool    = NULL;                PoolTable[0].ExhaustedPool = NULL;                PoolTable[0].BlockSize    = 8;                for( DWORD i=1; i<5; i++ )                {                        PoolTable[i].FirstPool    = NULL;                        PoolTable[i].ExhaustedPool = NULL;                        PoolTable[i].BlockSize    = (8<<((i+1)>>2)) + (2<<i);                }                for( DWORD i=5; i<POOL_COUNT; i++ )                {                        PoolTable[i].FirstPool    = NULL;                        PoolTable[i].ExhaustedPool = NULL;                        PoolTable[i].BlockSize    = (4+((i+7)&3)) << (1+((i+7)>>2));                }                for( DWORD i=0; i<POOL_MAX; i++ )                {                        DWORD Index;                        for( Index=0; PoolTable[Index].BlockSize<i; Index++ );                        checkSlow(Index<POOL_COUNT);                        MemSizeToPoolTable[i] = &PoolTable[Index];                }                for( DWORD i=0; i<256; i++ )                {                        PoolIndirect[i] = NULL;                }                check(POOL_MAX-1==PoolTable[POOL_COUNT-1].BlockSize);        }};/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------        The End.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
