
来源:互联网 发布:inflate linux 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:07






/* * fbutils.h * * Headers for utility routines for framebuffer interaction * * Copyright 2002 Russell King and Doug Lowder * * This file is placed under the GPL.  Please see the * file COPYING for details. * */#ifndef _FBUTILS_H_#define _FBUTILS_H_extern int xres, yres;int  OpenFrameBuffer(void);void CloseFrameBuffer(void);void ShowChineseString(int x, int y, const char* s, int color, int size);void ClearScreen(void);void ClearRect(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight);#endif
/* * fbutils.c * * Utility routines for framebuffer interaction * * Copyright 2002 Russell King and Doug Lowder * * This file is placed under the GPL.  Please see the * file COPYING for details. * */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include<unistd.h>#include <sys/fcntl.h>#include <sys/ioctl.h>#include <sys/mman.h>#include <sys/time.h>#include <linux/fb.h>#include <linux/kd.h>#include <linux/vt.h>#include "gbk2ucs.h"#include <ft2build.h>#include FT_FREETYPE_H#include FT_GLYPH_H#include FT_SYNTHESIS_Hstatic int    fb_fd;static struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;static struct fb_var_screeninfo var;static struct fb_cmap cmap;static char   *fbuffer = NULL;static int    fb_fd = -1;int xres, yres;static char *defaultfbdevice = "/dev/fb0";static char *fbdevice = NULL;#ifndef HANDLE#define HANDLE void*#endif#ifndef BYTE#define BYTE unsigned char #endif#ifndef BOOL #define BOOL int #define TRUE (1)#define FALSE (0)#endif#ifndef size_t#define size_t unsigned long#endif#ifndef FT_PIXEL2PT#define FT_PIXEL2PT(x)      ((x)*72/133)                    //求解特定像素的字体pt大小,默认是133.33dpi#endif#ifndef DEF_FONT_FILE#define DEF_FONT_FILE       ( "/config/font/microhei.ttf" )   //默认的字体文件路径#endif #define COLOR_TO_MTK_COLOR_SIMUL(color) ((((color) >> 19) & 0x1F) << 11) \                                            |((((color) >> 10) & 0x3F) << 5) \                                            |(((color) >> 3) & 0x1F)                                             /*! * \brief 定义点阵数据结构体 */typedef struct _GLYPHBITMAP{    int top;        //!<基线至点阵项点的距离。显示时,将基线垂直位置减去该值,得到字符左上角位置。    int left;       //!<点阵左上角距离基点的水平距离.显示时,将基线水平位置减去该值,得到字符左上角位置。    int advancex;   //!<x轴的步进宽度,每显示完一个字符后,显示基点应该水平移动advancex个像素    int advancey;   //!<y轴的步进宽度,每显示完一个字符后,显示基点应该垂直移动advancey个像素    BYTE pixelbit;  //!<每个像素的bit数,一般只有两种情况,要么是1表示位图,要么是8表示灰度图BYTE bBold;//!<是否加粗,若加粗,则置为1,否则置为0BYTE bReserved1;//!<预留BYTE bReserved2;//!<预留short underlinePosition;//!<下划线的垂直位置信息,单位是像素,是相对于原点来说的short underlineThickness;//!<下划线的粗度,单位是像素    int rows;       //!<点阵的行值    int width;      //!<一行有多少个点    int pitch;      //!<一行数据所占的字节数,包括后面的padding    BYTE* buffer;   //!<点阵数据}GLYPHBITMAP, *PGLYPHBITMAP;//定义字体对象typedef struct _FT2FONTOBJ{    FT_Library hLib;        //指向FT_LIBRARY    FT_Face hFace;          //指定face    size_t nSize;           //字体大小}FT2FONTOBJ;//加载字符库HANDLE GnLoadFont( const char* pFontFile, const size_t nSize ){    if ( NULL == pFontFile || nSize == 0 )    {        return NULL;    }    FT_Library library;             //库类    if( 0 == FT_Init_FreeType( &library ))//初始化库    {        FT_Face face;        if( 0 == FT_New_Face( library, pFontFile, 0, &face ))//加载默认的字体库        {            if( 0 == FT_Set_Char_Size( face, 0, nSize * 64, 113, 113 ))//设定字体大小            {                FT2FONTOBJ* pObj = (FT2FONTOBJ*)malloc( sizeof( FT2FONTOBJ ));                if( pObj )                {                    pObj->hLib = library;                    pObj->hFace = face;                    pObj->nSize = nSize;                    return pObj;                }            }        }        FT_Done_FreeType( library );    //若失败就释放库    }    return NULL;}//释放字体对象BOOL GnFreeFont( HANDLE hFontObj ){    if ( NULL == hFontObj )    {        return FALSE;    }    FT2FONTOBJ* pFTObj = (FT2FONTOBJ*)hFontObj;        FT_Done_FreeType( (FT_Library)pFTObj->hLib );free( pFTObj );     return TRUE;}//获取单个字符点阵信息BOOL GnGetCharBitMap( HANDLE hFontObj, unsigned short charCode, PGLYPHBITMAP pGlyphBitmap ){    if( NULL == hFontObj || NULL == pGlyphBitmap || charCode == 0x0000 )    {        return FALSE;    }    FT2FONTOBJ* pFTObj = (FT2FONTOBJ*)hFontObj;    FT_GlyphSlot slot = ((FT_Face)pFTObj->hFace)->glyph; //字形slot    FT_UInt nCharIndex = FT_Get_Char_Index( (FT_Face)pFTObj->hFace, charCode );//获取字符的字形索引位置    if( 0 != nCharIndex )    {        if( 0 == FT_Load_Glyph( pFTObj->hFace, nCharIndex, FT_LOAD_DEFAULT ))//加载字形,全屏花355ms        {            if( 0 == FT_Render_Glyph( slot,  FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL ))//绘制字形,全屏大约花100ms            {                if( pGlyphBitmap->bBold )//加粗字体{FT_GlyphSlot_Embolden( slot );}                pGlyphBitmap->top = slot->bitmap_top;                pGlyphBitmap->left = slot->bitmap_left;                pGlyphBitmap->advancex = slot->advance.x >> 6;//26.6像素格式即1/64像素                pGlyphBitmap->advancey = slot->advance.y >> 6;                pGlyphBitmap->pixelbit = 8; //固定灰度图                pGlyphBitmap->rows = slot->bitmap.rows;                pGlyphBitmap->width = slot->bitmap.width;                pGlyphBitmap->pitch = slot->bitmap.pitch;                pGlyphBitmap->buffer = slot->bitmap.buffer;pGlyphBitmap->underlinePosition = pFTObj->hFace->underline_position>>6;pGlyphBitmap->underlineThickness = (pFTObj->hFace->underline_thickness+32)>> 6;//+32是为了四舍五入if( pGlyphBitmap->underlineThickness == 0 )//防止宽度为0{    pGlyphBitmap->underlineThickness = 1;}                return TRUE;            }        }    }    return FALSE;}int OpenFrameBuffer(void){unsigned short col[2];if ( (fbdevice = getenv("TSLIB_FBDEVICE")) == NULL )    {fbdevice = defaultfbdevice;    }    fb_fd = open(fbdevice, O_RDWR);if (fb_fd == -1)     {perror("open fbdevice");return -1;}if (ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fix) < 0)     {perror("ioctl FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO");close(fb_fd);return -1;}if (ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &var) < 0)     {perror("ioctl FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO");close(fb_fd);return -1;}    xres = var.xres;    yres = var.yres;cmap.start = 0;cmap.len = 2;cmap.red = col;cmap.green = col;cmap.blue = col;cmap.transp = NULL;col[0] = 0;col[1] = 0xffff;if(var.bits_per_pixel==8)     {if (ioctl(fb_fd, FBIOPUTCMAP, &cmap) < 0)        {perror("ioctl FBIOPUTCMAP");close(fb_fd);return -1;}}fbuffer = mmap(NULL, fix.smem_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fb_fd, 0);if ( fbuffer == (char *)-1 )     {perror("mmap framebuffer");close(fb_fd);return -1;}memset( fbuffer, 0x0, fix.smem_len );return 0;}void CloseFrameBuffer(void){    if ( fbuffer != NULL )    {        munmap(fbuffer, fix.smem_len);        close(fb_fd);    }}void ShowUnicodeChar(HANDLE hFont, int x, int y, int color, int nSize, unsigned short *pText, int nContainerW, int *nWidth, int *nHeight){int i,j,loc;GLYPHBITMAP stBitmap;stBitmap.bBold = 0;GnGetCharBitMap( hFont, *pText, &stBitmap );//加载字形size_t m = (y + nSize - stBitmap.top + 1 +var.yoffset) * fix.line_length + (x + stBitmap.left + var.xoffset)*(var.bits_per_pixel/8); for(i = 0; i < stBitmap.rows; i++)     {for(j = 0; j < stBitmap.width; j++)         {loc = m + i * fix.line_length + j * (var.bits_per_pixel/8);if(loc>=0 && loc<fix.smem_len )             {switch(var.bits_per_pixel)                 {case 8:default:fbuffer[loc] = stBitmap.buffer[i * stBitmap.pitch  + j];break;case 16:if (stBitmap.buffer[i * stBitmap.pitch  + j] != 0)*((unsigned short *)(fbuffer + loc))= COLOR_TO_MTK_COLOR_SIMUL(color);else*((unsigned short *)(fbuffer + loc))= 0;break;case 24:case 32:if(color==0)*((unsigned int *)(fbuffer + loc)) = 0;else*((unsigned int *)(fbuffer + loc)) = 0xffffffff;break;}}}}*nWidth = stBitmap.advancex;*nHeight = stBitmap.advancey;}/*  *Description: Get the Width of last line of the unicode string  *Input -nContainerW-the width of container   others -like the name  *Output-nLineNUm-the number of full line. E.g. the width of string is less than the width of nContainer, the nLineNum should be zero  *Return-the width of last line  *  */int GetUnicodeStringW(HANDLE hFont, unsigned short *s, int nlen, int nContainerW, int *nLineNum){int nWidth = 0;int nNum = 0;int i = 0;GLYPHBITMAP stBitmap;for (i = 0; i < nlen; i++){GnGetCharBitMap( hFont, s[i], &stBitmap );//加载字形if (nWidth + stBitmap.advancex < nContainerW)        {nWidth += stBitmap.advancex;        }else{nWidth = 0;nNum++;}}*nLineNum = nNum;return nWidth;}void ShowUnicodeString(int x,  int y, unsigned short *s, int nLen,  int color, int size){int i;int nLineNum = 0;HANDLE hFont;hFont = GnLoadFont( DEF_FONT_FILE, FT_PIXEL2PT(size));int nWidth = GetUnicodeStringW(hFont, s, nLen, 800, &nLineNum);int nCharWidth = 0;int nCharHeight = 0;int nCurWidth = 0;int nCurHeight = 0;for (i = 0; i < nLen;  i++){ShowUnicodeChar(hFont, x - nWidth/2 + nCurWidth,y + nCurHeight, color, size, &s[i], 800, &nCharWidth, &nCharHeight );nCurWidth = nCurWidth + nCharWidth;}GnFreeFont(hFont);}void ShowChineseString(int x, int y, char *s, int color, int size){int  nLen = GbkToUcs2( NULL, s, nLen );      //计算需要多少内存    unsigned short* szText = (unsigned short*)malloc( (nLen + 1)*sizeof(unsigned short)); if( szText )    {       memset( szText, 0x0, (nLen + 1)*sizeof(unsigned short) );       GbkToUcs2( szText, s, nLen );ShowUnicodeString(x, y, szText, nLen, color, size); }free( szText );}void ClearScreen( void ){    memset( fbuffer, 0x0, fix.smem_len );}void ClearRect(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight){int i = 0;for (i = 0; i < nHeight; i++){memset( fbuffer + fix.line_length*(y+var.yoffset+i) + (x + var.xoffset) * (var.bits_per_pixel/8) , 0x0, nWidth * (var.bits_per_pixel/8));}}
#include "fbutils.h"int main( int argc, char* argv[] ){    if ( OpenFrameBuffer() != 0 )    {        return -1;    }    ShowChineseString(xres/2, yres/2 - 45, "gn1108欢迎你的到来!", 0xFF0000, 45);    CloseFrameBuffer();    return 0;}


