Oracle Linux 6.4配置NFS

来源:互联网 发布:深圳租房 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 16:41

1. Install

su - root
yum install nfs-utils
service nfs start
chkconfig --list nfs
chkconfig nfs on

2. Turn off your firewall and SELinux

For testing or development purposes only

/etc/selinux/config and change the SELINUX line to SELINUX=disabled:

3. Config NFS

vi /etc/exports
-- Add the following line.
-- indicates what subnet has access to this shared resource, and read-only.

service nfs restart
showmount -e

NFS config file: /etc/sysconfig/nfs

4. Check your portmap config

rpcinfo -p
The rpcinfo command shows each RPC-based service (for instance NFS) with port numbers, an RPC program number, a version number, and an IP protocol type (TCP or UDP). the nfs service should show up in the list.

5. Mount from another machine

mkdir /home/oracle/online_log
mount -t nfs -o rw odilab:/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl /home/oracle/online_log
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