
来源:互联网 发布:音乐播放软件知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:38

/*20130701_denyz*//*二叉树的存储,输入,输出,遍历(DLR,LDR,RDL)*/ /*查找值为x的结点的双亲结点*//*建立二叉树的二叉链表*/#include <stdio.h>#include <malloc.h>typedef struct node{        struct node *Lchild,*Rchild;        char data;        }Btree;        Btree *CreatTree(){      Btree *BT;     char a;     scanf("%c",&a);     if(a==' ')         BT=NULL;     else         {         BT=(Btree *)malloc(sizeof(Btree));    /*DLR method construct the binary tree*/         BT->data=a;         BT->Lchild=CreatTree();//create Left child tree         BT->Rchild=CreatTree();//create Right child tree         }     return BT;/*the first time run the function,BT is the head pointor of the binary tree*/}/*DLR sequence*/void DLR(Btree *BT){     if(BT!=NULL)     {     printf("%c ",BT->data);     DLR(BT->Lchild);     DLR(BT->Rchild);     }}/*LDR sequence*/void LDR(Btree *BT){     if(BT!=NULL)     {     LDR(BT->Lchild);     printf("%c ",BT->data);     LDR(BT->Rchild);     }}/*LRD sequence*/void LRD(Btree *BT){     if(BT!=NULL)     {     LRD(BT->Lchild);     LRD(BT->Rchild);     printf("%c ",BT->data);     }}/*查找值为 x 的双亲结点*/Btree *find(Btree *BT,char X){      char ch;         ch=X;      if(BT)      {           if((BT->Lchild!=NULL && BT->Lchild->data==ch) || (BT->Rchild!=NULL && BT->Rchild->data==ch))     {      printf("存在值为%c的结点的孩子结点值为%c",BT->data,ch);         }    if((BT->Lchild!=NULL && BT->Lchild->data!=ch) || (BT->Rchild!=NULL && BT->Rchild->data!=ch))            {                    find(BT->Lchild,ch);                                        find(BT->Rchild,ch);            }                  }      }int main(){         Btree *BT,*pos,*parent=NULL;     printf("Note:对于广义表为:a(b(d,x),c( ,e))的二叉树,\   \n输入的时候叶子结点的左右结点以空格的形式输入,\n为空的结点也是以空格输入,输入的时候将括号省略\   \nFor Example:abd  x  c e  \n\n");      BT=CreatTree();          printf("DLR\n");     DLR(BT);     printf("\nLDR\n");     LDR(BT);         printf("\nLRD\n");     LRD(BT);            printf("\n");     find(BT,'x');      getch();     return 1;} 

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