Totalcmd 8.5 中文更新说明(英汉对照)

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝好的牛排店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:53
What's new? 

Support unpacking of more archive formats: 7zip, new RAR5 format, as well as -lh6- and -lh7- (LHA) 
支持更多的压缩文件格式:7zip, 新的RAR5格式, 此外还有 -lh6- and -lh7- (LHA)

RAR with encrypted file names: Show archive content after entering password 

Pack/unpack files: Option to remember last entered password until TC is minimized, Windows goes to standby, or the screen saver starts 

Support for touch screen devices: Tap on icons to select files, long tap to open context menu 

Support for high resolution screens (high DPI) 
支持高清晰度屏幕(高 DPI)

Drive drop-down list (Alt+F1/Alt+F2): Show links to "My Computer" and "My Documents" Configurable via. ShowExtraDrives in wincmd.ini 

Drive drop-down list (Alt+F1/Alt+F2): Open context menu directly in the list without choosing a drive first 

Show exclamation mark to the left of some options as a warning, e.g. that files may not go where the user expects them to go, like during copying from branch view, or when packing and unpacking 

Show file size and last modified time also in virtual folders like connected MTP devices like Android phones/tablets 

Select and copy related files, e.g. *.jpg > crw*.cr2 selects/copies raw files only if there is a related .jpg file 
选择并复制关系文件,比如*.jpg 到 crw*.cr2,选择并复制raw文件时需要有一个关联的.jpg文件。

F5 copy: First copy all files where the user doesn't need to be asked and skip all with errors, ask at the end 
FT 复制:在用户不需要提醒的情况下,忽视所有的错误,复制全部的文件,只在最后询问用户。

F5 copy: Option to verify files after copying them. 
FT 复制:选择在复制文件时确认文件。

F5 copy: Option to keep paths relative to current folder while in branch view (Ctrl+B) 
FT 复制:在文件夹树视图中,可以选择保留与当前文件夹有关联的路径。

Alt+F5 pack: New option to leave out the names of the selected folders when packing each folder to a separate archive 
Alt+F5 压缩:在压缩每个文件夹到一个单独的压缩包时,有一个新的选项可以忽略已选择的文件夹名称。(不好懂)

F8 Delete: Only warn at the end if folders couldn't be deleted 
F8 删除:在文件夹不能被删除时,只在最后给出警告。

F8 Delete: Always use new delete method when VistaDelete isn't set in wincmd.ini, but show our own delete confirmation dialog if the system dialog is disabled 
F8 删除:在wincmd.ini中没有设置VistaDelete的情况下,总是使用新的删除方法,不过,在系统对话框被禁用时,会显示TC自己的删除确认对话框。

Search function: Search for text supports any combination of ANSI, ASCII, UTF-16, UTF-8 Unicode and office XML/EPUB at the same time 
搜索功能:可以同时搜索任意格式的文本,包括ANSI, ASCII, UTF-16, UTF-8 Unicode 和 office XML/EPUB

Search function: Skip a folder by clicking on its name in the status line (with confirmation). Also allows to just pause the search 

Search function: Open in separate process via Alt+Shift+F7, so TC can still be used during the search 

Search function: "Feed to listbox" also when searching in archives, on FTP servers and file system plugins 

Search for duplicate files: Search by plugin fields, e.g. name parts, file extension etc.
Search for duplicate files, Feed to listbox: New dialog box to select files inside the groups of duplicates, e.g. by newest, oldest etc. 

Compare by content: "Resync comparison from here" now also works after editing the files 

FTP/file system plugins: When editing a file with F4, the file will automatically be re-uploaded when saved in the edfitor. No need to close the editor any more. Change via Edit/View options. 

Button bar: Support multiple internal and/or user-defined commands on a single button e.g. cm_SelectAll,cm_Copy 

New wincmd.ini options CopyLinks and IgnoreLinks to handle file system links 
新的wincmd.ini选项:CopyLinks(复制链接) 和 IgnoreLinks(忽略链接),用来管理系统链接

Verify CRC checksums: Also support SHA512 format 
确认 CRC 校验各:也支持 SHA512 格式

Progress dialog: Show number of files/bytes in more functions. Switch to files/bytes remaining by clicking on the numbers 

Improved background copy dialog: Show number of copied and selected files and bytes, add button "Foreground" 

Show hidden/system files now split into separate options for hidden and system 

Option to get more items in various history lists, set via wincmd.ini: HistoryLen for directory history, OldCmdLineCount for command line. MaxItemsInComboBox for comboboxes in F7 New Folder, Alt+F7 Search, Num+ select files etc. 

Lister, right click menu: Directly search for selected text via Google in default browser (configurable)

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