走遍美国 第四课

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝cf抽奖零吗? 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 05:54
Excuse me.Can you help me?
Sure,what do you want?
Where is 83 WoosterStreet?
That's easy.Walk to thecorner(走到拐角).
Then make a leftturn.
Then walk two blocks to thetraffic light.
Make another left toWooster.
Thank you.
To the corner and then aleft?
Yeah,A left.
Hot dog?Only seventy-fivecents.
No,Thank you .I Hava a dinnerdate.

555-9470..and it'sbusy.
Try again.
555-9470..and it's stillbusy.
Excuse me,ma'am
I am looking for 83 WoosterStreet;
Yes,Wooster Street is twoblocks.and 83 is to the right,about two houses.
Thank you.

Who is it?
Harry Beannett.Is thisSusan?
Yes,it is.Come up.
I am on the topfloor.
Hello,Harry.It's nice to meetyou.
Nice to meet you.
Sorry I am late.
The traffice.The parking.I waslost.
What pretty flowers!Thankyou.
Oh,please come in.
Don't worry about beinglate.It;s fine.
Excuse the mess(请不要介意这乱的很).Ijust moved here.
Oh,I'd like you to meet mysister-in-law Marilyn.(嫂子)
Marilyn Stewart,this is HarryBeannett.
Pleased to meetyou.
Nice to meet you.
Are we too late for our dinnerresservation.
No,the restaurant will hold ourtable.
I know the owner verywell.
I eat there a lot.
Do you know the phone number ofthe restaurant?
I'd like to call home and leavethe number with the baby-sitter(保姆).
Sure.The number is...five fivefive...seventeen twenty.
May I user thephone?
Five five five..one seventwo.Hello?
Can I speak toBetty?
I want to leave the phonenumber of the restaurant...
Hi,Betty.I'll be at five fivefive...seventeen twenty.
OK,Thanks.See youlater.
Well,that's done.Shall wego?
I'am ready.See you later,Marilyn.
Have a niceevening.
Bye,Marilyn.Hope to see youagain.
Me,to.Hava fun!
After you.(你先走)


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