【解题报告】poj1047_Round and Round We Go(循环数)

来源:互联网 发布:mac gcc 不安装xcode 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 12:41
Round and Round We Go
Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000KTotal Submissions: 11632 Accepted: 5409


A cyclic number is an integer n digits in length which, when multiplied by any integer from 1 to n, yields a"cycle"of the digits of the original number. That is, if you consider the number after the last digit to "wrap around"back to the first digit, the sequence of digits in both numbers will be the same, though they may start at different positions.For example, the number 142857 is cyclic, as illustrated by the following table: 
142857 *1 = 142857 
142857 *2 = 285714 
142857 *3 = 428571 
142857 *4 = 571428 
142857 *5 = 714285 
142857 *6 = 857142 


Write a program which will determine whether or not numbers are cyclic. The input file is a list of integers from 2 to 60 digits in length. (Note that preceding zeros should not be removed, they are considered part of the number and count in determining n. Thus, "01"is a two-digit number, distinct from "1" which is a one-digit number.)


For each input integer, write a line in the output indicating whether or not it is cyclic.

Sample Input


Sample Output

142857 is cyclic142856 is not cyclic142858 is not cyclic01 is not cyclic0588235294117647 is cyclic


Greater New York 2001

输入一个长度为 2 to 60 的数值,判断其是否有周期性。周期性的定义根据题目中的描述。

判断n是否为周期数的方法:len为n的长度(根据题意,001 的长度为3),若满足 n*(len+1) = 9...9 (len个9)  并且 n+1 为素数时,n为周期数。

1/7 = 0.142857 142857 .....
1/11 = 0.09090909..
1/13 = 0.076923 076923 .....


以第一个式子 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 ..... 为例,因为后面小数的循环周期为6,所以不妨把它两边同时乘以 10^6 ,所得新式子为: 10^6/7 = 142857.142857 142857 .... 
又因为 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 .....  所以在 10^6/7 = 142857.142857 142857 ....  的基础上给分子减去1,就舍去了小数点后面的数值:  10^6/7 - 1/7 = 142857 
化简得:(10^6-1)/7  = 142857      于是得到: 99999/7 = 142857  所以:142857 * 7 = 99999 成立。
因此可推出判断 n 是否有周期性的公式。


    1´ 142857=142857

    2´ 142857=285714

    3´ 142857=428571

    4´ 142857=571428

    5´ 142857=714285

    6´ 142857=857142

        所得得结果是1、4、2、8、5、7六个数字依原来的次序循环排列只是开头的数字变动而已。这种数我们叫做循环数,其实这个数142857是由1/7所形成循环小数的循环节(1/7=0.142857142857142857…)。而所有循环数也都由某质数的倒数所形成之循环小数的循环节而得来的。下一个循环数是由质数17所形成的,1/17=0.0588235294117647…,而0588235294117647即为一循环数(2 0588235294117647=1176470588235294)


    142857还有一个很有趣的性质。当142857乘以7时其乘积为一连串的9(142857´ 7=999999),而0588235294117647乘以17也是一连串的9。还有142857分成两半相加也是一连串的9(注:142+857=999),而0588235294117647分成两半相加: 05882352+ 94117647=99999999,这真是非常奇妙的巧合。

#include <cstdio>#include <cmath>#include <cstring>int main(){   //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin);   char s[70];   while(~scanf("%s",s)){       int len=strlen(s);       int num[70];       int i=0,flag=0,i_num=0,j;       while(s[i]){           if(s[i]!='0') flag=1;           if(flag) num[i_num++]=s[i]-'0';           i++;       }       for(i=0;i<(len/2);i++){//分成两半相加和为9为循环数           if(s[i]+s[i+len/2]-'0'*2!=9){               flag=0;               break;           }       }       if(!flag){           printf("%s is not cyclic\n",s);           continue;       }       int res[70]={0},ii=0;       for(i=i_num-1;i>=0;i--){           res[ii]=(res[ii]+num[i]*(len+1));           res[ii+1]+=res[ii]/10;           if(res[ii]) res[ii]%=10;           ii++;       }       while(res[ii]){           res[ii+1]+=res[ii]/10;           res[ii]%=10;           ii++;       }       if(ii==len){           flag=0;           for(j=0;j<ii;j++)           if(res[j]!=9){               flag=1;               break;           }           if(flag) printf("%s is not cyclic\n",s);           else printf("%s is cyclic\n",s);       }       else printf("%s is not cyclic\n",s);   }   return 0;}

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