1049. Counting Ones (30)

来源:互联网 发布:免费php空间10g 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 09:23

The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N.  For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12.

Input Specification:

Each input file contains one test case which gives the positive N (<=230).

Output Specification:

For each test case, print the number of 1's in one line.

Sample Input:


Sample Output:




0 - 9 之间    所有数字中 出现的 1 为   1 个

0 –99       十位的1 有 10个

               去掉十位后, 有10组 0~9

               所以 共有   10 + 10 个

0 ~ 999   之间

             百位的1 有 100 = 10^2 个

             去掉百位后有 10组 : 0~99

             所以共有 10^2 + 10 * ( 10^1 + 10   )

0 ~ 9999    之间千位为1的共 1000= 103 个1

                去掉千位后 共有10组 0~999

       所以有: 10^3 + 10*( 10^2 + 10 * ( 10^1 + 10*1    ) ) 个1

计算 0 ~ 9999…9 
        ┣──╁ 共 n 个 9   中1的个数F9( n) 的计算方案
F9( 0 ) = 0
F9( 1) = 1
F9( 2) = 10 + 10 * F9(1)
F9( 3) = 10^2 + 10 * F9(2)

F9( n ) = 10^n-1 + 10 * F9( n-1)

计算 1 ~ abcdefg 的方法
令 1 ~ abcdefg    之间 出现 1 的个数 记为 Q(    abcdefg )

设 m = len( “abcdefg”)
若   a=1 则有 F9( m-1 ) + (bcdefg+1) 个高位 1 + Q( bcdefg )

否则 a>1 ( a=0不考虑)
        则有           F9( m-1) + 10^( m-1) 个 高位1 +
                       (a-1)* ( F9(m-1) ) + Q( bcdefg )
         即: a * F9(m-1) + 10^( m-1 )个 高位1   +   Q( bcdefg )


   F9( m-1) 是 从1 到 (m-1)个9 组成的数 之间的Q

   如 F9( 2 ) 相当于 Q(99



#include<stdio.h>int main(){int n;int iCount=0;int iFactor=1;int iLowerNum=0;int iCurrNum=0;int iHigherNum=0;scanf("%d",&n);while(n/iFactor!=0){iLowerNum = n%iFactor;iCurrNum = (n/iFactor)%10;iHigherNum = n/(iFactor *10);switch(iCurrNum){case 0:iCount+=iHigherNum * iFactor;break;case 1:iCount +=iHigherNum*iFactor + iLowerNum +1;break;default:iCount +=(iHigherNum+1) *iFactor;break;}iFactor*=10;}printf("%d",iCount);return 0;}


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