
来源:互联网 发布:汽车行业cae软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 19:16

CMyHtmlView       m_web;//CHtmlView类的子类
 CWebPage          m_webPage;








void CMyHtmlView::OnNavigateComplete2(LPCTSTR strURL)
 // TODO:  在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类
 CComPtr<IDispatch>   spDisp = GetHtmlDocument();
 if (spDisp != NULL)
  CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> doc;
  spDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&doc));
  if (doc != NULL)
   IHTMLWindow2 * pIhtmlwindow2 = NULL;
   if (pIhtmlwindow2 != NULL)
   {//"function fnOnError(msg,url,lineno){alert('script error:\\n\\nURL:'+url+'\\n\\nMSG:'+msg +'\\n\\nLine:'+lineno);return true;}window.onerror=fnOnError;";
    CString strJavaScriptCode = _T("function fnOnError(){return true;}window.onerror=fnOnError;");
    BSTR bstrScript = strJavaScriptCode.AllocSysString();
    CString strLanguage(_T("JavaScript"));
    BSTR bstrLanguage = strLanguage.AllocSysString();
    long lTime = 1 * 1000;
    long lTimeID = 0;
    VARIANT varLanguage;
    varLanguage.vt = VT_BSTR;
    varLanguage.bstrVal = bstrLanguage;
    VARIANT pRet;
    pIhtmlwindow2->execScript(bstrScript, bstrLanguage, &pRet);


// WebPage.h: interface for the CWebPage class.

#if !defined(AFX_WEBPAGE_H__AEBD50B8_EE66_40AB_8B92_C4EECB9BCD22__INCLUDED_)

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include <atlbase.h>
#include <Mshtml.h>

class CWebPage 
 virtual ~CWebPage();

 bool SetDocument(IDispatch* pDisp);
 LPDISPATCH GetHtmlDocument() const;
 const CString GetLastError() const;
 bool GetJScript(CComPtr<IDispatch>& spDisp);
 bool GetJScripts(CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection>& spColl);

 CString ScanJScript(CString& strAText, CStringArray& args);

 bool CallJScript(const CString strFunc,CComVariant* pVarResult = NULL);
 bool CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,CComVariant* pVarResult = NULL);
 bool CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,const CString strArg2,CComVariant* pVarResult = NULL);
 bool CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,const CString strArg2,const CString strArg3,CComVariant* pVarResult = NULL);
 bool CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CStringArray& paramArray,CComVariant* pVarResult = NULL);


 void ShowError(LPCSTR lpszText);


 CComPtr<IHTMLDocument2> m_spDoc;
 CString m_strError;


void CWebPage::ShowError(LPCSTR lpszText)
 m_strError = _TEXT("JSCall Error:\n") + CString(lpszText);
const CString CWebPage::GetLastError() const
 return m_strError;
LPDISPATCH CWebPage::GetHtmlDocument() const
 return m_spDoc;

CString GetNextToken(CString& strSrc, const CString strDelim,bool bTrim = false, bool bFindOneOf = true);

#endif // !defined(AFX_WEBPAGE_H__AEBD50B8_EE66_40AB_8B92_C4EECB9BCD22__INCLUDED_)


//             By Eugene Khodakovsky                           //
//                  April,2002                                 //
//             Eugene@cpplab.com                               //
//            Last Update: April, 2002                         //

#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "JSCall.h"
#include "WebPage.h"

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

#define CHECK_POINTER(p)\
 if(p == NULL)\
  ShowError("NULL pointer");\
  return false;\

const CString GetSystemErrorMessage(DWORD dwError)
 CString strError;
 LPTSTR lpBuffer;

   NULL,  dwError,
   (LPTSTR) &lpBuffer, 0, NULL))

  strError = "FormatMessage Netive Error" ;
  strError = lpBuffer;
 return strError;

CString GetNextToken(CString& strSrc, const CString strDelim,bool bTrim, bool bFindOneOf)
 CString strToken;
 int idx = bFindOneOf? strSrc.FindOneOf(strDelim) : strSrc.Find(strDelim);
 if(idx != -1)
  strToken  = strSrc.Left(idx);
  strSrc = strSrc.Right(strSrc.GetLength() - (idx + 1) );
  strToken = strSrc;
 return strToken;

// Construction/Destruction

 m_spDoc = NULL;



bool CWebPage::SetDocument(IDispatch* pDisp)

 m_spDoc = NULL;

 CComPtr<IDispatch> spDisp = pDisp;

 HRESULT hr = spDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2,(void**)&m_spDoc);
  ShowError("Failed to get HTML document COM object");
  return false;
 return true;

bool CWebPage::GetJScript(CComPtr<IDispatch>& spDisp)
 HRESULT hr = m_spDoc->get_Script(&spDisp);
//  CString str;
//  m_spDoc->toString(str);
 return SUCCEEDED(hr);

bool CWebPage::GetJScripts(CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection>& spColl)
 HRESULT hr = m_spDoc->get_scripts(&spColl);
 return SUCCEEDED(hr);

bool CWebPage::CallJScript(const CString strFunc,CComVariant* pVarResult)
 CStringArray paramArray;
 return CallJScript(strFunc,paramArray,pVarResult);

bool CWebPage::CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,CComVariant* pVarResult)
 CStringArray paramArray;
 return CallJScript(strFunc,paramArray,pVarResult);

bool CWebPage::CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,const CString strArg2,CComVariant* pVarResult)
 CStringArray paramArray;
 return CallJScript(strFunc,paramArray,pVarResult);

bool CWebPage::CallJScript(const CString strFunc,const CString strArg1,const CString strArg2,const CString strArg3,CComVariant* pVarResult)
 CStringArray paramArray;
 return CallJScript(strFunc,paramArray,pVarResult);

bool CWebPage::CallJScript(const CString strFunc, const CStringArray& paramArray,CComVariant* pVarResult)
 CComPtr<IDispatch> spScript;
  ShowError("Cannot GetScript");
  return false;
 CComBSTR bstrMember(strFunc);
 DISPID dispid = NULL;
 HRESULT hr = spScript->GetIDsOfNames(IID_NULL,&bstrMember,1,
  return false;
 const int arraySize = paramArray.GetSize();

 DISPPARAMS dispparams;
 memset(&dispparams, 0, sizeof dispparams);
 dispparams.cArgs = arraySize;
 dispparams.rgvarg = new VARIANT[dispparams.cArgs];
 for( int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++)
  CComBSTR bstr = paramArray.GetAt(arraySize - 1 - i); // back reading
  dispparams.rgvarg[i].vt = VT_BSTR;
 dispparams.cNamedArgs = 0;

 EXCEPINFO excepInfo;
 memset(&excepInfo, 0, sizeof excepInfo);
    CComVariant vaResult;
 UINT nArgErr = (UINT)-1;  // initialize to invalid arg
 hr = spScript->Invoke(dispid,IID_NULL,0,

 delete [] dispparams.rgvarg;
//  ShowError(GetSystemErrorMessage(hr));
  return false;
  *pVarResult = vaResult;
 return true;

// returned java script function name, input string is truncating
CString CWebPage::ScanJScript(CString& strAText, CStringArray& args)
 CString strDelim(" \n\r\t"),strSrc(strAText);
 bool bFound = false;
  CString strStart = GetNextToken(strSrc,strDelim);
  if(strStart == "function")
   bFound = true;
  if(strStart == "/*")
   // Skip comments
    CString strStop = GetNextToken(strSrc,strDelim);
    if(strStop == "*/")

  return _TEXT("");
 CString strFunc = GetNextToken(strSrc,_TEXT("("),true);
 CString strArgs = GetNextToken(strSrc,_TEXT(")"),true);

 // Parse arguments
 CString strArg;
 while(!(strArg = GetNextToken(strArgs,_TEXT(","))).IsEmpty())

 strAText= strSrc;
 return strFunc;

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