Hadoop执行报错 JobTracer could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1

来源:互联网 发布:开元盛世 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:03

Hadoop执行报错如下: JobTracer could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1





问题:I am trying to resolve an IOException error. I have a basic setup and shortly after running start-dfs.sh I get a: error: java.io.IOException: File /tmp/hadoop-root/mapred/system/jobtracker.info could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1 java.io.IOException: File /tmp/hadoop-root/mapred/system/jobtracker.info could only be replicated to 0 nodes, instead of 1 Any pointers how to resolve this? Thanks! 

解答:You'll probably find that even though the name node starts, it doesn't have any data nodes and is completely empty. Whenever hadoop creates a new filesystem, it assigns a large random number to it to prevent you from mixing datanodes from different filesystems on accident. When you reformat the name node its FS has one ID, but your data nodes still have chunks of the old FS with a different ID and so will refuse to connect to the namenode. You need to make sure these are cleaned up before reformatting. You can do it just by deleting the data node directory, although there's probably a more "official" way to do it.

$hadoop namenode -format 


然后 reformat namenode,问题解决。也就是再重新执行$hadoop namenode -format 

3、关闭安全模式 hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave


网上不少地方说要检查文件权限、dfs使用空间、/etc/hosts文件使用ip、hadoop各配置文件使用ip而非localhost  可以参考修改试一试。

另外一种可能是如果是为分布模式(我使用的是为分布,其他模式估计也是报这个错),datanode磁盘空间不足,也会出现这种问题,可以使用df -hl查看磁盘使用情况,如果是hadoop所在盘空间不足,那么需要扩容,或者在hdfs-site.xml增加新的datanode数据存储的位置。

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