Something funny

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝售假申诉会成功吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 19:33
     有段时间没有更新blog了,今天本想写一写负载均衡中关于consistent hashing的一些东西,不过目前只是了解原理。具体的代码实现还没有看过,所以觉得写了blog也可能只是像网上众多的page一般,只能简单介绍原理,说说飘来飘去的关于object的hash映射关系,加上virtual node的概念。没有具体实现,那便没有太多的效果,所以还是再过些时候,了解完全再写一个完整的blog吧。(说了好多废话)。

     不过这次想介绍的虽然不是太技术性的,但是也算是十分好玩,算是有一定逼格的东西,那就是 <The Geek Code> 类似于下面这种格式:

-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK-----Version: 3.12GCS d s: a-- C++ U++ P+ L+++ E--- W++ N++ o+ K- w(--) !O !M !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP+ t 5? X R* tv b++ DI? D+ G+ e++ h- r z--------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

     一堆不知道什么意思的字符?看看Wikipedia对它的定义吧:The Geek Code is a series of letters and symbols used by self-described "geeks" to inform fellow geeks about their personality, appearance, interests, skills, and opinions. The idea is that everything that makes a geek individual and different from all the other geeks in the world can be written down (encoded) in this very compact format. Then other geeks can read the geek code and work back from that to discover what the writer looks like, what interests they have, and so forth. This is deemed to be efficient in some sufficiently geeky manner.Once created, geeks can use their geek codes anywhere they please. Geek codes are known to be used on emails, Usenet posts, websites, letters, art, programming language comments, and even T-shirts. Nowadays[when?], personal websites are the most common area[citation needed], particularly "about me" sections.



可以参见: 去了解并构建属于你自己的Geek Code吧,瞬间觉得逼格一下提高了。

     如果你懒得去查阅这一堆的英文条款,直接试试这个吧    一个Geek牛写的Decode script、帮你翻译别人的Geek Code !

     喜欢一句话,if you not a geek ,you should do something like one !


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