
来源:互联网 发布:centos和kali 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:43
目 录
 . 1
1. 开发工具简介. 1
1.1 ASP.NET简介. 1
1.2 ASP.NET三层架构简介. 1
1.3 B/S模式简介. 2
1.4 ADO.NET简介. 2
2. 系统分析设计. 2
2.1 需求分析. 2
2.2系统功能结构图. 3
2.3 系统页面结构图. 4
2.4 数据库结构设计. 4
2.5 三层结构. 5
2.6 系统特殊功能实现方法. 5
2.6.1 实现权限分级. 5
2.6.2 实现数据库防下载. 6
2.6.3 实现用户密码加密存储. 6
3 系统编码实现. 6
3.1 在Web.config中设置数据库连接字符串. 6
3.2 在Global.asax中设置Session变量. 6
3.3 在conDB.cs类中设置连接对象. 6
3.4 登录页面. 7
3.5 文件浏览页面. 8
3.6 文件发布页面. 12
3.7 用户注册页面. 15
3.8 用户信息维护页面. 17
3.9 文件管理页面. 18
3.10 用户管理页面. 20
3.11 部门管理页面. 23
4 编译部署运行. 27
4.1 编译程序生成解决方案. 27
4.2 创建部署项目. 27
4.3 将应用程序部署到Web 服务器上. 28
束语. 29
参考文献. 30
The file signs and issues system is a OA system that process the issues and signs for files/notices on-line. This system realizes four big functions: the issue and singe for of the notices/documents; the management of Departments、users; the classify of users community; The increase、deletion、hide of the files. Simultaneously the system has three characteristics that guard the database to be download, encrypt the users passwords, run in a highly effective and stable security way.
The author takes the B/S mode, ADO.NET database technology and Access database software to develop the system. The author designs pages and implements the code of data processing with VS2003, and finishes the design of database with Access, at last contacts the interfaces and database together with the technology of ADO.NET.
Key word: ASP.NET, C#, Access, three overhead constructions, B/S pattern